Secret meaning: what do moles on the baby’s body talk about

Secret meaning: what do moles on the baby’s body talk about

Sometimes they can signal serious health problems in the baby.

The number of moles on the human body changes throughout life: they appear and disappear depending on many factors. What matters is the type of birthmark, skin type, relationship with the sun, even hormonal changes. Moreover, there are moles that are dangerous and harmless.

There are two main types of birthmarks – pigmented and vascular. Pigmented cells appear in the places of accumulation of cells in the skin responsible for its color. Vascular appear when blood vessels do not form as they should: either there are too many of them, or they are too wide. And each type has its own varieties.

  • Lentigo – the most harmless type. These are pigmented moles that everyone has, small specks that can be light brown or almost black. They are very similar to freckles. They do not cause any trouble.

  • Coffee stains Are specks with clear boundaries. They are found in every fifth person, appear either in early childhood, or are there from birth. One such speck is not a problem. But if the child has six or more of them, and their size exceeds the size of the eraser on a pencil, then it is better to show the baby to the doctor.

  • Mongolian spots – These are bluish-gray spots, most often they are located on the lower back or buttocks. Usually found in babies with dark skin. They do not carry a threat and disappear by the age of six without any intervention.

  • Macular spots, or Unna’s nevus – they are also called stork bites. These birthmarks occur in newborns, usually on the forehead or eyelids, on the back of the neck, on the nose, upper lip, or the back of the head. These spots are most noticeable when the baby is crying. You do not need to treat them, they usually disappear by a year or two. In rare cases, they persist in adults, you can get rid of them with the help of a laser.

  • Hemangiomas – they are superficial, deep or combined. These are vascular formations that most often appear in children. Discomfort is usually purely aesthetic, but deep hemangiomas can grow into the tissue, and then they need to be treated.

Such a birthmark is a classic hemangioma

  • Wine stains or a flaming nevus, is a bright red spot of irregular shape. Such a nevus does not go away on its own: the child grows, the spot grows with him and becomes bumpy. Requires mandatory medical supervision.

  • Spitz’s nevus – convex round moles, more often occur in adolescents and the elderly. Usually such a mole-nodule is advised to be removed.

  • Giant nevus – This is a congenital spot that is really large or even huge. It must be removed, since the nevus not only spoils the appearance, but also greatly increases the likelihood of skin cancer.

When a mole must be shown to a doctor

  • You definitely need a specialist consultation if:

  • the birthmark is asymmetric, with fuzzy edges, combines several different colors, more than 6 mm in diameter;

  • the mole has changed in size, color or shape;

  • the mole bleeds, itches, or hurts;

  • there are more than 50 moles on the child’s body – this increases the risk of developing melanoma;

  • a mole is a giant nevus, hemangioma, Spitz’s nevus, port wine stain.

A girl named Luna was born with a giant nevus covering almost her entire face. Now she is being removed in a Novosibirsk clinic.

How to predict the fate of a person by birthmarks

Signs say that a person who has many moles is a happy person. But their specific location also matters. Speck on the forehead – this is a high level of energy, on the chin – force of will, perseverance, around the mouth – love of sensual pleasures, and On the nose – aggression.

Moles on the neck mean that a person is really lucky – he is hard-working and able to earn money. Specks on the left hand a woman and on the man’s right say that in front of you is a sociable person.

The meaning of moles on the chest also depends on gender. If a man has on the right side, then this is the real head of the family, behind him like a stone wall, he is probably a wonderful husband and father. Moles on the left side of the chest are responsible for the family qualities of women, they talk about thriftiness, loyalty, such a girl will be a wonderful mother.

Moles on the back – this is generosity, success, kindness. On the belly next to the navel, – luck, and if above – a good career. By the way, moles predict career success. on the knees… And if a mole appears on the foot, then this means that a person strives for spiritual development.

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