New Year’s holidays are over, which means it’s time to say goodbye to the extra kilos gained during the holiday feasts. Penza’s professional models will tell you how to do it quickly, efficiently, and most importantly – without harm to health.
Anna Mironova, head of the Model Management Penza agency
What is the key to a slim figure?
The key to a slim figure is health. Of course, there are natural data, but in any case, a healthy body will look beautiful. To get in shape, I do not ask girls to overdose on diets, because this is a lot of stress for the body and after diets, breakdowns often occur, when uncontrolled appetite leads to gaining even more weight. Smoothly and gradually switch to proper nutrition (PP) and start loading yourself physically – this is the perfect recipe that will help you get in shape and, which is very important, stay in shape at all times.
I can say from my experience and the experience of my models that those who switched to PP and healthy lifestyle no longer want to return to fast food, soda and lying on the couch. The body feels vigor, joy and breathes health. And in the process of transition to such a lifestyle, the main thing is willpower and patience. It is important to study in detail what healthy and natural products are analogous to junk food from your usual diet, and every day, feeling hungry, accustom yourself not to run to the cafeteria for a pie, but to walk the extra 500 meters to the market or supermarket and buy fruit / cottage cheese for a snack / nuts, etc.
How do you manage to lose those extra pounds if they appear?
In the morning on an empty stomach, a glass of water, exercise, stretching, and for another 4–5 hours I usually do not eat, but load myself physically: I walk a long distance on foot, climbing up stairs helps a lot. In the summer – jogging, swimming. In winter on weekends – ice rink or skis. Sometimes I go to the gym, but still my favorite type of physical activity is to run or walk long distances on foot. Probably, the track and field past has its effect.
To speed up the metabolism, I actively include in the diet grapefruit, pineapple, low-fat kefir with cinnamon, seasonings, pomegranate juice, celery, ginger, lemon. Nourishing, very healthy and low-calorie – chicken breast and buckwheat. I am against diets, but if you eat only buckwheat, kefir, apples, chicken breast, green tea and drink a lot of water, you can lose those extra pounds quickly and without harm to your health. The contrast shower also speeds up the metabolism. And it is very important to establish a diet and sleep regime.
You need to eat in small portions, often, as soon as you feel hungry. I can have it 5-7 times or 2-4 times a day. It is important to listen to the body and try to understand what it needs now. Please note that eating 5-7 times does not mean the first, second, third and compote for each meal. Kefir, juice, milk are also food. Eating half an apple or drinking sweet tea (no candy!) Is also a snack. My advice is to study the norms of nutrition, follow them and be friends with your body, then there will be harmony in your soul!
Regina Abubikirova, 21 years old, model, teacher of Model Management Penza
What is the key to a slim figure?
It’s simple: a balanced diet, regular physical activity. I don’t believe in miracle wraps and wasting diets. You just need to forget what laziness is!
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of R. Abubikirova
How do you manage to lose those extra pounds if they appear?
Fasting days. They will not only help you quickly lose excess, but also have a beneficial effect on the body’s work. The main thing is to do it as needed.
Allana Kuramshina, 18, model
What is the key to a slim figure?
Until I got into a modeling agency, I never thought about my weight, because every now and then everyone told me that I was very thin and “I just want to feed.” As usual, according to the law of meanness, when the condition of my body became important for my work, I began to gain weight. Especially during the New Year holidays.
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of A. Kuramshina
How do you manage to lose those extra pounds if they appear?
I never adhere to any specific diets, but when I urgently need to “lose weight”, I just start to limit myself in nutrition, refuse everything harmful, follow the daily routine, try to move more. In fact, there are many tasty and healthy products: I replace bread with bread, I can add hard cheese to them – this is my breakfast or muesli or cereal with milk. No tea, coffee, soda – only water, as much water as possible, from drinking I also use milk snow or kefir. More fruits – bananas, apples, tangerines (after all, holidays). For me, great substitutes for candy and chocolate are fruit and muesli bars that are sold at any grocery store. For lunch, you can have a light soup or porridge. A little physical activity is just as important – at home or exercising in the fitness center. In this way, literally in a few days, I returned myself to pre-New Year’s form. Of course, the physiology of the body is of great importance: if it took me several days, then perhaps another person will need a week or even two. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up halfway!
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of A. Kuramshina
Lilia Bocharova, 20 years old, model
What is the key to a slim figure?
The key to a slim figure lies in proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of L. Bocharova
How do you manage to lose those extra pounds if they appear?
Every morning, half an hour before meals, I drink a glass of warm water. So the body starts to work better. Breakfast should be complete, rich in protein and fast-digesting carbohydrates. You should eat more often a day – about 5-6 times in small portions. Last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Be sure to drink as much water as possible throughout the day. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Eliminated fast food from the diet. Also, active training in the gym helps me to keep myself in shape. I practice 4 times a week.
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of L. Bocharova
Olesya Rodionova, 14 years old, model
What is the key to a slim figure?
In my opinion, the key to a slim figure lies exclusively in a healthy lifestyle. It is very important to eat right in order to keep your body healthy. Drink plenty of water, eat small meals, but often eat more vegetables and fruits. Sports are also important. You don’t have to go to the gym to keep fit; exercise at home is enough. They will take no more than 20 minutes a day, but the effect will not be long in coming!
How do you manage to lose those extra pounds if they appear?
I cope with extra pounds depending on the situation. If I have the opportunity, then I go jogging to the park, thereby strengthening muscles and burning extra calories.
Angelina Sudakova, 20 years old, model
What is the key to a slim figure?
In my opinion, the key to a slender figure lies in two aspects. First, you need proper nutrition, on which a lot in the body depends. If you eat right, then the problems of extra pounds will never bother you.
Secondly, of course, sports! Sport is the key to success for a beautiful figure: constant intense loads will always help you keep yourself in good shape.
How do you manage to lose those extra pounds if they appear?
Extra pounds often become a problem after the holidays, visiting visits, snacks on the run … But losing the fat pounds is not so difficult.
First of all, you need to give up junk food: flour, sweet, carbonated drinks and introduce a large amount of fruits and vegetables into your diet. This food is rich in vitamins and minerals. There is practically no fat in them, and the benefits for the body are enormous.
Physical activity is also required: a gym, where the treadmill is your best friend when dropping a few pounds.
But if time does not allow, then with the help of artistic gymnastics, you can lose weight at home!
Healthy nutrition and maintaining the physical condition of the body are the main guides to your ideal figure!
Friends, we hope you will find useful advice from charming models from Model Management Penza. You should listen to them, because girls know firsthand how to stay in great shape and feel 100%! All the tips of the models are tied to common sense and tested by them personally. You can try it yourself and find out how good they are for you!
And we would be interested to know your opinion: Which model would you use and who impressed you the most? Leave your vote under the photo!
Which model impressed you the most?
Anna Mironova
Allana Kuramshina
Regina Abubikirova
Lilia Bocharova
Olesya Rodionova
Angelina Sudakova