Second IVF attempt
If the first attempt at artificial insemination fails, the procedure should be repeated. How much higher are the chances of getting pregnant after the second IVF, we sort it out with an expert

In vitro fertilization has helped (and is helping) many women to have a baby. But not always the dream comes true the first time, often you have to redo the procedure. We tell you what are the chances of success from the second IVF attempt, and what to do in case of failure.

When can I do a second IVF

Success depends on many factors. This is the age of the patient, the quality and quantity of embryos, the presence of diseases of the reproductive system, etc. If you don’t get results the first time, don’t despair. After a while, IVF can be repeated.

Reproductologists recommend taking a break of 2-3 months after the first attempt. During this time, the body will have time to rest and recover. And the doctor will be able to analyze the possible causes of an unsuccessful attempt and adjust the tactics of IVF.

But still, the pause time between attempts is determined individually. Its duration is affected by:

  • woman’s age. The older she is, the longer it takes to recover;
  • type of protocol (with natural ovulation or with ovulation stimulation);
  • accompanying illnesses.

Frequent retries may increase the risk of a complication, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (1). It is associated with an overdose of hormones that a woman receives. The condition manifests itself in the form of bloating, pain in the lower abdomen. In more severe cases, fluid may accumulate in the abdominal cavity.

Until recently, there was an opinion that repeated IVF attempts are harmful to health. Like, they can provoke the development of cardiovascular, oncological, gynecological diseases. This myth has now been completely debunked. Clinical evidence suggests that repeated IVF attempts are safe and often even more effective.

What are the chances of successful IVF results?

The chances of successful IVF results may be higher with each new attempt. This is due to a number of factors.

  • At the first IVF attempt, doctors do not have enough data on the quality of the partners’ biological material. When conducting a standard IVF protocol without intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), preimplantation genetic diagnosis, the possibilities of a reproductologist are limited.
  • Reduced stress levels. With repeated attempts, couples are less worried. The stress hormone cortisol suppresses the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone necessary for pregnancy. The latter is necessary to maintain pregnancy in the early stages. It prevents the onset of the next menstruation.
  • An incomplete pre-procedure examination may not have revealed any hormonal dysfunctions or latent infections. Now there are more chances to find, treat or take them into account.

The doctor will analyze all the factors and will be able to identify the pathologies that influenced the final outcome (2). After that, the reproductologist will offer an adjusted protocol.

Where is the best place to do a second IVF?

Repeat IVF is best done by the same doctor and in the same clinic. The doctor knows your history well, understands the factors that led to the failure. This will allow you to make the right decision on what kind of correction to carry out. Which will increase your chances of success.

Expert Commentary

According to fertility doctors, the question of the effectiveness of the second IVF is ambiguous. Retry can mean both re-stimulation, and only the transfer of a frozen embryo obtained after the first stimulation.

Let’s look at specific examples.

If at the first IVF attempt several embryos were received and the first transfer was unsuccessful, then, if you try again, the doctor will offer to transfer the second frozen embryo.

Then the probability of embryo implantation is on average 40% (after 38 years – 28%). If several embryos are received, then the probability increases to 80%, and according to some reports, up to 92%.

In this case, given the presence of frozen embryos (the shelf life of which is not limited), the period of time between transfers is determined by the readiness of the patient – physical and emotional.

As for the choice of the venue, this should definitely be done in the same place where the stimulation was carried out.

If no embryos were obtained as a result of stimulation, fertilization and cultivation, then we are talking about a case with a deliberately reduced response. Then it would be rational to move on to the next attempt (stimulation) as soon as possible. The pregnancy rate will be lower than in patients who managed to obtain high-quality embryos.

In this case, it is also better to retry with your doctor, because. he knows all the main aspects of stimulation, the analysis of which can increase the chances of success.

As for the number of possible attempts, then, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Our Country dated August 30.08.2012, 107 NXNUMXn, there are no restrictions.

When should you stop? There is no clear number here. Experience shows that there is no “hopeless” situation. To achieve the goal, dialogue between the patient and the doctor is important.

Popular questions and answers

What if the second attempt is also unsuccessful?

If the second IVF was not successful, this does not mean that infertility is invincible. After two unsuccessful attempts, many decide on radical changes – a change of doctor, clinic, and even country. However, experts recommend to start:

– rest and recover. For example, with the help of yoga, physiotherapy;

– Establish a regular sex life with a partner;

– re-examine and identify possible causes of failures;

– contact a psychotherapist to relieve stress and normalize the emotional state.

How many tries can you make?

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of Our Country dated August 30.08.2012, 107 N44n, there are no restrictions on the number of retries. In the entire history of IVF, a case of XNUMX IVF attempts has been described, the last of which ended in pregnancy and childbirth.

What examinations do you need to undergo?

At the end of menstruation after an unsuccessful IVF attempt, it is recommended:

– Do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs;

– perform hysteroscopy (examination of the uterine cavity from the inside).

So you can assess the condition of the reproductive organs. You will also need to pass general clinical blood and urine tests, and conduct hormonal screening.

If, after the first IVF, pregnancy occurred, but ended in a non-developing pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage, a study in a histomorphological laboratory is needed. This will eliminate gene and chromosomal abnormalities, identify the most likely causes of failure. The doctor may prescribe additional tests as indicated.

Sources of

  1. Readiness of the endometrium for in vitro fertilization: forecast according to the data of ultrasound and morphological studies / Yu. A. Rudenko, E. V. Kulagina, O. A. Kravtsova, L. S. Tselkovich, R. B. Balter, et al. // 2019 G.
  2. Risk factors and prevention of early pregnancy loss after in vitro fertilization / Zamakhovskaya L.Yu., Rudakova E.B., Trubnikova O.B. // 2016

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