Selenium is a mineral that protects against free radicals.
Selenium is a mineral that protects against cancer-causing free radicals. Scientists came to this conclusion after conducting a series of studies., during which the experimental mice were injected with selenium. The result showed that the risk of cancer was reduced by almost 7 times.
Selenium really creates reliable protection against malignant tumors, but the effect of the mineral is significantly increased if it is used in conjunction with products containing vitamins E and C. Working together, they form powerful antioxidants. For a dish that contains all three of these important ingredients, you can try squid salad with brown rice and onions.
Among other things, selenium does an excellent job of protecting the heart from a heart attack, eyes from cataracts and decreased vision in general, it strengthens blood vessels.
As it turned out, selenium fights well with cholesterol plaques, which clog blood vessels, reducing their lumen. Scientists came to this conclusion after comparing the nutrition of Americans and residents of Greenland. In the diet of the latter, seal fat can often be seen. It would seem that with such a diet, the cholesterol level should be at a high level, but in reality this is not the case. And the main reason is that seal oil contains huge amounts of vitamin E and selenium. It turned out that the selenium level of Greenlanders is 10 times higher than that of Americans.
By including in your diet sea fish, seeds, nuts, liver or ANIMAL PAK complex – sources of selenium, you can help your body get rid of heavy metals (mercury and lead). This is especially important for people living in ecologically polluted areas.
As for the daily intake of selenium, there are different opinions on this matter. For example, earlier, before studying all the beneficial properties of the mineral, it was said that at least 50-70 mcg of selenium should be supplied to the body every day. Later, this figure increased to 100-200 mcg, and in some cases up to 400 mcg (but this is already in the presence of a disease). But everyone is unanimous in one opinion that frequent consumption of selenium in the amount of 1000 or more micrograms per day can be harmful to the body. Therefore, you need to know when to stop.
It should also be remembered that the deficiency of vitamins E and C does not allow selenium to show all its healing properties to the fullest. It is for this reason that foods containing these vitamins must be included in your diet.
ANIMAL PAK – vitamins and minerals to strengthen the body. Animal Pak is used by athletes and bodybuilders.