Selective mutism – symptoms, causes, treatment

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Selective mutism is a childhood disorder (the first symptoms usually appear before the age of five) distinguished by the constant inability to speak in selected social situations (in which speaking is expected, for example at school), while communicating perfectly correctly outside of them. . Most children are diagnosed with selective mutism between the ages of three and five. Its duration must be greater than one month and cannot be explained by communication disorders (for example, stuttering), pervasive developmental disorders (autism) or psychotic disorders (schizophrenia). So silence is not caused by a speech disorder, not knowing the language or not being able to communicate.

Selective mutism – sources of the disease

The sources of non-speech are of a psychological nature, they result from the actual fear and phobia of speaking. Silence does not depend on a child’s ill will or premeditation. The child is unable to control it. Selective mutism is not the same as shyness (although it can also occur), and its effect may be the child’s reluctance to participate in various group activities, especially when it involves meeting completely new people. Children of mutism selective they may appear emotionless, avoid eye contact, or stand still. Not all express anxiety in the same way. Some are completely silent during social gatherings and do not speak to anyone, others are willing to talk to selected people or communicate in whispers or gestures. Conversely, the situations in which a child speaks or not should occur in a consistent and predictable manner.

Sources of selective mutism are not clear cut. The main cause is believed to be an overactive part of the brain responsible for experiencing stress in what psychologists call social exposure. Most children suffering from selective mutismhaving the genetic predisposition to react with anxiety, inherits this tendency from someone in the family. Such children are usually characterized by strong anxiety and separation anxiety, frequent crying, becoming angry, moody and having trouble sleeping. In addition, children suffering from selective mutism they often have inhibited temperaments. Selective mutism however, it is not the result of trauma.

Misdiagnosed or untreated selective mutism perpetuates. Early diagnosis is very important because mutism selective is more amenable to therapy in the early stages.

Selective mutism – treatment

Children struggling with selective mutism they need the support of a speech therapist and a psychologist. Pressure and expectations for speaking should be relinquished. Try to show the child that you understand their fears and should be praised for all their achievements and efforts in this regard. In addition, the child should be encouraged to talk and contact with others, as well as talk to him about new situations, familiarize with them and prepare for them. Type treatment of selective mutism must be individually adapted to the child. Forms of behavioral and cognitive therapy, treatment through play, psychotherapy, and ultimately pharmacotherapy are effective.

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