Selena Gomez: the best beauty images

We remember the naughty girl in colorful T-shirts on the Disney Channel singing songs and talking about her childhood problems to her friends. Now she looks at us from TV screens in elegant dresses and bold films about the riotous life of young people. How quickly other people’s children grow!

By the age of 22, Selena has achieved a lot: a successful actress and singer, her own clothing line and many projects. The girl always pleases the audience with her elegant looks and classic Smoky eyes, and Gomez’s favorite fragrances are raspberries, freesia and vanilla, which she combined in her signature fragrance.

The main beauty secrets from Selena Gomez:

  • moisturizing lips. the girl loves the Carmex lip balm, which she uses daily;
  • the girl gets smoothness of the skin due to three-step care – exfoliation, cleansing and moisturizing;
  • the girl softens her ideal hair with oil to protect Kerastase;
  • the girl loves to experiment with eyebrow makeup, and she does it very well;
  • To preserve her voice, Selena drinks olive oil.

We’ve collected the best Selena beauty looks over the years and here’s how to replicate them.

A radiant fluid tone thanks to a highlighter, cheekbones slightly touched by blush, eyebrows neatly accentuated with a black pencil, the famous smoky eyes and beige glitter – what is not an ideal look for a carpet runner? The hair is collected in a low ponytail, which, when turning for the last time, should not be pulled out to the end, with a side parting. A very light yet elegant hairstyle.

A bold feminine look: the shirt dress is complemented by a light tone and brightly dyed eyelashes, which are highlighted by eyeliner along the upper and lower eyelids. Pearlescent shining shadows are applied under the eyebrow, and the girl seems to have chosen her favorite Carmex gloss as her lip makeup.

A smooth bun complements the laconic look. We would advise Selena to use matting wipes, as the singer has oily skin.

Careless curls, twisted as if for the night with an elastic band, Smoky eyes in brown shades … From a distance you might think that pasted eyelashes, but we know that the girl has her own, chic, thick and long.

The tone, over which the bronze is applied, and the pale pink lipstick are successfully combined with an elegant black dress, which makes you want to assume the seriousness of the girl.

Every girl dreams of being in her place at least once! The image of Selena screams that the girl is walking on the carpet. Light matte tone, brown blush, mauve shadows, which are complemented by thickly colored eyelashes and a thin line of eyeliner.

Cherry lipstick for a luxurious wine-colored dress. Long earrings and a high brushed ponytail with twisted curls at the ends. We really love this look of Selena.

A high ponytail with a large elastic band and a worn-effect pigtail. Dark scarlet lipstick, bronzes and bright eyes. Selena is one of the few who go with two accents in one make-up.

Black crop top and pencil skirt with sexy slits. Fashion bloggers would definitely take Gomez into their get-together.

Light highlights, pastel makeup with peach blush and a bright accent on the eyes. This time, the girl chose the clear contours of Smoky eyes and emphasized her thick eyelashes with voluminous mascara.

Glitter Selena chose pink, to match the color of the stripes on the dress. A low ponytail with loose bangs lends a playful look.

Selena’s luxurious hair, styled on a large brush and slicked to one side, and girly pink makeup. Light tone, pink blush and light pink glitter.

The accent, as usual, was on the eyes in black Smoky eyes, this technique does not allow the image to become faded.

Slanting bangs have been a loyal friend of Selena for a long time. Curls wrapped around a medium styler are covered with a shiny serum, bright peach eyelashes created by black eyeliner, thick arrows and shine that emphasizes the girl’s plump lips.

White dress, bright smile – Selena’s calling card.

Several years ago, the girl took a desperate step and made a square with straight bangs. The look with the favorite smoky eyes in brown tones, peach blush and sheer shine.

Everything would be fine, but it seems that the girl is not very comfortable with bangs that reach into her eyes.

Selena protects and carefully looks after her long and thick hair, so even the bright images of the girl are harmless for them. Colored strands, curled, like the rest of the hair and nude makeup with gloss on the lips.

Stylish trendy youth!

1 Comment

  1. Oh it fantastic and more cute but also so beautfully for selena gomez

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