Second pregnancy and first: differences
The second pregnancy after the first is usually much easier, especially with regard to the psychological and emotional state of the woman. The expectant mother knows exactly what to be prepared for, carefully monitors her diet, listens to even the smallest changes in her body. In addition, childbirth is easier and faster. But there are important points to consider when planning your second pregnancy.
When to plan a second pregnancy after the first?
A second pregnancy immediately after the first is undesirable; doctors recommend starting planning for a second baby at least 2 years later. This time is enough to fully restore the woman’s strength and provide the unborn child with full intrauterine development.
The second pregnancy, like the first, must be planned.
Often spouses hope for lactational amenorrhea and mistakenly believe that postpartum contraception is not needed, but pregnancy can occur even without menstruation. Conception occurs at the very first ovulation, menstruation does not occur, and a woman may not even be aware of her interesting situation for a long time. In this case, the risk of complications increases.
- If the first baby was born by cesarean section, and the second pregnancy came unplanned, then the uterine scar does not have time to get stronger and tighten. Possible bleeding, early miscarriage, uterine rupture, placental insufficiency, deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the fetus.
- Varicose veins of the legs can be triggered by a hasty second pregnancy.
- A quick second pregnancy puts a woman’s body at risk and weakens the immune system. Existing problems with the cardiovascular, circulatory, digestive or excretory systems can worsen and worsen the condition of the pregnant woman.
- An unplanned pregnancy, especially after a difficult first birth, can provoke a sharp drop in hemoglobin in the blood and lead to the development of anemia.
Any woman can avoid possible complications. After the birth of the first baby, the mother must protect herself from unplanned conception with the help of contraceptives: pills or condoms. At first, it is undesirable to use birth control pills that contain the hormone estrogen. A gynecologist will help you choose oral contraceptives for nursing mothers.
The second pregnancy and the first one differ both in the mood of the expectant mother and in the preparedness of the pelvic organs, but it should be planned just as carefully and monitored by a doctor regularly.