Selection of contraception

The selection of contraception is an important point for creating an optimal atmosphere during an active sexual life. Despite the fact that there are many types of contraceptives, in most cases the woman takes care of herself to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Male types of birth control methods, although they exist and are actively practiced, in many countries are still significantly inferior in percentage to female protection. It is generally accepted in society that the prevention of pregnancy for the most part lies on the shoulders of the fairer sex.

But contraception is needed for more than just birth control. With its help, women of different ages can protect their reproductive system from possible infections of an infectious or viral origin.

Schematically, all methods of protection, tailored to the needs of patients, are divided into several varieties. The most popular solution to the problem is the barrier approach, which can not only block the entry of sperm, but also protect against infections. But since not everyone is ready to experience some inconvenience associated with the use of such specific barriers, people began to look for alternatives.

Biological protection category

The easiest to use is the biological method, which generally provides for complete sexual abstinence. Modern ladies have adjusted it to fit their needs, refusing intimacy during the fertile period, or using other means of contraception on “dangerous days”.

The effectiveness of the built-in program directly depends on the menstrual cycle, which for the success of miscalculations must be just perfect, working “like a clock”. If the dates of the beginning of menstruation, their end and ovulation are constantly moving out, then the scheme will be useless. The basis of the method is based on calendar calculations, when the terms of the menstrual cycle are calculated for the last at least 8-9 months. To simplify the calculation, today mobile application developers offer electronic reporting.

In addition to attracting a calendar, there is also a temperature option for assistance. We are talking about measuring rectal temperature during the entire cycle of menstruation. If an increase in basal temperature was recorded, then this indicates that ovulation has occurred.

Despite the fact that many women, especially in the postpartum period, use just such a schedule, it has a low contraceptive effect. Moreover, the patient has to take temperature measurements every morning, without getting out of bed, and then write down the results. Against the background of the development of pharmacology, this variation is losing relevance and productivity.

The final biological helper is coitus interruptus. A few hundred years ago, this is how couples tried to control the number of children. But to limit a woman from possible sexually transmitted infections, the method is not suitable.

The principle of its impact is based on the completion of ejaculation outside the female genital tract. But not all men are able to control themselves during intimacy in order to react in time. There are those couples who do not want to deprive themselves of this part of sexual pleasure.

Additional disadvantages of interrupted sexual intercourse are:

  • low efficiency;
  • negative reflection on the psycho-emotional state of partners;
  • possible problems in terms of male sexual health in the future.

The minimum effectiveness is explained by the fact that even in the absence of a full-fledged ejaculation, part of the spermatozoa still penetrates the vagina during foreplay.

Use of barriers

The barrier solution to the problem is in consistently high demand among young couples. We are talking about the use of classic condoms, both male and female. Their main task is to block the motor activity of spermatozoa.

The main advantages of the method are:

  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • protection against possible sexual infections;
  • no contraindications, except perhaps an allergy to the material for their basis.

Before using caps or condoms, it is not necessary to make an appointment with a gynecologist or proctologist.

But some partners note that foreign objects prevent them from getting the most pleasure during the act, which becomes a reason to look for more suitable alternatives. There is also always a small but still risk of the barrier material breaking at the most inopportune moment.

Doubts are added by the fact that not all condom lovers know how to put them on correctly, which sometimes leads to a decrease in effectiveness.

Pharmacological chemistry on guard of health

A slightly less popular solution to the problem are chemicals called spermicides. They are easy to purchase at the pharmacy, and just as easy to apply in practice. Most often, chemical blockers are produced in the form of:

  • creams;
  • hey;
  • aerosol foams;
  • suppositories.

Their composition provides for the presence of an active ingredient that freezes sperm motility for a few seconds or minutes. The duration of “paralysis” varies depending on the type of contraceptive and the active substance that affects the final cost.

Despite the relative simplicity, women are increasingly preferring other versions because of the far from XNUMX% effect. Also, many are embarrassed by the need to apply gel-creams about ten minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse, which significantly knocks down the mood for intimacy.

Intrauterine devices

Intrauterine devices are simply called IUDs for short. Here it will no longer be possible to do without going to the pharmacy, as a preliminary consultation with the doctor will be required. The gynecologist will definitely prescribe a series of tests for his ward.

Based on the results obtained, the optimal format will be selected among the three existing types:

  • inert;
  • copper-containing;
  • hormone-containing.

When choosing a real pro will use an individual approach that will determine the best solution with minimal risks of possible side effects.

Inert helpers are considered to be the first generation of IUD drugs, which today are completely prohibited in some countries. Initially, gynecologists preferred to install a contraceptive made of polyethylene shaped like the Latin letter “S”. Although the Lipps loop was a popular tool, consumers quickly realized that inert variations were of little effectiveness.

Problems were added by a high percentage of expulsions, which means spontaneous loss, which is almost completely excluded in the new generation of assistants.

