Secret Signs: What Do The Door, Wardrobe And Pillowcases Tell About You

Some things in your apartment can tell a lot to an attentive observer. Or you – about the owner of the house where you are visiting.

Entrance door

Few people bother with the color of the front door. Usually this is a standard brown – why come up with something if you can take a ready-made version. But some still prefer to stand out from the general mass of neutral shades, especially if we are not talking about an apartment, but about their own house. The red color of the door indicates that the landlord is not afraid to stand out and express his opinion. Blue – that a person is able to maintain calmness and peace of mind in almost any situation. Green betrays your commitment to traditional values. Black says you are consistent, conservative, and reserved.

Sock drawer

Strange, but true – for the most organized and meticulous people in ordinary life, a uniform chaos reigns in a box of socks. Unpaired socks, full of holes, maybe even dirty – in general, there is no smell of order here. Experts believe that this phenomenon may be due to the fact that scrupulous people prefer to spend time and energy on more important things in life, rather than folding socks in pairs. They have different priorities, which do not include the laundry box.

Floor under the bed

Some mothers liked to repeat phrases like “The kitchen is the face of the hostess.” This “face” could be anything: from the state of the closet to the cleanliness of the toilet bowl. Everything should shine, there should not be a speck of dust anywhere, even in hard-to-reach places such as the floor under the bed. But scientists believe that if you really do not have a speck under your bed, it would not hurt you to talk to a psychologist: you have increased anxiety. If your apartment is perfectly clean everywhere, this means that you are trying your best to control what surrounds you, and this speaks of a very fragile mental balance.


Clear bold lines, wide stripes in the drawing of bed linen indicate that you are confident in yourself and are not at all afraid of the opinions of others. Polka dot patterns are usually chosen by people with a very good sense of humor, animal prints speak of the creativity of the owner of the linen, and geometric patterns give out in you a person who is inclined to obey orders and instructions. Maybe you should get some more creativity and become a little more confident in yourself?


The shower room is an indicator of your loneliness. If you subconsciously feel cut off from society, lonely, isolated, then you will probably spend more time in the shower or bath. And this is not speculation – these are the conclusions of scientists at Yale University. Experts believe that a hot bath or shower replaces the emotional warmth that singles might get from interacting with other people.  


Or kitchen cabinets. Psychologists say that people who are prone to procrastination are more likely to buy instant coffee and tea bags. By the way, the “coffee test” can say something else about a person. Those who prefer black coffee are usually very straightforward and straightforward. Latte lovers are amorous and sensitive. And those who prefer coffee cocktails with syrups are usually spontaneous and always young at heart.


It can give out how often you play sports and how you feel about your work. If you think that making your bed in the morning is a waste of time, then most likely you do not like your work very much, and you cannot be called a regular at the gym. Psychologists say that happy people subconsciously tend to put things in order around themselves, chaos does not inspire them. And they like to work and play sports more than unhappy ones.


They can tell you about your neuroticism. Inspirational quotes and posters, according to psychologists, are a clear sign that a neurotic lives in the house. Such people try to calm themselves down with the help of some external things, stop worrying and stay motivated. Internal reserves are not enough for them. And designers also say that such posters are just a very ugly interior trend.


Studies have shown that hard seats are preferred by energetic people, while soft chairs tend to be more inert. Scientists even conducted tests: it turned out that people who occupy a hard chair negotiated just as toughly, pushed the terms of the deal, and bargained profitably. According to experts, a hard surface on a subconscious level affects a person’s mood, making him more strong-willed and firm.


Its contents show how tightly you hold on to your past. If your closet is full of old blouses, stretched sweaters, clothes that no longer fit your size, but you enjoy the memories associated with them, you are living more in the past than in the future. Take a photo of every thing that is dear to your heart, and then get rid of it. Moreover, it is not necessary to throw it away: old clothes can be given a second life.  

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