Sedative tablets without a prescription – composition, action. Which over-the-counter sedatives to choose?

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Nowadays, virtually each of us is exposed to stress from time to time. Stress can be caused by difficult situations at work, problems in the family, unpleasant events among friends, the death of loved ones, or even minor events that seemingly do not matter much in our lives. Today, the ability to deal with stress is actually a basic skill that should be acquired by every human being, both young and adult. There are many different methods of dealing with stress and bad mood, but sometimes we decide to use a seemingly simpler method, which are tranquilizers. What are these measures? How to choose the best ones? And what are the over-the-counter calming pills on the Polish market? You will find all this in today’s article.

Before we move on to over-the-counter tranquilizers, however, it’s worth saying a few words about what stress actually is and how it affects the human body. As we have already mentioned, there can be many causes of stress. It is worth remembering that not all stress is a clearly unfavorable phenomenon. If stress is short-lived, it is associated with a sudden burst of adrenaline, and thus the body is more set to perform a specific task related to this rudder, and we simply become more effective.

Long-term stress has negative effects on our mental and physical health. Then, cortisol is released, which causes the concentration of dopamine and serotonin in the brain to drop, which are responsible, among others, for our well-being.

Long-term stress can result in lower immunity, heart disease, depression, high blood pressure, insomnia, digestive ailments and many other ailments.

There are various over-the-counter calming pills available on the Polish market. It is especially worth paying attention to those preparations that contain plant extracts with proven sedative properties.

At this point, it is worth mentioning the lemon balm leaves (Melissa officinalis), which for many years have been used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers in the form of an infusion that had calming properties. Lemon balm has a soothing effect on the nervous system, calms down very well, especially in situations of excessive stimulation, and is also a great remedy for insomnia.

In addition to lemon balm, it is also worth reaching for over-the-counter calming pills, which contain hop cones (Humulus lupulus), angelica root (The root of Archangelica), motherwort herb (Herba leonuri), as well as the martyrs (Passiflora incarnata). It is worth adding that hops are especially recommended for women going through the menopause and it works well for hyperactivity, irritation or irritability.

As for the angelica root, it is anti-neurotic and has a calming effect. In addition, it supports the body in the fight against anxiety and depression, as well as insomnia. The motherwort herb, in turn, calms our nervous system, supports the heart muscle (which is particularly bad for life under constant stress) and helps with sleep disorders. The passion for it is recommended to people who have problems with insomnia, as well as nervous heart problems.

It is also worth that over-the-counter tranquilizers contain medicinal herbs such as valerian (Valeriana officinalis), medical lavender (Lavandula officinalis) and Rhodiola Rosea (Rhodiola rosea). The former, also known more widely as valerian, is one of the most commonly used herbs for sedation and is recommended for people who have sleep problems, suffer from cardiac neurosis and struggle with anxiety.

The second herb, i.e. lavender, also supports the body in anxiety states, as well as trouble sleeping and, what should be added, reduces the overactivity of the central nervous system. The third plant, rhododendron, affects the proper functioning of the nervous system. It should be mentioned here that Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb, i.e. it supports our body in adaptation. More specifically, it helps the body adapt to the changing external factors that affect us. Therefore, Rhodiola Rosea increases our resistance to stress and soothes it at the same time.

All of the above-mentioned herbs can also be purchased in herbal shops in a dried form and you can make their own infusions. They are not only effective, but also very tasty and often have a beneficial effect on other body functions as well. There is also nothing to prevent the use of these herbs in aromatherapy. You can, for example, during a relaxing massage, light incense sticks or candles or add a few drops of aromatic bath oils.

It should be added that many of the available calming tablets contain a mixture of several herbs, additionally enriched with vitamins and compounds that positively affect our nervous system (e.g. vitamin B6, vitamin B12 or magnesium). They are designed to strengthen cognitive functions, reduce the effects of fatigue, facilitate falling asleep and improve concentration. Sometimes in the available calming preparations there is also L-tryptophan, the transformations of which are the source of very important compounds, including serotonin and niacin, as well as melatonin, which is a compound necessary to regulate the processes of sleep and wakefulness.

Although these are measures that do not require a prescription from a doctor, it is worth remembering that in order to properly fulfill their functions, they should be used in accordance with the leaflet attached to them. In order to be as effective as possible over-the-counter sedative pills, it is essential to take them regularly at the intervals described on the package and for the time specified on the leaflet.

It is worth remembering that although herbal remedies are considered fairly safe, they too can be overdosed, therefore, the recommended duration of the entire treatment should not be exceeded. If it turns out that after this period we still feel anxious, it is worth going to the appropriate specialist who will indicate other ways of dealing with the problem.

There are some precautions you should take when choosing over-the-counter tranquilizers. First of all, remember to buy this type of products only in safe and trusted points of sale, such as pharmacies and herbal shops. They also have the advantage over the others that we can ask an experienced herbalist or pharmacist for advice.

We should also remember to check on the packaging that the non-prescription tranquilizers we have chosen do not contain any contraindications that apply to us. We should pay special attention to this when we are pregnant, and also when we are taking other medications.

Calming dietary supplements from trusted suppliers are also available on Medonet Market. You can now buy natural supplements with a calming and calming effect.

Before we reach for the tranquilizer pills, let’s try some proven stress-reduction methods. Walking and other light physical activities are especially beneficial. It is worth meeting with friends, people who support us, and also get interested in the more and more popular relaxation and meditation methods that most often came to us from the East.

It is also worth using herbal infusions and teas. Try, for example, a relaxing organic herbal tea with various types of mint, catnip, verbena and lemongrass.

If these methods do not help, it is a good idea to reach for safe, over-the-counter herbal tranquilizers. Sleep hygiene is another stress management tool. It is best to go to bed and wake up at the same time (even on days off) and not use your electronics just before going to bed.

It is also worth thinking about changing the diet and appropriate supplementation. This is because stress and nerves can result from a lack of certain nutrients. It is about, for example, the aforementioned magnesium, but not only. Our diet should include vitamins and minerals such as: B vitamins, zinc, potassium, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan. For example, vitamin B6 and riboflavin effectively reduce the feeling of fatigue and weariness, and thiamine, in turn, helps maintain normal psychological functions.

However, if the symptoms persist and our anxiety grows stronger, we should definitely go to a specialist who will recommend the most effective therapy possible.

What are the contraindications to the use of sedative medications?

Contraindications for taking sedative medications are: allergic reactions, hypersensitivity to the active ingredient, brain damage, liver and kidney damage, or alcoholism.

It should be remembered that while taking sedatives (prescription and over-the-counter medications) it is very important to pay attention to your well-being and health and report any disturbing symptoms to your doctor immediately. It is equally important that we take care of a hygienic lifestyle and try to reduce stress factors as much as possible. Sometimes it may turn out that the best solution is to consult a psychotherapist.

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