A little later, copper-containing analogues came into fashion, which laid the foundation for the second generation. Their main positive quality is increased productivity compared to what was previously offered.

Physicians have praised them for the best tolerability by patients, as well as for easy insertion and removal.

Hormone-containing products have become the newest word in the pharmaceutical industry in the category of sexual health. The third generation became possible due to the desire of developers to combine the advantages of classic intrauterine devices with oral contraceptives. By taking the best of both categories, the authors were able to achieve local impact on:

  • the fallopian tubes;
  • mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • endometrium.

Consumers quickly realized that such spirals reduce the likelihood of inflammatory diseases of the genitals and reduce hyperpolymenorrhea.

Many who want to protect themselves from unplanned fertilization prefer intrauterine devices due to the fact that they do not require a change in their usual way of life. You do not have to make a preparatory stage before sexual intercourse, or first calculate the calendar dates. It is enough just to periodically undergo a routine inspection in order to remove your used system in time.

Among other positive nuances, the following stand out:

  • the possibility of use by older women when, for some reason, oral contraceptives cannot be taken;
  • permission to install in the lactation period;
  • installation for a long period of time from several years to almost a decade.

Many are also attracted by the factor regarding the budget cost, because you will have to spend money only once, and you can use the tool, on average, for about five years.

Despite the many advantages, intrauterine devices have contraindications, which are traditionally divided into absolute and relative. The first camp includes:

  • inflammation of the genitals of an acute or subacute course;
  • pregnancy even at the stage of suspicion;
  • an oncological neoplasm, including even just a suspicion of it.

But anomalies in the development of the reproductive system, including uterine myoma or the hyperplastic process of the endometrium, are already relative prohibitions. Hyperpolymenorrhea is often added to them, as well as diseases in terms of destabilization of the hematopoietic function, such as anemia. In each case, the gynecologist will make a separate decision.

Complications can be called an important point influencing the choice. Early negative consequences include discomfort in the lower abdomen, as well as pain near the lower back. Some girls note cramping pains in the lower abdomen, and even spotting.

The above is the norm as long as it fits within the established framework. So, the pain is easy to relieve with analgesics, which are individually selected by the attending specialist. And the discharge should disappear completely in the second or third week after installation.

If there is no improvement within the specified period, then this is a reason to seek advice again.

Effect of hormones

Increasingly, the fair sex use hormonal contraceptives, which are selected only after a preliminary detailed examination. The drugs taken consist of synthetic substitutes for natural hormones.

Their classification is made according to the content and provides for the following classes:

  • estrogen-progestogenic drugs of the combined format;
  • mini-piles;
  • plasters;
  • injection;
  • vaginal rings;
  • postcoital drugs needed in emergency cases.

All of the above is famous for its really high performance, as well as the onset of the effect instantly if you start taking it a week before the cycle.

Also, doctors, along with patients, praise hormonal drugs because of an insignificant list of risks, including side effects, despite stereotypes. The myths that hormonal pharmacological products adversely affect the quality of intimacy, affect weight gain and skin condition, this is not true. To avoid such horror stories, you just need to seek help from an experienced doctor who will select the best solution based on the results of clinical studies.

Ease of use also makes it easy to stop using drugs, which is important in situations where a couple decides to still have offspring. Many consumers have noted positive effects such as improved quality of hair, nails and skin.

Also, combined pills are sometimes included in the therapy for stopping the causes of infertility.

The hidden positive quality of the use of hormones is a decrease in pain during menstruation, as well as a reduction in secretions and even the period of menstruation. It is not for nothing that such tablets are even prescribed as a stabilizer of the menstrual cycle with its irregularity.

When inhibiting ovulation, oral contraceptives block the development of an ectopic pregnancy, which, in the most unsuccessful outcome, even leads to death. Medicines also reduce several times the likelihood of endometriosis and oncology associated with the ovaries.

Since the active substance helps to reduce the release of menstrual blood, which is an ideal environment for the development of pathogens, this reduces the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. It becomes more difficult for microorganisms to get through another barrier – thickened cervical mucus.

Despite a number of positive aspects, many are not satisfied with the need to follow a step-by-step intake scheme. Showing self-control, you will have to drink pills daily.

To alleviate the fate of a woman, today they have come up with many options for reminders, up to special applications in a mobile phone. But still, even such a powerful support group does not save some forgetful young ladies.

Each missed pill increases the chances of fertilization. Also, the ability to conceive is affected by the parallel intake of some other medications.

If a woman is ready to take care of herself, regularly replenish supplies, and also wait for the opportunity to become pregnant after stopping taking about three months, then this is the best solution for her.

Since oral contraceptives do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, it is worth using them if the lady has a permanent sexual partner in whom she is sure.

The final precaution should be an allergy test and clarification of possible contraindications.

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