
Useful properties and application of semi-shrub securinegi

Botanical characteristics of securinegi

Sekurinega is a delightful spreading shrub with fairly hard wood, varying in height from 1,5 to 2 meters. The straight bare branches of the plant are thin and rod-shaped. The alternate leaves with an entire margin are complemented by single flowers with three columns and a spherical ovary. The fruit is represented by a three-celled round-three-lobed capsule with smooth seeds. Such a wonderful plant blooms, as a rule, in June, and fruit ripening occurs only in September. Securinega is common in the Far East and in some regions of Siberia.

Useful properties of securinegi

Securinegi leaves and its stems, the thickness of which does not exceed 3 mm, are considered chic medicinal raw materials. Securinegi contains an alkaloid, the content of which is high. Various preparations based on securinega have a powerful stimulating effect on the human nervous system. They significantly increase the excitability of the spinal cord.

Application of securinega

Securinega is used for severe asthenic conditions, fatigue, neurasthenia, flaccid paralysis, sexual weakness, and functional nervous disorders. Securing should be used in strictly prescribed dosages. As a rule, special pharmacological preparations are prescribed 2 times a day, 30 drops each. You can prepare an infusion based on 1 gram of dry leaves of the plant and a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist the remedy for at least two hours, after which it can be used after each meal, 1 tablespoon.

It should be noted that Securinega is much more potent than strychnine. With heart weakness, such a plant is simply irreplaceable. It is also effective for fractures and burns, for the healing of extensive wounds and for all kinds of food intoxications.

Securinega semi-shrub

Securinega semi-shrub is an unusual dioecious plant with numerous thin branches, the height of which can reach three meters. Straight stems with alternate short-leaved elliptical leaves have a light green tint. Their length does not exceed 7 cm. Single-sex inconspicuous yellowish flowers are arranged in small bunches. The fruit is represented by an elegant three-celled box, in which there are about 6 smooth seeds, 2 mm each.

Securinega blooms in June and July, it usually bears fruit in late September. Such a plant is found in the wild in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, as well as in the Amur Region. It chooses forest edges and stony dry slopes for growth. It should be noted that this herb is widely cultivated in Moldova, Ukraine and the North Caucasus.

Contraindications for the use of Securinega

Numerous preparations from such a medicinal plant are contraindicated in nephritis and hypertension, as well as in bronchial asthma. The use of such a plant will have to be abandoned during pregnancy. Securinega is also excluded in acute poliomyelitis, muscle spasms, respiratory disorders, in the presence of meningeal syndrome, as well as with a significant limitation of joint mobility.

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