The modern rhythm of life involves finding a person in constant stress. Often, you can get rid of it only with the help of sedatives. Ideally, a doctor should appoint them, however, not every person goes for a medical consultation, and even shares an existing problem with anyone.
You can find a lot of information on various sedative drugs on the Web. In addition, it is always possible to consult a pharmacist about this. But in order not to waste money, you need to familiarize yourself with the main sedatives for adults that the modern pharmacological industry offers before going to the pharmacy.
When to use sedatives
Sedatives and sedatives are one and the same.
With their help, you can achieve the following effects:
Reduce the excitability of the nervous system.
A person becomes less irritable, the level of aggression decreases, tearfulness decreases, the desire to scandal and swear disappears.
The work of the autonomic nervous system is normalized, such manifestations as sweating, tremor of the limbs, intestinal spasms, palpitations decrease.
After taking sedatives, a person falls asleep easier and faster. At the same time, sedatives are not sleeping pills, they only contribute to the normalization of a person’s natural sleep, by reducing susceptibility to exogenous and endogenous stimuli.
Simultaneous intake of sedatives, tranquilizers, analgesics and neuroleptics contributes to the mutual enhancement of effects. Therefore, with a competent combination of these drugs, you can achieve a wide variety of actions. Including, reduce the dose and severity of side effects.
Sedative drugs in medicine are used to treat neurosis and neurasthenia. They are widely used to eliminate problems with falling asleep. It is possible to correct hypertension at the initial stages of its development by taking sedatives. Sometimes they are prescribed for menopause, with irritable bowel syndrome, with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
What sedatives are available without a prescription?
However, despite the current recommendation for medical advice, most people self-prescribe sedatives. Every year their list becomes more and more extensive.
As a rule, sedatives do not have a large number of side effects, they do not provoke the development of withdrawal syndrome or rebound syndrome, they do not cause the patient to become addicted, even against the background of long-term use. That is why most sedatives can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.
The best sedatives
It is impossible to name the best sedative drug, since the remedy that suits one person may not suit another. The influence is exerted by the individual level of anxiety, the causes of the development of the pathological condition, the presence of sleep disorders, etc.
Herbal sedatives
Modern herbal sedatives are medicines that have absorbed many years of experience in traditional medicine. Indeed, since ancient times, people have learned to use herbs to normalize the state of the nervous system. Naturally, all this experience is systematized, studied and generalized by modern scientists, and also supplemented by methods of chemical analysis of a huge base of plant materials. Therefore, the choice of herbal sedatives is extensive, ranging from preparations with 1 component to collections of herbs and plants.
Valerian-based preparations are very popular. They are made from the rhizome and roots of the plant, from its leaves and stems.
The modern market offers:
Valevigran (capsules);
Alcohol tincture;
Valerian extract;
Briquette from the rhizome of the plant;
Filter bags for brewing tea.
All these drugs contribute to the normalization of night rest, a decrease in nervous excitability, and a weakening of intestinal spasms. At the same time, alcohol tincture is more effective than tablets. So, 40 drops will be enough to normalize the nervous system of an adult male, weighing about 80 kg. Provided that he is not an alcoholic and he does not have neurasthenia. If the recommended dosage is exceeded, bradycardia may develop.
Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata). Preparations based on this plant are used to normalize sleep, to treat neurasthenia, characterized by increased anxiety and irritability, obsessive fears. The sedative effect is due to the flavonoids and alkaloids that make up the passion flower. In addition, drugs based on passionflower help to reduce tremor of the limbs, and also have a mild antispasmodic effect. The drug Alora with passionflower is used to improve the well-being of women during menopause. It allows you to reduce headaches, normalize the heartbeat.
Motherwort. On the basis of this plant, an alcohol tincture, drops (lily of the valley-motherwort) and tablets are made. Also in the pharmacy you can buy motherwort herb in its pure form, and use it for brewing.
St. John’s wort. Preparations based on this plant act as an antidepressant and as a sedative, among them: Deprim, Negrustin, Neuroplant, etc.
