Secular lionesses of Moscow: who are they?

Secular lionesses of Moscow: who are they?

In the spotlight or at gunpoint dozens of cameras. Only at the best parties or at every social event. For show or for fun. This is the sweet life of a chocolate factory, which is impossible to become a part of. You can only look into it through the gossip to see them, the queens of high society.

In the 30s of the XNUMXth century, a new social stratum arose in European countries, which included special women. Then they were called “ladies of the half-light”. This definition had a negative connotation, because it had a touch of depravity. Today abroad they are called IT-girl, media personality, jetset … Secular lionesses are not just beautiful and pretentious ladies. On a par with the outer gloss, which immediately catches the eye, you can put education, the ability to do business and success in your personal life.

Uliana Tseitlina

Secular lionesses of Moscow

Communication skills are their strong point. Any topic is not a problem, an unfamiliar team is mere trifles, a special look at each issue is a way of life. For ladies of the world, the public and going out is the main resource, the strategic reserves of which are money and recognition. The ability to communicate is primarily associated with a good education. Modern it-girls study or study, live or have lived abroad, travel a lot. They choose the kind of activity that is interesting to them, they focus exclusively on things that are pleasant for the soul. This is often associated with the film and fashion industry, television, stage or sports.

Victoria Lopyreva

As for personal life, there are few options: you will not find ardent man-haters among these women, because the ladies are simply bathed in attention from the opposite sex. They either burn their lives, driving men crazy one by one, or they marry quite early on to the most influential politicians, businessmen and no less secular characters than themselves. It is enough to look at a few issues of the gossip. from various premieres of films, openings of exhibitions and projects, parties on the occasion of significant events, and it will become clear who can be ranked among this interesting caste of the XNUMXst century.

Tatiana Tereshina

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