Seed preparation
Seed preparation begins in early spring. Special pre-sowing treatment of planting material includes many processes, such as calibration, checking for germination, bubbling, hardening, soaking, germination and others. Such procedures help the seeds to germinate and also make the seedlings stronger and more viable.
How to prepare seeds for sowing
First of all, you need to calibrate the planting material. This process involves dividing seeds by size and weight. It is no secret that the largest grains are stronger and have an excellent chance of germination. In addition, it is recommended to plant seeds of the same weight and size. Then it will be easier to care for the seedlings. Calibration is carried out either by hand or using a special sieve.
Seed preparation helps improve plant vitality
Etching is one of the main preparation methods. Through this process, the seeds are protected from diseases and pests. In most cases, the etching takes place in a solution of potassium permanganate. But the use of boric acid or copper sulfate is also allowed.
In order to destroy pathogenic microbes in the seeds, a disinfection procedure is carried out. For this, the planting material is dried in the sun for 2–4 days. If the weather does not allow, then you can disinfect the seeds in a drying cabinet. They need to be warmed up in this way for about 4–5 hours at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C.
A few more preparation methods
Many crops are recommended to be pre-soaked in a fertilizer solution or in special stimulants. For example, seeds of cucumbers and tomatoes prepared in this way produce stronger sprouts. The preparations “Epin”, “Energin” and sodium humate have proven themselves well. But you can prepare a useful solution yourself, without adding mineral fertilizers. To do this, stir 2 tbsp. l. wood ash in 1 liter of warm water and let them stand for 1 hour. Strain the solution and place the seeds in it for 3 hours.
In order to get ready-made sprouts that can be immediately planted in the ground, seeds are germinated. You can do this procedure in wet sand, sawdust or on a piece of gauze.
If you want to strengthen the plants and increase the chance of germination, then it is imperative to prepare the seeds before sowing. The choice of this or that method depends on the type of plant. But remember that everything requires moderation and it is not recommended to prepare seeds in all possible ways at once. Indeed, in this way you will cause irreparable harm to the planting material.