
The skin shines, shines, and now going out is impossible without powder and matting wipes. On weekends, “heavy artillery” is connected – scrubs, masks and cosmetic procedures that narrow pores and reduce the amount of sebum – sebum. What is the reason for its excessive allocation and how to deal with it?

What is sebum

Sebum (from the Latin sebum – “sebum”) is the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Normally, in an adult, up to 20 g of sebum per day is excreted on the surface of the skin. But under the influence of various factors (both external and internal), the body begins to produce it more than necessary. And we have to deal with unpleasant shine, enlarged pores, black dots.


There is nothing wrong with sebum itself: in fact, it is a mixture of various lipids. Its composition may change with age, it also depends on the gender and genetic characteristics of the person. But, be that as it may, it will definitely contain:

  • saturated fatty acids – palmitic, stearic, oleic;

  • squalene;

  • sapienate and seboleate (unique fatty acids that are found only in sebum);

  • unsaturated fatty acids – formic, acetic, propionic and others;

  • glycerol;

  • cholesterol;

  • wax ether;

  • phospholipid;

  • metabolic products.

Check if you are taking care of problem skin properly.

Sebum under the microscope.


It would seem, why do you need skin sebum? Because of it, the skin does not always look clean, the excess clogs the pores and can provoke inflammation. But despite the seeming inconvenience, it performs a number of important functions.

  • Moisturizing. If it were not for it, the moisture in the skin would not linger. With a deficiency of sebum, the skin loses elasticity, becomes dry, wrinkles appear.

  • Barrier. Sebum protects against ultraviolet rays, dust, pollution, as well as microtrauma. Thanks to this thick natural lubricant, the skin suffers less from negative environmental factors.

  • bactericidal. Unsaturated fatty acids have strong antimicrobial properties. If sebum is released as much as necessary – no more, no less – these acids prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammatory processes.

  • excretory. Together with the secretion of the sebaceous glands, toxins, medicinal substances and metabolic products are removed to the surface of the epidermis.

  • Antioxidant. The squalene contained in sebum neutralizes the action of free radicals.

  • Regulatory. The fatty film, together with sweat and carbon dioxide, is responsible for maintaining the acid-base balance of the skin and is involved in a complex system of its thermoregulation. Both of these are essential for the health of our skin.

Causes of excess sebum

The peak activity of the sebaceous glands (it is they, as already mentioned, that are responsible for the production of sebum) falls on puberty and lasts up to 24-25 years. But there are other periods when too much sebum is formed. During pregnancy, during periods of stress, with endocrine disorders and infectious diseases, there is also an abundant release of sebum. And, of course, in the summer, when the sebaceous glands work especially actively, trying to establish thermoregulation of the skin and retain the necessary moisture in it.

Here are the signs by which you can understand that sebum is being produced too much:

  • permanent oily sheen;

  • expanded pores;

  • the appearance of pimples and foci of inflammation.

Why is more sebum secreted than necessary? And what to do with it?

Hormonal imbalance

Intensive production of sex hormones (especially testosterone) increases the activity of the sebaceous glands. Stress, diseases of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, intestines, thyroid gland, as well as diabetes and obesity can provoke hormonal imbalance.

Improper diet

The skin also reacts to an excess of fatty, spicy, sweet, salty, smoked foods and a lack of vitamins, minerals and fiber with increased production of sebum.

Lack of care

Lack of care (when excess sebum is simply not removed from the surface) and improper care are equally detrimental to the skin. The use of products that do not match the type of skin, as well as overly aggressive cleansing, when we, trying to get rid of oily sheen and a feeling of greasiness, endlessly wipe it with wipes containing alcohol and antiseptics, several times a day, can lead to excessively active production of sebum. we clean with gels and tonics, we use scrubs too often. Here, as in everything, you need to adhere to the golden mean: do not forget about cleansing, but do not show fanaticism.

Consequences of excess sebum secretion

They are, frankly, not very pleasant, and you want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Consequences for the skin of the face

She seems unkempt – due to excess sebum, it literally shines, gets dirty faster than usual. You try to clean it more often, but a couple of hours pass, and the oily sheen and clogged pores are right there again.

Comedones, acne and pimples appear. In clogged pores, inflammation begins, which leads to disastrous results.

Effects on the scalp

Hair looks messy even if they are washed frequently, they remain greasy, do not fit well, and may even begin to fall out.

How to reduce sebum production

If the problem has been bothering you for a long time, dermatologist Maria Nevskaya advises not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist: “Most likely, you will be sent for tests, and then systemic and local remedies will be prescribed. Zinc, salicylic and pyruvic acids, for example, have proven sebum-regulating properties.

Funds overview

These cosmetics perfectly cleanse the skin prone to active sebum production and take care of it.

Double scrub “Endless freshness. Rose + Jasmine, L’Oréal Paris

Well cleanses and mattifies the skin. Thanks to rose and jasmine extracts, it softens and cares for the skin.

Mask “Magic of Clay. Detox and Radiance, L’Oréal Paris

Fights impurities and imperfections, gradually transforming the skin, giving it a fresh look.

3-in-1 Clear Skin clay cosmetic product, Garnier

Effectively combats oily sheen and blackheads. Contains eucalyptus extract, salicylic acid and zinc, perfectly cleanses and mattifies the skin, evens out its tone.

Micellar water for face, eyes and lips for oily and sensitive skin prone to imperfections, Clear Skin, Garnier

Great for problem skin. Removes excess sebum and impurities, prevents the appearance of imperfections, reduces oily sheen.

Soft facial scrub, La Roche-Posay

Gently exfoliates and cleanses the skin, visibly smoothes it.

Micellar water for oily problem skin Effaclar Ultra, La Roche-Posay

Gently removes makeup, daily impurities, excess sebum, mattifies the skin.

Deep cleansing gel against imperfections and signs of aging Blemish & Age Cleanser Gel, SkinCeuticals

Contains salicylic, capryloyl-salicylic and glycolic acids, cleanses pores, has an anti-aging effect.

Cleansing gel for washing Normaderm Phytosolution, Vichy

Contains salicylic acid and probiotics, reduces the fat content of the epidermis. Suitable even for sensitive skin.

Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash, Kiehl’s

Gently removes impurities without drying out the skin, contains soothing marigold flower extract and glycerin.

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