Seedlings of pepper without land

The fantasy of our gardeners is really inexhaustible. An unusual method of growing seedlings without land is recognized by gardeners as successful and effective. The method is interesting, it has several advantages:

  • Seedlings do not require much space;
  • Maintenance is kept to a minimum;
  • The disease of seedlings with a bunch of dangerous diseases, especially the black leg, is excluded, since there is no contact with the soil;
  • The germination of seeds increases, which is especially important if the seeds are not cheap;
  • Seedlings develop a powerful root system;
  • Plants grow faster, begin to bear fruit 10 days earlier;
  • The technology is simple, does not require preparatory measures and large financial investments. improvised materials are used;
  • At the initial stage, soil is not required.

Try it and you will get seedlings of peppers in a new way.

1 way

You will need: toilet paper, plastic wrap, plastic cup or cut plastic bottle.

Take the cheapest toilet paper, unflavored, undyed. Disposable paper napkins will do, but paper is no doubt much more convenient to use.

Act step by step.

  1. Prepare plastic strips, cut them the same width as toilet paper (about 10 cm). The length will depend on the number of seeds taken for seedlings (about 50 cm). Lay out the strips on the table.
  2. Place 2-3 layers of toilet paper on top of the film if the paper is too thin.

    Seedlings of pepper without land

  3. Moisten the toilet paper. It is best to spray with a spray bottle.
  4. Stepping back from the top edge of the toilet paper 2 cm, sow pepper seeds with an interval of about 3 cm. This is done so that in the future the root system of neighboring plants does not get mixed up, and when planting in the ground, it would be possible to easily separate the seedlings without injuring the roots .
  5. Put a layer of toilet paper on top of the seeds, moisten. Then a layer of polyethylene.
  6. The entire multilayer structure is rolled into a loose roll.
  7. Next, pull the roll so that it does not unwind with an elastic band and place it in a plastic cup or other suitable container so that the seeds are on top. Pour water about halfway into the container, so that the water does not reach the seeds.

    Seedlings of pepper without land

  8. Put a glass of seeds on the window. At this stage, the seeds are provided with moisture that will rise along the toilet paper, air and nutrients that nature itself has put into the seeds.
  9. After 10 days, expect the first shoots to appear.
  10. Care for seedlings of peppers is minimal. Make sure that there is always fresh water in the glass. When the first shoots appear, they should be fed with fertilizers based on humic acids. The next feeding should be done no earlier than the appearance of the first true leaf.

Seedlings of pepper without land

When the plant grows 2 true leaves, it will be ready for transplanting into the ground. For transplanting pepper seedlings, prepare the soil and separate containers. Remove the roll from the glass, place on the table and unfold. Carefully peel off the top layer of polyethylene film. Separate the plant and plant in a container with soil. The paper that separated along with the roots does not interfere with the plant at all.

Seedlings of pepper without land

Advice! Try to keep the roots of pepper seedlings placed vertically, and not horizontally and twisted, which will lead to a lag in development.

If you did the sowing correctly, then the plants will quickly take root, will not stretch out, they will turn out strong, with a thick stem and wide leaves. Chunky healthy pepper seedlings are the key to a future rich harvest.

Regular care for seedlings of pepper in the future is carried out in the usual way.

Seedlings of pepper without land

Watch the video of planting pepper seedlings without land:

Planting Seedlings Without Earth 2 Way How to Grow Seedlings Simple.

2 way

The 2nd method of growing pepper seedlings on toilet paper is somewhat different from the first, but it is also economical, simple, and does not require your efforts and close attention.

You will need: toilet paper, a container for seedlings, cling film.

Any container will do: you can use plastic containers in which semi-finished products or confectionery are packed, even a deep plate will do. The cheapest option is to use a plastic bottle. Cut it lengthwise, but not completely. Thus, you will receive a mini-greenhouse with a finished top. The bottle must be transparent. When using other containers, the top will have to be tightened with cling film if they do not have a lid.

Seedlings of pepper without land

Act step by step.

  1. Put several layers of toilet paper on the bottom of the container, moisten them.
  2. Sow pepper seeds, keeping a distance of no more than 4 cm between them. Use tweezers for convenience.
  3. Tighten the container with foil, and the bottle can be placed in a bag and tied. Place the container on the windowsill or under additional lighting lamps after sprouts appear. 

    Seedlings of pepper without land

  4. After a week, the seeds will hatch and grow.

Experienced gardeners remove the protective film already 2-3 days after the seeds are spitting, so that the pepper seedlings harden. You can start the hardening process gradually: opening the containers for 1 to 2 hours, increasing the time each time, and then open completely.

Your task at this stage is to prevent the seeds from drying out. They must always be hydrated. Usually there is enough moisture, since the water, evaporating, settles in the form of condensate, re-moistens the seedlings.

As soon as the seedlings appear, you should fertilize them, since the nutrients that were in the seed are spent, and there are not enough of them in the water.

Seedlings of pepper without land

Important! The amount of fertilizers applied should be 3-4 times less compared to their amount when applied to the soil.

Use humic fertilizers. They will need only 2 drops per 250 g of water. First, prepare a solution with fertilizers, and then bring them into the greenhouse, it is better to spray from a spray bottle.

Seedlings of pepper without land

The second top dressing will be required when the cotyledon leaves appear, and the third – when a pair of true leaves appear.

At this stage, pepper seedlings are ready for transplanting into the ground. Prepare seedling containers and soil. Separate the plant and transfer to a new growth site. The paper does not need to be completely separated from the roots, it will not interfere. You can cover the seedlings with glass or film. Although this is not usually required if you have previously started the process of hardening off pepper seedlings.

Further plant care is exactly the same as for ordinary pepper seedlings.

Seedlings of pepper without land

How to grow seedlings in a landless way in a plastic bottle, see the video:

Tomato seedlings in a plastic bottle.


Try growing pepper seedlings with new methods. The landless method is simple, suitable for beginner gardeners, increases the germination of seeds, even of poor quality or with a long shelf life.

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