Sect school of the ideal body Saratov

It’s been two weeks since the winners of the Woman’s Day contest started at the #Sekta Perfect Body School. During this time, they have learned a lot and are ready to share it with you.

Age 20 years

Growth: 171 см

Weight at the time of the start of classes: 75,9 kg

“The first day was very difficult for me – it is difficult to wean myself from the usual salt. Even the absence of sugar is easier to tolerate … Everything is terribly tasteless! In the first two days for breakfast, I was able to cram only half the norm of oatmeal into myself. But already on the third day, the food began to acquire a taste. Now I eat as much as I need.

Before the start of the course, I went to two open classes, so, probably, now the muscles hardly hurt after training.

Sunday yummy lasted for the whole day. It so happened that on this day I had two feasts – birthdays of different people. When I ate the first portion of sweets, I got such a heaviness in my stomach! The stomach, apparently, has become unaccustomed to complex and fatty foods. In general, the body is rebuilding itself to a healthy and proper diet, and this is good news.

The second week greeted me with a natural bristle brush and sophisticated morning work. I do whatever needs to be done, but because of this I am late for school. I thought it would hurt to rub with a brush, but it turned out to be quite bearable. More hands get tired. But the result is noticeable (on the one hand it is better – apparently, I rubbed harder). Hands have not yet reached the contrast shower. But I’ll try it again. “

5 tips from Ella:

1. Start your day with a glass of water and plain oatmeal.

2. In the first half, you need to eat fruits and slow carbohydrates (cereals, brown rice, whole grain bread and pasta). Then you need to switch to vegetables and protein – lean meat, chicken, cheese, sour milk 1-9%, lentils, beans, sprouts.

3. Do not fry anything in oil! It becomes harmful when heated. Only stew, cook in the oven, steamed, in your own juice, or with sauces made from healthy products.

4. Choose any activity you like – badminton, swimming, football, dancing …

5. On Sunday, so be it, you can indulge in any delicious treat. But within a serving – that is, once 250 milliliters.

Age 28 years

Growth: 165 см

Weight at the time of the start of classes: 80 kg

“The #Sekta Perfect Body School isn’t just a gym workout. This is a set of activities aimed at improving lifestyle, nutrition and physical condition. By a lucky coincidence, I won a certificate for attending training at #Sekta, and on March 30th my measured, calm life ended: home – work – home. At the introductory lecture, we were told about how to eat right, which foods are best to eat in the first half of the day, which ones in the second, what is healthy, and vice versa. In general, they gave all the necessary recommendations. But in order to succeed, you need to not only eat right, but also exercise every day. After training, I have a burst of energy and a great mood. In short, such a state that you can move mountains!

I have been studying at school for two weeks now and I can say that every day I like it more and more. In the first week after class, I felt very tired, as the body had not yet had time to reorganize. And still haunted by the constant feeling of hunger from the “right” food. But gradually I got involved. Now, even if I feel tired, it has become pleasant. My attitude towards food is changing for the better. Ease, mobility, activity appeared, which I have not seen recently (before joining #Sekta). I also lost two kilograms. Since the course is designed for nine weeks, I still have time to get as close as possible to my goal. I hope that it will be so! “.

5 tips from Marina:

1. Drink plenty of water – at least eight glasses a day, not including tea and coffee.

2. Reduce salt intake if possible.

3. Avoid sugar and foods that contain sugar.

4. Replace regular wheat or rye bread with whole grain, while reducing your intake to two slices per week.

5. Eat small meals (250 milliliters) every three hours.

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