Secrets of making liquor from bird cherry (black or red berries)

The specificity of the berries is such that notes of almonds may appear in the finished homemade cherry liqueur, which is why this drink is also called homemade Amaretto, although the composition of the berry version has nothing to do with real Italian liqueur made from apricot kernels.

Fresh or dried berries of black or red bird cherry are suitable. The difference between these types is only in the shade of the drink and the exposure time (more details in the recipe). Alcohol base – vodka, alcohol diluted with water, moonshine (sorting) or cheap cognac. First you need to sort out the berries, removing rotten, spoiled and moldy.

Attention! Due to the presence of hydrocyanic acid, bird cherry berries cannot be insisted on a strong alcohol base for more than 40 days. Sugar is one of the best neutralizers of this harmful substance, so I recommend making liquor necessarily sweet.


  • bird cherry (red or black berries) – 1 liter jar;
  • vodka (alcohol 40%, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
  • sugar – 300 gram;
  • vanilla sugar – 5 grams (optional);
  • cinnamon – 5 grams (optional);
  • ground nutmeg – 2 grams (optional).

Thanks to the spices, the finished liquor looks even more like Amaretto.

cherry liqueur recipe

1. Washed, peeled from the stalks and leaves of the berries, pass through a meat grinder. Add sugar and spices, mix. Mix the dried bird cherry immediately with the rest of the ingredients and proceed to the 3rd stage.

2. Transfer the resulting mixture into a container for infusion (glass bottle or jar), tightly close the lid. Leave for 2 days in a bright place with room temperature so that the berries release juice. If fermentation starts, it’s not scary.

3. Pour in vodka or other alcohol. Mix. Leave the base on black berries for 20 days, on red berries for 25 days, in a dark, warm place. Shake once a day. Leave alone 5 days before the expiration date.

4. Drain the bird cherry infusion from the sediment and squeeze the cake well through cheesecloth. Try, if desired, additionally sweeten with sugar to taste or dilute with syrup to reduce the strength.

5. Filter the finished liquor through cotton wool for transparency, pour into bottles and seal tightly. Before use, it is desirable that the drink stand for 2-3 days in the refrigerator to stabilize the taste.

When stored away from direct sunlight, the shelf life of homemade cherry liquor is up to 2 years. Fortress – 18-20 degrees.

Secrets of making liquor from bird cherry (black or red berries)

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