Seborrheic dermatitis – causes, symptoms, treatment. Who is most at risk of the disease? WE EXPLAIN

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Seborrheic dermatitis is a malignant disease: it most often happens to young people during puberty – when appearance is one of the most important things in life for them. However, this does not mean that adults and young children are free from it.

Seborrheic dermatitis – what is it?

Seborrheic dermatitis usually manifests as dryness, redness, and thick, oily, white or yellow scales on the scalp (especially around the hairline and behind the ears). This type of eczema often resembles psoriasis, another inflammatory skin disease caused by an overactive immune system.

Seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious and is not an allergy, although some allergies can mimic it. An inflammatory reaction to an excess of yeast is a likely cause of seborrheic dermatitis Malassezia — living naturally on the surface of the skin. Malessezia it overgrows, and the immune system seems to overreact to it, leading to an inflammatory reaction that results in skin lesions.

Seborrheic dermatitis is possibly associated with neurological disorders – Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and stroke. Doctors don’t know why. Other factors include:

  1. activity of the sebaceous glands,
  2. changes in the barrier function of the skin,
  3. extreme weather conditions
  4. stress or fatigue
  5. excessive alcohol consumption,
  6. obesity
  7. HIV/AIDS.

Seborrheic dermatitis can affect people of all ages, although it is most common in infants and adults between the ages of 30 and 60. In infants, the condition usually resolves on its own and does not return. However, in adults, seborrheic dermatitis usually presents with periods of remission and relapse that may last for years.

At Medonet Market you can buy a serum regulating sebum secretion and alleviating the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis by Cannaderm today.

Brewer’s yeast supports the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. On Medonet Market you will find them in the form of tablets as a dietary supplement Saccharomyces Max SOLHERBS.

Also read: Folliculitis – what it is, treatment, prevention, cosmetics

Seborrheic dermatitis – the infancy period

Infant seborrheic dermatitis occurs in infants less than 3 months of age and usually resolves by 6-12 months of age. The lesions take the form of erythematous-exfoliating patches, often covered with oily, yellowish scales. The eruptions may only affect the scalp (in this location it is scaly, the scales may be yellow or white and form the so-called cradle cap) or cover other areas, especially the face (most often the cheeks, eyebrows), ears, skin folds (neck, armpits). limb flexes, sub-diaper area).

Seborrheic dermatitis – adolescence

Before puberty, seborrheic dermatitis is almost non-existent. However, if it does appear, it can be really troublesome. During adolescence, the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin increases rapidly. The production of sebum (fat, which is a component of the skin’s lipid coat) then reaches its peak. There is so much of it that the skin starts to react with irritation: the epidermis peels excessively, and the hair – if the problem affects the hairy part of the body – becomes thin.

However, this is due not only to the increase in the amount of sebum, but also to its composition. In the period when the body changes rapidly under the influence of hormones, the composition of sebum produced also changes – the content of triglycerides in it increases and the amount of fatty acids and esters decreases.

Capillus shampoo, soothing the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, you can buy at Dead Sea salt contained in it helps to reduce exfoliation of the epidermis, and hemp oil nourishes the hair and accelerates the regeneration of the scalp.

Seborrheic dermatitis – symptoms

We already know the first stage: excess sebum production. The skin becomes shiny and looks stale. But this is just oily skin for now. However, sometimes in the area where there are numerous sebaceous glands, irregularly-shaped erythema spots may appear, on which fragments of exfoliating epidermis are visible, colored by the sebum accumulated in the stratum corneum of a yellowish color.

It looks very unsightly. When the inflammation is severe – and it happens especially in skin folds where access of fresh air and its free circulation is difficult – red exudative lesions may appear. The lesions may be accompanied by itching, sometimes the sensation that the skin is burning. These are not ailments that tire the patient constantly, but rather appear depending on the circumstances, e.g. during hot weather or periods of intense sweating, they will intensify.

