Secrets and tips on how to lose weight, School of the perfect body #Sekta

Without grueling workouts and rigid diets – only with love and support. At the #Sekta Ideal Body School they know how to help you find a fit figure, and with it – a feeling of lightness and a feeling of health.

It sounds unrealistic, but #Sekta today is a whole movement for a healthy lifestyle, with a huge number of followers around the world – both men and women. Every day, according to the methodology of the “School of the ideal body”, about one and a half thousand people are engaged – both internally and in absentia. For a little over a year, the school has also been operating in Kazan – “sectarians” meet in the “Moscow” sports complex on ul. Moskovskaya under the leadership of Dinara Abdullina, curator of the School’s branch in our city.

Curator of the Kazan branch Dinara Abdullina

The Ideal Body School exists to teach a person the basics of healthy eating and simple, effective training in all conditions. The basic course is nine weeks long. During this time, the figure, habits change, self-confidence appears. Every week a person receives a new task, which is quite within his powers, but makes him change a little and accelerates the movement towards the result. We do not offer a diet and do not provide any “menu”. The main thing in our system is the formation of a new attitude towards food, new eating behavior, new taste preferences. Nutrition and exercise can vary depending on your personality and goals. We help each student to adapt them for themselves. “

The habit of tasty, healthy food and a toned body are only part of what a #Sekta graduate gets. Trainings are held in a circle of like-minded people. And even after graduating from the School, you will not be left alone – in the School of the Ideal Body there is powerful support from both the curators and those who fight with you for a beautiful figure. Both girls and guys come to #Sekta, there is a program for young mothers and for older people, and each of them gets good results, experience and new friends.

“There are not very many of us in Kazan yet, and this helped us to become a close-knit team and a second family for each other. We come to an evening workout and share our successes not only in nutrition, endurance and results, but also in everyday life. At the same time, we know each other by name, we know who has what interests and who does what. Leaving the hall, we remain close people to each other. Once we went out into nature together, and it was one of the most memorable moments: we roasted vegetables, ate Sunday snacks together, played crocodile and admired nature. In the winter we were in the ski resort, rode on inflatable cheesecakes, covered a clearing of “sectarian” food and drank hot tea from thermos flasks. In adulthood, there are not many places where you can find real friends, and I am glad to be the center of such a place. “

The School has a full-time and a distance (correspondence) form of education has been developed. Those who, due to employment or other reasons, cannot come to the gym, study remotely, and questions and problems can be discussed in a chat on a social network. Curators and students constantly communicate and exchange information. This helps a lot to consolidate the result, serves as an additional incentive. Everyone supports each other.

“What is for me to be a curator? Happiness. I can help people day after day, give them emotions, guide and create harmony in my team. And this is the most wonderful feeling – you do not stand still, but move forward with each person, make this world better. Every time I come to the gym, I know that students will ask questions, and I am the person who will help them bring love to sports and good nutrition into their lives, make friends with them and find something of their own in them. “

Now attention! Do you want a perfect body? Healthy, light and energetic? Find new friends?

Dear Readers,

We have summed up the results of the competition. A unique opportunity for 9 weeks to study for free at the #SEKTA Ideal Body School is received by the authors of comments under the nicknames:

– Ekaterina Zakharova

– Marya Leonteva

– Alsu_Zakirova

Congratulations to the winners! For the very first meeting with the curator of the Kazan branch, Dinara Abdullina, you need to call her: 8-919-649-44-79.

And we thank all the rest for their participation and offer to follow the publications: the girls will keep a diary of work on themselves on our website. They will share with the readers of the site all the knowledge they will get at the #SEKTA School of the Ideal Body.

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