Secrets of a lush omelet

A delicious, tender and lush omelet is not only a healthy breakfast, but also a charge of positive emotions for the whole day, because a successful dish can smooth out any gloomy and difficult morning. Of course, you need to be able to cook an omelet correctly, because few people will be delighted with the usual thin egg pancake on a plate. How to make an omelet lush:

– To make an omelet, you will need: eggs, spices, seasonings and milk. For each egg, add 1 tablespoon of milk;

– Beat the eggs into a deep bowl, add milk, salt and pepper to taste, add your favorite spices. Mix the mass with a fork, there is no need for a thorough and long whipping of the omelet, it is enough to mix everything very well with a simple fork;

– Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, preferably with high sides and a thick bottom. Pour the egg mass, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to low;


– Do not open the lid while cooking the omelet, if the lid is made of glass, you can easily see the moment when the omelet is ready;

– So: the proportion of eggs and milk – 1 egg: 1 tablespoon of milk, a frying pan with a thick bottom, a small fire and always a lid – these are the very simple secrets of a successful and lush omelet!

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