The rare trace element selenium has been in our body since birth, and takes a very important part in the work of all organs and systems. Digestive enzymes, sex hormones and more than two hundred other essential substances produced by our body contain selenium and cannot work properly without its participation. Doctors are sure that selenium deficiency is detrimental to health, and to avoid it, you need to get from 80 to 200 micrograms of this mineral with food daily. The recommended dose depends on the age and condition of the body: adolescents, the elderly and expectant mothers require the most selenium.
How can you protect your health and the health of your family? Try to include selenium-suppliers in your diet more often:
Fresh tomatoes and garlic;
Meat and fish;
Chicken and quail eggs;
Rock and sea salt.
You can also take special vitamin and mineral complexes containing selenium. When should we do this, and how can raising the level of selenium in the body help us? Read more about the most interesting results of scientific research in this area.
Selenium and its importance for our body: