Seemingly innocent symptoms

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1/ 11 Fatigue

We deal with everyday ailments using proven methods. In the event of a headache, we reach for a pill, rub a warming ointment into the numb arm, and brew herbs for indigestion. This brings relief, but unfortunately sometimes masks important signals. In order not to overlook the real dangers, it is worth breaking away from habits. Instead of unknowingly reaching for a pill or a compress, it is better to observe when symptoms appear, how long they last and if they are not accompanied by other symptoms. Because serious diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer, develop for months (and even years) without any characteristic symptoms. Our vigilance may make us go to the doctor sooner and, if necessary, start the therapy earlier.

2/ 11 Bloating and constipation

When the belly resembles a balloon, we usually look for the reason in eating in a hurry or under stress. We also tell ourselves that “at a certain age it must be like this”, and this thesis is confirmed in advertisements for drugs for better digestion. However, contrary to popular belief, a bloated stomach is not an aesthetic problem, but a health problem. Disregarding it, it is easy to overlook serious diseases of the digestive system. If the problems appear sporadically, e.g. after drinking a carbonated drink or eating bigos, and they disappear after drinking e.g. a tea for indigestion, there is probably no need to worry. It is worth knowing that excess gas may appear when meat and dairy products dominate the menu, i.e. with a high-protein diet. It also happens after antibiotic therapy, food poisoning or a gastrointestinal infection. However, when the symptoms recur, it is best not to postpone the visit to the doctor.

3/ 11 Bloating and constipation

They may indicate more serious diseases, including: – diseases of the gallbladder and liver; – gastritis and duodenum; – disorders of the digestive tract; – inflammation of the pancreas or cystic fibrosis; – intestinal polyps or tumors. If, in addition to flatulence and constipation, there are other problems, such as weakness, blood in the stools and frequent urination, the visit to the doctor should not be postponed. It’s worth having a colonoscopy, a test that shows you for the development of a colon tumor. A tumor that grows blocks the passage of food content and puts pressure on adjacent organs. This type of cancer is diagnosed annually by over 5,5 thousand. people. If it is diagnosed quickly, there is a good chance of a cure. From the age of 50, colonoscopy should be performed at least every 10 years.

4/ 11 Constant fatigue

Everyone gets tired and there is nothing disturbing about it, as long as such a condition is related to a specific situation, such as extra work, travel, lack of sleep. However, if fatigue persists for weeks, it is worth visiting a doctor.

5/ 11 Constant fatigue

If you feel tired for weeks, you may have: – anemia; – hypothyroidism with accompanying mood disorders, weight gain, edema, feeling cold; – diabetes: increased thirst, frequent urination and blurred vision at the same time; – apnea: affects people who snore. When the brain runs out of oxygen, it wakes the “owner” to take a breath of air. Such frequent wake-up calls make you feel constantly tired, irritable and less alert during the day; – heart trouble: if, in addition to being constantly tired, it is difficult to climb to the first floor, perhaps these are the first symptoms of a heart trouble. It is worth remembering if there is some serious infection behind us. It could be the flu, which, if neglected, sometimes causes inflammation of the heart muscle.

6/ 11 Troublesome itching

In sensitive people, it may be a reaction even to temperature fluctuations and reduced humidity. It annoys more often when the skin is dry. Sometimes it’s a reaction to cosmetics or household chemicals. Sometimes itchy skin is a signal that your body is not coping well with stress. Itching is sometimes caused by skin diseases, such as mycosis or scabies. The mycosis mainly affects the skin of the hands and feet as well as intimate places. Scabies is an infectious disease caused by human scabies – a type of mite.

7/ 11 Troublesome itching

Itchy papules appear primarily on the skin between the fingers and toes, around the navel, genitals, and elbows. Itching is the bane of AD patients and allergy sufferers. Extremely troublesome itching of the skin combined with intense peeling of the epidermis from the entire body may indicate hypothyroidism. This symptom should not be taken lightly during pregnancy. It could be cholestasis, a complication that threatens the lives of mother and baby. It is worth knowing that many cancers secrete substances that cause itching, e.g. in cancer of the stomach, bile ducts, breast or Hodgkin’s Hodgkin.

8/ 11 Vision problems

According to scientists, the organ of sight works a few hundred percent more intensively today than it did 20 years ago. Mainly due to electronic devices. A blurry image, tearing, spots in the field of vision are reported to the doctor only when they make our life difficult. Usually, however, we save ourselves with drops, or even accidental glasses, worn on a partnership with our spouse or bought at a kiosk. Meanwhile, eye problems mean not only a deficiency of vitamins A and E. They may indicate too high sugar levels, cataracts or detachment of the retina. On the other hand, spots in front of the eyes, i.e. flashes or spots, may appear sporadically, under the influence of severe stress or exhaustion. However, if they occur unexpectedly during the day and then (usually within an hour) a severe headache develops, it is likely a symptom of migraine with an aura. When scotomas appear upon waking, the eyes go dark, possibly the result of a sudden drop in blood pressure. It is worth remembering not to get up too vigorously.

9/ 11 Mroczki before my eyes

It’s also a good idea to have a glass of water by your bedside and drink it before getting up. Mroczki can be a symptom of slight dehydration, which can happen especially to seniors who feel less thirsty after a night. The sooner the visual impairment is consulted with an ophthalmologist, the better. If he has ruled out vision problems, it is worth visiting a neurologist. In the case of migraines, modern medications can be used to overcome pain and reduce the number of seizures. When, in addition to the morning scotomas, you become dizzy during the day and it gets weak, you may suspect anemia or circulatory problems. Then the doctor orders a blood test and consultation with a cardiologist. A strong headache and rainbow circles in the field of view is a symptom of a glaucoma attack that requires specialist consultation.

10/ 11 Back pain

We sit most of the day, so the muscles that support the spine rebel. This is the most common cause of ailments. It also often occurs in obese people and women with large breasts – the load causes pain. When they last for weeks, the doctor should check whether the cause is degenerative changes (then he will recommend physiotherapy) or, for example, osteoporosis. It is worth knowing that back pain may be a sign of pancreatic cancer. The disease is hard to detect. The tumors compress the pancreatic duct and block the flow of bile, resulting in severe abdominal pain that radiates down to the back. Lots of people experience back pain, which is most often associated with overloading the muscles. However, if it is accompanied by weight loss, nausea, or vomiting, you should see your doctor to rule out pancreatic cancer. Also, pain from pancreatic cancer – unlike typical back pain – can go away completely when you lean forward.

11/ 11 Frequent infections are an important signal

How often we catch colds is determined by individual predispositions: immunity, lifestyle, diet. We have the right to get sick several times a year, but any infection should disappear after 7-10 days. However, if flu-like symptoms, such as low fever, enlarged and sore lymph nodes, weakness, night sweats, lack of appetite, persist and last for 3 weeks, a doctor should be consulted. This may mean that the disease is poorly treated, the immune system is damaged, but also cancers of the lymphatic system and blood must be excluded.

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