Sedum caustic: care, planting
Sedum, or sedum, as it is also called, is a beautiful ornamental plant that is often used in folk medicine. This undersized creeping shrub grows quickly and creates the perfect floral carpet that blends in perfectly with any landscape. The sedum plant is distinguished by its unpretentious nature, therefore, no special expenditure of energy is required for its cultivation.
Planting and caring for caustic stonecrop
The plant can be planted in any period from March to October. If you plan to propagate the crop with seeds, then it is better to do this in the middle of spring. But in order for the bushes to please with their attractive appearance, it is necessary to choose the best place for them. This plant prefers sandy soils, but can grow on loam and fertile soil. The main thing is that they are highly moisturized. The sedum plant prefers well-lit places, and any shadow badly affects its decorative effect. Therefore, choose the most sunny area for it.
The caustic sedum will delight with flowering until the very frost
Sedum does not require fertilizers, moreover, they can greatly weaken the culture. But you can feed him once a year with special solutions for cacti.
For planting, you need to deepen the sedum so that the root collar is level with the ground, and slightly moisten the soil. If you plant several plants, then you need to maintain a distance of 10 cm between them. Sedum is very poisonous, and it can harm neighboring crops. Therefore, it is better to plant it away from other representatives of the flora.
This succulent plant does not need abundant watering. Moreover, excess moisture can harm it. So you can water the bushes during the first time after planting, as well as during a particularly dry period. When doing this, try to keep the water out of the leaves and stems. If you grow sedum at home, then you need to moisten the soil once a month.
It is recommended to remove fallen leaves from stonecrop every fall. Otherwise, it will block the sunlight, and the shoots will not be able to break through in the spring.
The plant is frost-resistant and tolerates cold well. But if the winters in your area are not snowy enough, then it is better to do shelter for the bushes. In the spring, as soon as green leaves appear, sanitary pruning should be carried out. During the procedure, all old and damaged shoots are removed.
The sedum will become an adornment of any personal plot, rock garden and rockery. The plant is quite unpretentious and requires a minimum of attention, so anyone can grow it.