Seimov eggs: eat to your health!

Seimov eggs: eat to your health!

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On the second Friday of October, the world celebrates the holiday of all lovers of eggs, omelets, casseroles and fried eggs – World Egg Day.

This versatile food product rightfully deserves its holiday, because eggs are popular in the cuisine of all countries and cultures, not only because of their taste, but primarily because of their unique nutritional value. They contain a high-value, easily digestible protein, many essential nutrients for the body, including essential vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. And, contrary to popular belief, eggs do not raise cholesterol levels and are part of the most healthy diet, as proven by large-scale research by scientists at Harvard University. The world leader in egg consumption today is Japan. Each inhabitant of the Land of the Rising Sun eats an average of one egg per day. So the famous Japanese longevity is a tribute not only to mountain air and seafood, but also to egg dishes.

Alas, the Russians are still lagging behind the Japanese in terms of egg consumption. Perhaps that is why they do not live so long. But there is a chance to remedy the situation: eggs are an affordable product, and there are a lot of options for dishes from them.

Original recipes in a hurry

Scrambled eggs in tomatoes


  • 6 chicken eggs “Seimovskie village”
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 100 g of cheese
  • 100 g ham
  • salt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation:

Wash the tomatoes. Cut off the tops, take out the pulp with a spoon and place in a baking dish, having previously greased it with vegetable oil. Cut the ham into cubes, grate the cheese. Break one egg into each tomato. Salt and pepper. Put ham on top of the egg, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven until tender.

Hot egg sandwich in a frying pan

Ingredients (on 2 servings):

  • 2 square slices of white bread
  • 2 eggs “Seimovskie village”
  • 2 rings of cooked sausage “Seimovskaya Premium”
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 slices of toasted cheese
  • salt
  • vegetable oil

Method of preparation: Fry the sausage slices on both sides, set aside on a plate. Carefully cut out the central part of each bread slice. Fry the bread in butter on one side, turn over, reduce heat to low, slowly pour one egg into the holes. Season with salt, add spices to taste. Put fried sausage on a sandwich, on top of it – thin slices of tomato and a plate of cheese. Cover the pan with a lid to melt the cheese. Ready! Garnish with herbs when serving.

In this respect, Nizhny Novgorod residents are in a privileged position: the local Seimovskaya poultry farm produces excellent products that will please the most strict quality connoisseurs. The secret is simple: here they closely monitor the diet of layers – the company uses as feed only that grain that has successfully passed laboratory tests for nutritional value and safety, and maintains a high veterinary and sanitary culture in production.

At the Seimovskaya poultry farm, they learned not only to preserve the unique natural properties of chicken eggs, but also to enrich them additionally. The addition of vitamins and microelements to the feed of layers ensures their increased content in eggs, which become a truly healing product.

For example, those who suffer from fatigue need to pay attention to “Seimovskie village” eggs: natural sources of carotenoids in poultry diets provide bright and tasty Village eggs with a high vitamin A content.

A rare representative of the fair sex does not dream of prolonging youth. And you should not dream, but eat eggs “Rejuvenating”, rich in bio-selenium and vitamin E, which help to prolong the youth of the body and effectively resist adverse environmental conditions.

In many regions of Russia, there is a natural iodine deficiency. The lack of this important trace element in the human body threatens not only with a deterioration in the quality of life, but also with serious diseases. But this problem is overwhelming for those who prefer eggs. “Yod-mind”: only two eggs provide the daily iodine requirement.

Eggs have a positive effect on the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body. “Seima-Omega”containing polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. They are the “building blocks” for the hormones produced by the body, which regulate all vital processes in our body.

All of the above testifies: the products of the Seimovskaya poultry farm deserve a separate holiday. And this holiday will take place in the brand store of the factory, located at: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Academician Sakharov, 105. (microdistrict “Flowers”). On October 9, throughout the day, there will be a tasting of sausages, milk and, of course, fried eggs. Visitors to the holiday will not only get gastronomic pleasure: the program also includes a concert program with contests and prizes. Guests will also see films about the factory and its wonderful products. Well, and most importantly, remember: with tasty and healthy products of the Seimovskaya poultry farm, life will delight you much more often, because the main happiness is good health. The eggs of the Seimovskaya poultry farm with a high content of vitamins and microelements are your faithful helpers in maintaining excellent health, and therefore a high quality of life.

Many consumers ask themselves the question: “What do the numbers and letters stamped on eggs stand for, and which ones are preferable?”

Letters and numbers designate a category of eggs, which does not in any way affect their quality, as many people think. The category just indicates the weight of the egg, and which one is preferable is up to you.

Letter “IN” on the egg indicates that this is a very large egg that weighs over 75 g.

Selected eggs are marked with a letter “ABOUT” and weighs from 65 to 74,9 g.

Eggs category «1» – from 55 to 64,9 years

Smallest – category eggs «2» – from 45 to 54,9 years

  • The eggs are breathing! Despite the hard surface, the shell has thousands of tiny pores that allow oxygen to enter and excess moisture to escape. In the 21 days it takes for a chick to hatch, the egg absorbs about 4 liters of oxygen and releases about 3 liters of carbon dioxide and 8 liters of water vapor.
  • The average laying hen produces approximately 250-300 eggs per year. And at the Seimovskaya poultry farm – more than 330!
  • The largest number of yolks recorded in one chicken egg is five.
  • Humanity eats 567 billion eggs annually!

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