Sedentary work: how to eat so as not to gain weight

Office work takes a lot of time and you have no energy left for good nutrition and training? This immobilization of the body, for sure, affects your weight and skin condition. How to optimize nutrition and not gain weight?

Move more

Optimize your activity in favor of movement – walk up the stairs instead of the elevator, use any excuse to get up and walk or reach for distant papers. Do not call your colleagues in the next department once again, but go for a walk, especially since a live conversation is more conducive to fruitful communication. During the break, do not be lazy to walk in good weather to the park for a snack in the fresh air, or to a distant snack bar. Make up small errands for yourself to move and stretch yourself once more.

Drink plenty of water

Bring a bottle of water on your desk that is equal in volume to the amount you need per day. Refill it in the evening so that water is always at hand in the morning. Plain water will help dull hunger and normalize the water-salt balance, speed up the metabolism.


Drink green tea

If you often snack with a hot drink, swap out coffee and black tea for sugar-free green tea. This type of tea gives a lot of energy, tones, normalizes metabolism and helps the body cleanse of toxins.

Dine fully

Skipping lunch and filling up in the evening is the most common mistake an office worker makes. No matter how busy your working day is, set aside time for lunch – not from a sandwich and a hastily drunk cup of tea, but “first, second and compote.” This way, you will have the strength to finish the day without being distracted by the thought of a new meal or headache. If there is no dining room nearby, take food with you from home and heat it in the microwave.

Have a hearty snack

Snacks are needed to keep your glucose levels normal. Suitable:

  • unsweetened natural yoghurts,
  • low-fat cheeses,
  • whole wheat bread,
  • lean meat
  • smoothie, 
  • freshly squeezed juices full of healthy fiber.

Be careful with nuts and dried fruits – high in calories, therefore, very little.

Keep track of what you eat

This will make it easier to track calories and calculate the volume of your upcoming dinner. Here again, a big plus – homemade meals, brought with you, you can count them at home. Usually, if you see a large calorie intake, then the desire to eat an extra piece of chocolate disappears.

Don’t be greedy

Treat your colleagues generously if you impulsively broke out in the morning and bought forbidden high-calorie goodies. So you will be known as a generous person, and joint tea drinking is conducive to friendship.

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