The areas most often affected by seborrheic dermatitis are those parts of the body that are naturally endowed with abundant sebaceous glands. On the face, these will be the nasolabial folds, the eyebrow area, the hollow of the chin, the middle of the forehead, sometimes also the cheeks and upper lip. The hairy scalp, the behind-the-ear area and the border between the hairy and non-hairy parts are also susceptible to this ailment. On the body, seborrheic dermatitis appears most often on the back, chest and thighs.

For the care of skin with seborrheic dermatitis, we recommend the convenient PRODEX SENSITIVE wipes for sensitive and very sensitive skin or the PRODEX SENSITIVE liquid for sensitive and very sensitive skin. The cosmetics are mild, but they perfectly cleanse the skin.

Who is most at risk of developing PsA?

Although seborrheic dermatitis most often affects young people, it would be wrong to think that the elderly are free from this ailment. It happens both in the elderly and infants (in the youngest this ailment is called cradle cap) – only that, as a rule, the course of the disease is then much milder and as such does not require medical assistance, being a cosmetic problem rather than a health problem.

However, people with diabetes, hepatitis C, AIDS, pancreatitis, Down’s syndrome or any other immune-suppressing disease should be especially careful. This also applies to patients with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, paralysis of the facial nerve, depression or anxiety.

It turns out that seborrheic dermatitis is more common among people suffering from neurological diseases. The same is true of chronic stress, alcohol abuse, and eating disorders. Factors that aggravate the disease may also be:

  1. air pollution,
  2. improper skin care,
  3. long-term contact with artificial materials,
  4. irritation by preservatives or dyes contained in cosmetics or food,
  5. overheating of the skin in the sun and exposure to it for too long.

Also read: Solar alphabet – what you should know about skin

However, the complete lack of contact with the sun is also not conducive to the skin, because the greatest intensity of problems with seborrheic dermatitis is observed in the fall and winter months, when the skin is not in contact with sunlight, but is kept inside the clothes all the time.

The key to skin care for people with PsA is reaching for specialized products that will help take care of the skin, including cosmetics for seborrheic dermatitis Seborh.

Dandruff and yeasts

Few people know that dandruff is also a form of seborrheic dermatitis – only the mildest form. The appearance of dandruff is more and more often associated with the presence of a certain type of yeast on the skin – that is why professional anti-dandruff shampoos contain antifungal ingredients.

Dermatologists increasingly agree that yeasts play a large role in seborrheic dermatitis: studies have shown that there is a link between their presence and the appearance of inflammation. It also turns out that the more of these microorganisms, the more chronic or relapsing the disease becomes.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

The first step is always to see a dermatologist. They must assess the problem, properly diagnose it and plan treatment accordingly. The treatment should be selected for each patient individually, thanks to which there is a greater chance that it will be effective – and the fight against seborrheic dermatitis, with its tendency to recur, is not easy at all.

Often the improvement occurs fairly quickly, but as soon as the treatment is discontinued, the disease returns just as quickly. Therefore, the patient should rather prepare for the long-term struggle for smooth, clean and healthy skin. The most common are special lotions and shampoos for washing the skin, rich in antifungal substances (sulfur, selenium), which eliminate the cause of the ailments.

A local doctor may also order the use of steroid drugs that quickly and effectively reduce inflammation. However, they should only be used for a short time, because if used for too long, they will cause more trouble than they will benefit.

In addition, they must not be applied to the face unless necessary and should not be applied to large areas of the skin. It happens that patients respond well to antibiotics, both applied to the skin and orally. It is also often recommended to irradiate the lesions with special lamps that dry the lesions and have antifungal and bactericidal properties.

As an auxiliary in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, it is worth using the ELESTABion® S FLOSLEK specialist anti-dandruff shampoo available on Medonet Market at a favorable price. We also recommend the EPTA DS face and hair care kit with seborrheic dermatitis, which includes, among others, Face cream with seborrheic dermatitis EPTA DS.

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