Seborrheic dermatitis – causes, symptoms, treatment, diet, home remedies

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Unfortunately, seborrheic dermatitis, or PsA, is quite common. This problem may concern up to 10 percent. people with skin problems. Anyone can get sick with seborrheic dermatitis, and the treatment methods known so far do not guarantee either a complete cure or a lack of recurrence of the disease. Treatment of skin inflammation is long and difficult. To see its effects, you need to be systematic and have a lot of patience. It is also important to complete the treatment.

Seborrheic dermatitis – characteristics

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic disease with a tendency to relapse. Its characteristic feature is flaky skin in various parts of the body, including the face. Seborrheic dermatitis is the result of inflammation of the skin and sebaceous glands, which causes excessive peeling. Problems resulting from seborrheic dermatitis they affect men more than womenwhich is probably due to the effects of testosterone. Other causes include disturbances in the functioning of the immune system. It is very important to remember that this disease is not contagious.

Seborrheic dermatitis – symptoms

If left untreated, seborrheic dermatitis can have serious consequences such as fissures and cuts in the skin. For this reason, it is important to know the symptoms of the disease. The main symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis include:

  1. slight erythema in the affected area, but also clear red spots on the skin;
  2. oily skin and hair;
  3. itching and peeling of the epidermis;
  4. severe itching of the skin, especially if seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp;
  5. hair thinning, in extreme cases even alopecia;
  6. greasy, yellow scales, crusts on the skin – refers to the advanced stage of the disease;
  7. exudation from inflamed skin is also possible.

It is also worth remembering that the skin changes initially affect mainly the hairy scalp, but over time, seborrheic dermatitis may spread to the adjacent skin, i.e. the forehead, eyebrows, behind the ears, or paranasal folds. In advanced cases, the disease may also affect the edges of the eyelids.

The itching associated with seborrheic dermatitis can be very distressing. In addition, skin lesions can also appear on the skin around the sternum and on the spine line, which is referred to as the “seborrheic gutter”. Unfortunately, the disease likes to recur. It most often appears in the autumn and winter periods.

For the daily care of problematic skin, we recommend Jojoba Oil for inflammatory skin conditions. Currently, you can buy it on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Check it out: The most common skin problems – how to relieve their symptoms?

Seborrheic dermatitis – causes

The causes of seborrheic dermatitis are not exactly known. It is commonly accepted that the source of the disease is excessive secretion of sebum from glands in certain parts of the body. Malassezia yeasts may overgrow in these areas of the skin if immunity is diminished at the same time. They can be found naturally on the skin, but under certain conditions, they exacerbate the lesions associated with PsA. These mushrooms require sebum to grow, and they also produce the enzyme lipase, which causes inflammation.

In addition, the development of seborrheic dermatitis may be affected by:

  1. endocrine disruption, e.g. fluctuating testosterone levels;
  2. mood swings;
  3. stress;
  4. inadequate diet;
  5. too much alcohol consumed;
  6. general health of the patient.

Doctors believe that seborrheic arthritis is strongly related to immunity, as the disease is more likely to develop in people with a weak immune system. However, it is not a disease in any way related to allergic reactions. On the other hand, seborrheic dermatitis is often the result of a lack of personal hygiene, environmental pollution or low sun exposure.

Seborrheic dermatitis – adolescence

Seborrheic dermatitis very often appears on the skin of people in adolescence. Flaking of the scalp, face or other areas is associated with a sudden and rapid increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands. They produce much larger amounts of sebum, the main component of the skin’s lipid coat, which in addition has a different composition as a consequence of hormonal changes. It contains more triglycerides and less fatty acids and esters, which causes skin irritation, leading to excessive exfoliation of the epidermis.

When seborrheic dermatitis occurs, hair may thin out on the scalp. As a result of seborrheic dermatitis, the hair starts to appear matted, matted and may fall out. Dermatitis in adolescence it also aggravates juvenile acne and may lead to the development of rosacea.

