Secrets of beauty and youth from Victoria Makarskaya
In pursuit of beauty and youth, we often spend a lot of money, although it is possible to achieve what we want with “little blood”. How to prolong youth and look good without unnecessary spending, said Victoria Makarskaya.
On the air of the program “On the Most Important”, the singer said that she took over the main secrets of beauty from her great-grandmother, who looked great even at 94 years old. And the blooming appearance of her 43-year-old great-granddaughter (by the way, a mother of two children) is the best proof of the effectiveness of her grandmother’s recipes.
Youthfulness of the skin – in fatty products
“My grandmother always told me:“ Vika, the most useful thing for a woman is butter, fat, a piece of bacon, cottage cheese, cream, sour cream. Then the skin will be fresh and elastic, the body is smooth, and the hair is shiny. Therefore, I buy dairy products that are not fat-free, but with a good percentage of fat. The main thing is to make sure that they have a minimum shelf life (a sign of their naturalness) and that they are not expired. Of course, this does not mean that you have to overeat.
Allow yourself to feast on
My grandmother taught me: “Vikusha, if you want to always look good and be slim, you have to feast on. And with us, as usually happens: if we want to get slimmer, we go on a diet. Let’s cook this hated oatmeal without salt and without oil, choke on it – and the body takes revenge on us. You gave him this tasteless oatmeal, and he swells even more. You need to pamper your body: just a little, just a little, but allow everything that it wants. I do not deny myself anything, but I limit the amount of food eaten. I buy yoghurt with 6% fat, cottage cheese – 18%, fill it with 25% sour cream, but eat a small portion.
When I first arrived in Moscow, I was 73 kilograms. And in show business they explained to me that I am wildly fat. During the year I lost 23 kilograms, became very slim, but I want to say that I have never been worse than during that period. In addition, with the pounds gone, my health also went away – I became an absolutely sick person. Therefore, I urge women not to go crazy and not exhaust themselves. Yes, you need to be athletic, healthy, maintain lightness in the body, but this does not mean that we should be thin, like model reeds from magazines. When Anton and I (Anton Makarsky is the singer’s husband. – Approx. Woman’s Day) met, he said: “She’s very thin! I will marry you, but I will fatten you. ” I believe that men don’t really like thin, gaunt female bodies.
One French beautician said that if women knew how parsley affects their beauty, they would eat it from morning to evening. I checked it myself – this is an absolutely fantastic product that removes all excess fluid from the body. I eat it in bunches. But parsley is categorically contraindicated in pregnancy (it can cause premature birth). Celery is very useful – it’s generally a miracle. If I have a photo session planned, then in order to look good and make my cheeks sunken, I buy a celery, about two packs, and eat it from morning to evening during the day. Facial features become completely different!
An excellent remedy is nectarines. I eat four nectarines a day on an empty stomach and the excess fluid is gone. But at night it is better not to do this.
We spend a huge amount of money on things that we don’t need to spend on at all. For example, a bath with the addition of ordinary coarse salt (1-2 packs per bath), without any dyes and fragrances, will help to recover after a hard day’s work, relieve stress and fatigue. And the cheaper the salt, the better the effect.
Best of all is rock salt: it unclogs the pores and restores the acid-base balance. You come out of this bath as if from living water: fatigue relieves like a hand. But the colored, brightly colored salt is not as harmless as it seems: it contains harmful substances that can harm the body.
The worst thing is when we get water during pregnancy. In order for the liquid to leave and there was no edema, you need to eat pumpkin – a magical product. Pumpkin can be eaten in any form, as you like: raw, steamed or lightly fried in a pan without fat. This is just a miracle! And the swelling goes away very quickly.