Peony. Based on the peony, a tincture is made, which helps well for the treatment of neurasthenia and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Biologically Active Supplement Alvogen Relax (24 caps). Valerian, passionflower, hawthorn (about 280 rubles). | Extract motherwort 10 таблеток Price – 20 rubles. | Drops of lily-of-the-valley-motherwort. Price 10-20 rubles. |
Negrustin with St. John’s wort extract. | Neuroplant with St. John’s wort extract. 20 tablets. Price 200 rubles. | Deprim with St. John’s wort extract 30 tab. price – 180 rubles. Deprim forte 20 capsules, price – 240 rubles. |
![]() Peony tincture. Price 10-20 rubles. | Peony extract – 30 tab. Price 60-70 rubles. |
![]() St. John’s wort, 20 packs. Price – 50 rubles. | ![]() Motherwort herb, 20 packs. Price 30-50 rubles. |
Combination herbal sedatives
Combined herbal preparations allow you to achieve the maximum effect.
Fitosed Composition: The composition of the drug contains such plant components as: hops, motherwort, oats, hawthorn, lemon balm, coriander, sweet clover on alcohol. Indications: Phytosed helps to reduce the level of anxiety, normalize sleep, relieve psychological stress. The drug can be purchased in capsules and in the form of a tincture. Contraindications: Do not prescribe the drug during lactation, during pregnancy, patients with bleeding disorders. Drivers should refuse to take Fitosed. Reception method: 3-4 times a day, 5 ml and once before a night’s rest. A full course of treatment can last from 10 to 30 days. Before ingestion, the tincture should be shaken. |
Fitosedan 2 and 3 The pack contains 20 filter bags, or 50 gr. collection. Composition:
Indications: phytosedan 2 and 3 are used for sleep problems, in the treatment of high blood pressure (complex therapy), with increased nervous excitability. Indications for the appointment are: migraine, neurosis, menopause, vegetovascular dystonia. Contraindications: do not apply fees in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components that make up its composition. Side effects: Side effects include allergic reactions. Reception method: pour a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. collection spoons and soak for 15 minutes in a water bath. Then cool the mixture, strain and bring to the original volume. Take half or 1/5 cup before meals, 4 times a day. |
Persen and Persen Forte You can buy Persen tablets (40 pcs.) at a price of about 300 rubles, Persen night capsules (20 pcs.) at a price of 350 rubles and Persen forte capsules (10 pcs. – 200 rubles, 20 pcs. – 280 rubles, 40 pieces – 450 rubles). These preparations have a similar composition, however, in Persen fort, the content of valerian is 125 mg, and in the preparation Persen – 50 mg. Composition: In addition to valerian extract, the preparation contains lemon balm and mint. Indications: Assign Percent with excessive nervous excitability, with problems with sleep and with increased irritability. Contraindications: Do not use Persen with low blood pressure, lactase deficiency and inflammation of the bile ducts. Do not use the drug during breastfeeding and during pregnancy. Children under the age of 3 years are not prescribed the drug in tablets, and children under 12 years of age – in capsules. Side effects: As for side effects, the occurrence of allergic reactions is not excluded, and when using the drug for a long time, constipation may develop. The maximum duration of admission is 1,5-2 months. Reception method: 1-2 capsules or 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day. For sleep disorders, the drug is taken once, before a night’s rest. |
Novopassit The drug is available in tablets of 10 pcs. – 170 rubles and 30 pcs. – 380 rubles. You can also buy Novopassit in a solution of 100 or 200 ml at a price of 170 and 270 rubles, respectively. Composition: The composition of the preparation contains valerian rhizome, St. Plant components have a pronounced sedative effect, and guaifenesin helps to reduce anxiety and fears. Indications: Novopassitis is prescribed for the treatment of neurasthenia, headaches and sleep problems. Other indications include: dermatosis associated with mental stress, migraine, overwork, stress, menopause, manager’s syndrome. Contraindications: The drug is not used to treat children under 12 years of age, with diseases of the liver, digestive system, epilepsy and head injuries. You can not use Novopassit in the presence of individual intolerance to the components that make up its composition. Side effects: When taking the drug, the following side effects may occur: nausea and vomiting, increased weakness and fatigue, allergies, drowsiness, dizziness, impaired stool, lethargy. Mode of application: the drug is taken before meals 3 times a day, 1 tablet or 5 ml. If nausea occurs, Novopassit should be taken with food. |
Dormiplant The drug contains 50 tablets per pack. Price – 300 rubles. Composition: as part of Dormiplant lemon balm, valerian rhizome extract and ethanol. The drug is prescribed for insomnia and increased nervousness. Contraindications: Do not use the drug in children under 6 years of age, with renal insufficiency, as well as in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. You should stop taking Dormiplant to drivers and people whose work requires increased concentration. Do not prescribe it for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. Side effects: After taking it, the development of allergic reactions is possible. Reception method: 2 tablets 2 times a day with increased nervous excitability. For insomnia – 2 tablets 30 minutes before bedtime. |
