There are as many opinions about pregnancy as there are women. Each childbirth and earlier pregnancy proceeds individually and we have no way to predict what it will look like in our case. During the first pregnancy, a woman does not know what awaits her, what to expect. In turn, the second pregnancy should be easier due to the experience of the mother. Always, however, regardless of which pregnancy, the fear of it always appears. Only doubts change.
It is true that the rule that the second pregnancy is milder does not work for every woman. However, in many cases it is. This is due to the lack of ailments that bothered during the first pregnancy – nausea, drowsiness, malaise, food cravings. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the muscles are more flexible and stretched. In addition – the second child is placed lower, thanks to which the expectant mother can breathe more freely and suffer from heartburn.
– the baby puts more pressure on the bladder, making visits to the toilet more frequent.
However, if any ailments appear, the expectant mother already knows how to prevent them, because she has already checked the remedies for morning sickness or swollen legs. However, it is worth remembering that a milder course of pregnancy is not the result of an accident. This is influenced by proper care of yourself during the first pregnancy and immediately after it. Proper diet, physical activity and body care play an important role here. If we do not take care of it, then varicose veins or stretch marks may appear.
Childbirth – more efficient
It is shorter and more efficient than the first because the cervix dilates faster than during the first birth. It usually also shortens and dilates before the onset of labor. In addition, the mother-to-be already knows when to push, what position to take and what to pay attention to – therefore her cooperation with midwives is much better.
Confidence and calm
The second pregnancy is easier for mum because she knows what awaits her. He knows the various stages of pregnancy, is able to control it, ensure the timeliness of examinations. Possible changes in well-being or minor ailments are not associated with panic and confusion – ways to deal with them are already known.
They are primarily related to the lack of time, rest and free time for yourself.
- fatigue – the number of duties increases, because you need to take care of two children, between whom time should be divided fairly
- less time for yourself – most of it is consumed by children and duties at home; relaxation and a moment for mom alone will be rare
Important support
In such moments, the support of loved ones, especially husband or partner, is invaluable. It is also easier for him, he is experienced after the first child and it is easier to help him with the next one. He is also more self-confident, thanks to which he can do many activities for the mother with the newborn and with the older child.