Selection of nuts

Selection of nuts

When buying hazelnuts, you must first of all understand the distinctive features of these nuts. Quite often they are confused with “hazelnuts”. The difference in this case will be in the taste …

Selection of nuts

The cashew fruit consists of two parts – the “apple” and the seeds, enclosed in an inflorescence above the fruit. The nuts that are on store shelves are just the seeds of the fruit that have passed …

Selection of nuts

Almond varieties are traditionally classified into two groups: sweet and bitter nuts. The first group appears on the shelves in the form of mixtures, sold peeled or in shell. Bitter varieties …

Selection of nuts

Peanuts can be sold in different types, and they are bought for consumption or as additional ingredients to dishes. Depending on the purpose for which it is acquired …

Selection of nuts

Brazil nuts are among the largest varieties in their category. The size of the nut can reach 15-20 cm in diameter, and its kernels can be round, oval or elongated. Form…

Selection of nuts

On store shelves, coconuts are usually sold as brown fruits with a fleecy and hard shell. The coconut does not grow in this form, but what goes to the shelves …

Selection of nuts

Despite the variety of varieties, pistachios available on store shelves differ in taste only with or without heat treatment. Some varieties of these nuts are not suitable for consumption in …

Selection of nuts

Walnuts are sold in many different forms. In addition, there are also many varieties of them. Some of their varieties differ in the appearance and shape of the fruit. It’s believed that…

Selection of nuts

Pine nuts are most often sold in the form of kernels, but sometimes the cones themselves appear on the shelves. The second option has more decorative meaning. The nuclei tend to fall out during the ripening process, …

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