Alcohol-based sedatives in liquid form
Valocordin The price of the drug is 70 rubles. The second name of Valocordin is Mylocordin. Its effects: sedative, hypnotic, sedative. Composition: the preparation contains phenobarbital, mint and hop oil, bromisovaleric acid ester, ethyl alcohol and water. Indications for use are: insomnia, increased nervous excitability, fears, anxiety and irritability. Contraindications: you should not prescribe the drug during childbearing and during breastfeeding, as well as patients with impaired liver and kidney function. Side effects: as side effects emit: dizziness, drowsiness. Long-term use of the drug without medical supervision is dangerous, as conditions such as apathy, depression, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, and spatial orientation disorders may occur. Reception method: As for the method and frequency of administration, it is determined by the doctor. |
Corvalol Composition: the composition of the drug includes phenobarbital, peppermint oil and ethyl bromisovalerianate. Indications: since the composition of Corvalol is close to Valocordin, their therapeutic effect is similar. However, Corvalol is weaker than Valocordin. With its help, you can achieve a slight hypnotic effect, reduce the heart rate, relieve vascular spasms. Corvalol is prescribed in complex therapy in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia and arterial hypertension. You can take it to relieve spasms from the intestines. Contraindications: You should not prescribe the drug to children under 3 years of age, and the tablet form is prohibited up to 18 years of age. Do not use Corvalol for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, for patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency. Corvalol in drops is not prescribed to patients with traumatic brain injury and brain pathologies. Side effects: after taking Corvalol inside, an increase in drowsiness and a deterioration in concentration are possible. Dizziness and slow heartbeat are not ruled out. If the drug is taken for a long time, then addiction may develop. |
Drops of Greens One vial contains 25 ml of liquid. The cost is 30 rubles. Composition: the drop contains valerian, belladonna, lily of the valley and levomenthol. Indications: Zelenin drops are prescribed in the complex therapy of heart failure (chronic form of the disease), with renal colic against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia, with diseases of the gallbladder (biliary duct dyskinesia, cholecystitis). It is possible to use the drug with increased excitability, in the absence of appetite, with intestinal spasm. Contraindications: contraindications include: myocarditis, prostatic hyperplasia, gastric and intestinal ulcers, childbearing, age under 18, angle-closure glaucoma, cardiosclerosis, breastfeeding. Caution should be exercised when treating patients with chronic alcoholism with Zelenin drops, as well as people with brain diseases and after traumatic brain injuries. Side effects: After taking the drug, the following side effects may develop: allergies, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, muscle weakness, dry mouth. When Zelenin drops are prescribed to patients with prostatic hyperplasia, urinary retention is possible. |
Valocormid. This drug is prescribed in the treatment of cardiac neurosis occurring with bradycardia. It contains tincture of belladonna, valerian, lily of the valley and menthol, as well as sodium bromide.
Valosedan. The drug is prescribed for stress and neurosis. It contains a small amount of sodium barbital, which enhances the sedative effect of such components as: valerian extract, tincture of rhubarb, hawthorn and hops. Valosedan also contains ethyl alcohol.
Valoserdin. The drug contains in its composition ethyl ester of bromezovaleric acid, a little mint and oregano, as well as phenobarbital. In addition to the sedative effect, Valoserdin well relieves spasms from the intestines, helps to reduce the heart rate. It is prescribed for difficulties with falling asleep, with intestinal colic, with high blood pressure and pain in the heart against the background of cardioneurosis.
Nervoflux. This is a mixture of plants such as: licorice root, lavender and orange flowers, mint leaves, valerian rhizome extract, hop cones. Nervoflux is brewed and used at bedtime with difficulty falling asleep, as well as against the background of chronic stress.
Sedariston. The drug is used for neuroses against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It contains lemon balm, St. John’s wort and valerian.
Bromine preparations
Perhaps there is not a single person who would not have heard the story of army doctors who indiscriminately poured bromine into the food of all soldiers. Allegedly, this is done in order to calm the defenders of the Fatherland and to reduce their excessive sexuality.
Bromides, or bromine-based sedatives, do help to reduce excessive brain excitation. These are very budget medicines that are produced in the form of tinctures and drops.
However, their uncontrolled intake in doses significantly higher than recommended can lead to serious poisoning of the body. This is expressed in rhinitis, skin rashes, dry cough and lacrimation.
