Sedum purple: planting and care

Sedum purple is a plant that can decorate any area due to its unpretentiousness and beautiful appearance during the flowering period. Used in suburban areas for decorative purposes. It is perfect for decorating paths, and also diversifies the look of your front garden.

It is recommended to plant a flower in the spring, when it is already warm and there are no frosts at night. Planting should be done on the sunny side of the site.

Sedum purple is a perennial and unpretentious plant that can withstand frost and drought

Landing is not difficult, but you need to pay attention to each stage:

  1. Remove weeds from the land and weed it. It is also recommended to loosen the ground.
  2. Apply fertilizer.
  3. Then plant the seeds in the ground, sprinkle with earth and water.

Sow seeds at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. Since sedum can grow strongly, thinning is sometimes necessary.

The planting process does not differ from the planting of other unpretentious plants. Even a novice gardener can handle this.

If you plant sedum in the shade, then the color of its flowers may change or it may not start blooming at all.

It can be planted both with seeds and with seedlings.

Experienced gardeners say that sedum is able to grow in any soil, even the most infertile. The most important thing is to choose a sunny place, and you should also not choose a planting site where water is often stagnant.

As well as planting sedum purple, caring for it will not be difficult.

Excessive use of fertilizers only harms the flower. Its flowers become too heavy, and the stems begin to fall off under their weight. Some gardeners recommend not using fertilizers at all. But in the spring, you can still feed. Manure, ash or liquid fertilizers are suitable for this.

Yellowed leaves of a plant may indicate a lack of minerals in the soil or a lack of sunlight.

Keep track of the amount of water when watering. Excessive watering will lead to root rot. It tolerates drought much better, as it accumulates water in its fleshy stems.

Weed and remove weeds regularly. The plant can be exposed to pests such as aphids or spider mites. To get rid of them, you need to remove all affected parts of the plant and treat the plant with soap.

The sedum purple begins to bloom in late summer and continues to bloom in September. By the time the stonecrop begins to bloom, most flowers in summer cottages have already ceased to bloom. Thanks to this, you will enjoy flowers even in autumn. Its unpretentiousness and pleasant appearance make it attractive for gardeners.

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