Seizures in the corners of the mouth

What are bites in the corners of the mouth?

Seizures in the corners of the mouth

Zayeda is not a medical term, but an everyday one. But he very tightly entered the lexicon of not only ordinary people, but also medical workers. Zayed can be attributed to a certain symptom, which is based on the appearance of a skin defect in the corner of the mouth, accompanied by inflammatory changes in the tissues in the affected area and surrounding areas. Naturally, this cannot proceed without a trace for a person. And although such a state does not carry any danger, it brings a certain discomfort. This is especially true for a long process.

In general, such a harmless symptom as jamming should not always be considered unambiguously. After all, in the normal state of the body, it does not occur. Therefore, sometimes it can act as a kind of “small tip of a big iceberg.” This means that jamming can be not only an independent insignificant problem, but also a secondary sign of various diseases at the time of their occurrence or exacerbation. This will be discussed in more detail in other sections of the article.

Here, it is advisable to indicate with what terms the jam is associated in medical circles. They can be heard at an appointment with a dentist, dermatologist or therapist. These include: angular stomatitis, angular stomatitis, slit-like impetigo. They should not cause any fantasies in the head of the patient about the severity of his condition, who asked for help in connection with a small, albeit annoying, snack. Similar terms mean the same state.

In its development, the bite in the corner of the mouth goes through a number of successive stages. It all starts with the formation of a small bubble filled with a small droplet of liquid. It may be clear or somewhat hazy. Usually, during a conversation or under the influence of external factors, the vesicle ruptures, exposing a small erosive surface on the skin or mucous membrane of the corner of the mouth. Soon there is an increase in it, and it is covered with a crust.

Clinical manifestations of seizures are reduced to the following signs:

  • Redness of the skin with wetting, or a small wound in the corner of the mouth;

  • Constant itching and discomfort in the area of ​​​​inflammation;

  • The appearance of pain when opening the mouth;

  • The appearance of deep cracks.

[Video] Cracks in the corners of the mouth – what’s wrong?

Restorative treatment

Seizures in the corners of the mouth

If, against the background of the use of local therapy, it is not possible to achieve healing of the seizure, this indicates serious health problems. There is a need for a detailed diagnosis and restorative treatment.

Only a clear and consistent approach to some trifles can help to understand their true origin and quickly eliminate them. Do not stop halfway after curing a jam. It is best to see a specialist for an elementary examination. This will prevent this problem from reoccurring.

[Video] The MOST simple and PROVEN way to quickly cure jams in the corners of the mouth on the lips:

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