Adonis Brom The package contains 20 tablets. The cost is 20 rubles. Composition: The composition of the medicinal product contains a glycoside of the herb of spring adonis and potassium bromide. Indications: the drug is prescribed for the treatment of neurosis against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia, as it has a sedative and cardiotonic effect. Contraindications: do not use the drug to treat patients with bradycardia, angina pectoris, peptic ulcer. Do not prescribe Adonis bromine to pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under the age of 18 years. Side effects: After taking the drug, the following side effects may develop: allergies, skin rashes, vomiting and nausea, conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough, memory impairment and apathy. Reception method: 1 tablet 3 times a day. |
Bromcamphor The package contains 30 tablets. The cost of the drug is 100 rubles. The drug has a sedative effect, enhances the processes of inhibition in the brain, normalizes the work of the heart. Indications: Bromcamphor is prescribed for difficulties with falling asleep, with instability of blood pressure. Use the drug in the complex treatment of tachycardia, cardialgia, asthenia. Contraindications: Do not prescribe Bromocamphor to children under 7 years of age, as well as to patients with impaired kidney and liver function. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Side effects: after taking the drug, it is possible to increase lethargy, increase drowsiness, develop allergies. Also side effects are dyspeptic disorders and drowsiness. Mode of application:
The full course of treatment is from 10 days to 2 weeks. |
Sedatives from other groups
For a long time, doctors have been using Magnesia (Magnesium sulfate 25%) to reduce intracranial pressure and in hypertensive crisis. Depending on the administered dose, the drug acts as a sedative or hypnotic. In addition, Magnesia is an antispasmodic, helps to relax the muscles of the uterus and intestines. An overdose of the drug is dangerous, which can provoke serious poisoning. Stop it with calcium chloride.
Selank Nasal drops 0.15%: 3 ml bottle – from 450 rubles. Selank is a sedative with a triple action: protection against stress, restoration of nerve cells and improvement of brain function. Relieves stress, insomnia, fear and depression
Side effects are absent. Reception method: drip drops into the nose, the effect occurs after 5 minutes. |
Tenoten The package contains 40 tablets. The price of the drug is 160 rubles. This drug helps to reduce irritability, relieves nervous tension, improves mood. It contains antibodies to the CNS protein. After taking Tenoten, the patient does not experience drowsiness or lethargy. Indications: tenoten is prescribed for stress, with increased anxiety, against the background of a deterioration in cognitive processes, with psychosomatic diseases, neurosis and similar conditions. Contraindications: do not prescribe the drug for the treatment of children under 18 years of age, as well as with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Side effects from taking Tenoten are absent. Reception method: dissolve until completely dissolved 1 or 2 tablets 2 to 4 times a day. The course can last for 3 months. |
Honestly The package contains 60 tablets. The cost of the drug is 300 rubles. Indications: a tranquilizer helps to reduce anxiety and irritability, relieves fears, and normalizes sleep. After taking Afobazole, symptoms such as: tremor of the limbs, palpitations, intestinal colic, sweating, dry mouth are eliminated. This is a fairly strong drug that is available without a prescription. Contraindications: do not prescribe Afobazole for the treatment of children under 18 years of age, during breastfeeding, during childbearing, as well as in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Side effects: after taking Afobazole, allergic reactions may develop. Mode of application: 10 mg, 3 times a day. Take the drug in courses of 2-4 weeks (it is possible to increase its duration up to 3 months). |
Fenibut The drug is produced in the form of tablets of 10 and 20 pieces per pack. The cost is 100 and 200 rubles, respectively. This is a nootropic drug. It is released only by prescription. Phenibut accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses and nourishes neurocytes. In addition, the drug acts as a sedative, as it reduces excitability, relieves stress, and eliminates insomnia. Sometimes it is used before surgical interventions in order to enhance anesthesia. Phenibut helps to reduce headaches, eliminate dizziness. Indications: Phenibut is prescribed for the treatment of neuroses accompanied by increased anxiety, insomnia, stuttering in childhood, and disorders in the autonomic system. In their practice, this drug is used by psychotherapists. It is good for motion sickness and Meniere’s disease. Contraindications: do not prescribe Phenibut to pregnant and lactating women, children under 2 years of age, patients with stomach and intestinal ulcers, liver failure, and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Side effects: after taking Phenibut, the following side effects may develop: headaches, dizziness, allergies, nausea, increased anxiety. With prolonged treatment, it is necessary to monitor blood counts and liver function. Reception method: courses (14-21 days).