Many people say they cannot make time for training. They refer to the modern pace of life, extreme employment, household chores … Curator and coach of the Perm school of the ideal body #Sekta Yulia Tulyaeva claims that these are just excuses and gives valuable advice to Woman’s Day readers.
“Unfortunately, most people find it difficult to incorporate physical activity into their rhythm of life. Even if you manage to set aside time for training, it is extremely irregular. There can be many reasons: fatigue, lack of time, mood … But there is always a way out – start small. Even a minute of light jogging and 10 squats will wake up your body, make you more energetic and help you always keep your body in good shape. To do this, you just need to get up a couple of minutes early and start the day with the thought that nothing is impossible! I suggest you do an effective exercise, which you will spend only 5 minutes on! Anyone will have an extra five minutes. “
Push-ups and planks are classics of the genre
“The fastest and most effective option is interval training. The loads alternate, which does not allow the body to get used to the same look. Such training is aimed at the entire body as a whole, the work of the cardiovascular system, it allows you to pump all muscle groups and burn a large number of calories. The exercises are done one by one, in a circle.
Download the interval timer, install it on your mobile device. Set intervals on it, for example, 15/15.
Pick 2 exercises, such as squats and push-ups, and alternate. 8-10 laps will be enough to get you started.
An example of squatting and pulling up the knees in the plank.
Despite such a short time, the result will be effective! You are cheerful and in a good mood. We are ready for work feats, muscles are tightened, the cardiovascular system is in good shape and, which is important for many women, your weight is gradually disappearing.
A prerequisite is that you need to arrange a five-minute daily.
Here’s an example of a morning interval workout. You can start with lighter exercises and with your own individual rhythm, gradually building it up. “
The results of the competition are on page 3.
To have breakfast or not to have breakfast?
“Many people neglect breakfast, but in vain! It is foolish to give it up for the sake of losing weight. Calories that the body did not receive in the morning, you will add during the day and calm down, ending the day with an evening feast. This will only lead to weight gain. In addition, you deny the body the elemental energy that breakfast provides, and compromise immunity. Therefore, breakfast is a very important aspect of a healthy diet and it is best not to skip it for health and wellness.
If you are used to doing without breakfast at all, then it will most likely be difficult for you to suddenly start your morning with a full meal. Start small! Make it a sandwich with cheese, cereal bread and vegetables. Basic principles: nutrition and satiety. If you are ready to eat something more substantial in the morning, then buckwheat, oatmeal or other of your favorite cereals are perfect. Depending on your habits and goals, this can be a porridge with milk or water, with or without honey or fruit.
Remember, the main thing is to get the energy and strength you need from breakfast to start the day well. That is why it makes more sense to start the day with food, which is a source of slow carbohydrates and provides your body with everything you need. “
Exercise boosts your mood
“Are you ready to do more than 5 minutes of exercise a day? Are you ready to move on but can’t build your own nutrition and exercise system? Do you need advice? Contact the professionals. You can also come to us, to the Perm branch of the School of the Ideal Body #Sekta. Here you can find comrades-in-arms who also came here for a new, better and more beautiful body, and train under the individual supervision of a coach. “
The results of the competition are on page 3.
Together – more interesting!
“Some people are annoyed by our name. It grew out of a joke, not a religion. When the creator of our network, the lead singer of the Alai Oli group Olga Marquez, achieved amazing results in working on herself, she started blogging. A discussion ensued. The guys exchanged their fitness exploits online and often mentioned terms that only those who practice fitness could understand. Perplexed readers that they were not in the subject joked: “What are you, a sect?” We laughed. So the name stuck. In a figurative sense, we are the #Sekta of a healthy lifestyle. We do not just give a ready-made complex consisting of physical activity and proper nutrition and aimed at losing weight. We form healthy habits in humans.
Every person is different. Personally, I weighed more than 80 kg three years ago, and realizing that I couldn’t do this anymore, I came to # Sekt. It worked out for me. Now I weigh about 60. People with different problems come to me as an instructor. There were young people with high body weight. There were also those who had problems with a lack of muscle mass. Someone nervously seizes problems. All people are different. And it is important to understand their features and understand where the roots of their problems grow from. In my Perm group, I know the characteristics of each of my 30 wards. Both young and older women and men come to us. Someone needs an enhanced training, and someone needs a light version. Someone can do without sugar, and some can not.
A special word about mothers with children. We have also developed a separate set of recommendations for them. But it is important for them not only to work out, to recover from childbirth, but also to communicate with each other in person. The School has a full-time and a distance (correspondence) form of education has been developed. Those who, due to employment or other reasons, cannot come to us, study remotely, and can discuss their problems in the chat. Our guys constantly communicate and exchange information. This helps a lot to consolidate the result, serves as an additional incentive. Everyone supports each other.
Our team has a whole scientific department, there are even specialists from Sweden and Germany. In Perm, the School operates on the premises of the Perm Yoga Federation (Ostrovsky street, 59, 5th floor). We are happy to help everyone who has problems and who is ready to start leading a new healthy lifestyle. After all, a modern person is, first of all, an active person. Being healthy is fashionable! “
Curator of the Perm school #Sekta Yulia Tulyaeva
Dear Readers,
We have summed up the results of the competition. A unique opportunity for 9 weeks to study for free at the #SEKTA Ideal Body School is received by the authors of three comments, which were recognized as the most interesting:
– b.ivanna (Ivanna Blinova);
– Tina Pepelyaeva;
– IkSkUL (Julia Kartashova).
Congratulations to the winners! And we invite everyone else to follow the publications on our website: the girls will keep a diary of their work on themselves. They will share with the readers of the site all the knowledge they will get at the #SEKTA School of the Ideal Body.