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Seborrheic dermatitis – risk groups

Seborrheic dermatitis is the most common problem in adolescence. However, people who are most at risk of developing seborrheic dermatitis are immunocompromised. This group includes the elderly, young children and people using immunosuppressive drugs.

In addition, the risk of developing seborrheic dermatitis is higher with:

  1. diabetes;
  2. Parkinson’s disease;
  3. pancreatitis and hepatitis C;
  4. cancers of the digestive and respiratory systems;
  5. chronic diseases;
  6. neurological diseases;
  7. mental disorders;
  8. facial nerve palsy;
  9. alcoholism;
  10. HIV infection.

Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect babies as early as 2 weeks of age. Most often it takes the form of cradle cap, i.e. soft, yellow and greasy scales and scabs on the child’s scalp or in its hair. It happens, however, that the cradle cap spreads over the skin of the entire face and even the rest of the body. It should also be remembered that seborrheic dermatitis is not hereditary. However, you can inherit a tendency to PsA, because the development of the disease may depend on the presence of specific genes.

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Seborrheic dermatitis – treatment

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis should be preceded by a correct diagnosis, as skin inflammation can be associated with many other conditions that are very easily confused with PsA. Therefore, before we hear the diagnosis, the doctor should order a series of examinations and tests to rule out a mistake. When we notice itching and peeling of the skin, it is best to immediately exclude contact of the skin with artificial materials containing dyes and allergens, which may additionally irritate it.

Treatment of PsA is both local and systemic. Everything depends on the cause of the development of seborrheic dermatitis, as well as the age of the patient, the place where the lesions appear, as well as their severity and severity. Oral treatment of PsA includes antibiotics, retinoids, steroids and imidazole derivatives and is intended mainly for adults. They are introduced when the changes are so severe that local treatment does not bring the expected results.

Topical treatment of seborrheic dermatitis involves the use of creams with antifungal and anti-inflammatory substances. At the beginning, a special exfoliating preparation is used, which makes it easier for the healing substances to penetrate the sick epidermis. Daily hygiene and care for scaly skin are also very important during the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.

Treatment of PsA is a very complex and long process, and in addition, the disease is chronic and may recur. Even if we quickly notice an improvement in the condition of the skin, it may deteriorate immediately. In a situation where seborrheic dermatitis subsides, it is worth reaching for a special one once a week shampoos for the care of PsA skin even for several months after recovery. The composition of such a cosmetic should include an exfoliating and antifungal substance (e.g. selenium, ketoconazole or sulfur). Changes in the skin can also be irradiated to eliminate bacteria, fungi and reduce the amount of sebum produced.

Check it out: Seborrheic dermatitis – is it possible to get rid of it forever?

Seborrheic dermatitis – care

The most common a mistake in skin care with seborrheic dermatitis there is a very intensive removal of the sebaceous layer and the overuse of cosmetics, which makes the skin irritated. Proper care requires the use of delicate and moisturizing dermocosmetics that will not irritate the skin. Their composition should include:

  1. zinc;
  2. hyaluronic acid;
  3. omega acids;
  4. B vitamins

Thanks to them, the skin is gently cleansed, irritations are alleviated, and the skin’s protective barrier is stronger. They have a mild anti-inflammatory effect and also fight bacteria and fungi. Thanks to this, they support pharmacological treatment and accelerate the appearance of the effects.

For the care of skin with seborrheic dermatitis or as a prophylaxis, we recommend cosmetics available on Medonet Market, e.g .:

  1. A set of cosmetics for seborrheic dermatitis Seborh consisting of shampoo, lotion and cleansing lotion,
  2. Double Action serum for mature skin, which softens and smoothes the skin, and also has a soothing and moisturizing effect,
  3. Moisturizing and brightening oil with golden particles, thanks to which the skin looks beautiful and healthy,
  4. A face mask with red and pink clay for allergic, sensitive, couperose skin and with discoloration, which inhibits the secretion of sebum and stimulates the skin to produce collagen.

Seborrheic dermatitis – diet

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and diet are closely related. A properly selected menu can alleviate the symptoms of the disease and provide great support for the medications used. In addition, during the treatment of PsA, it is best to give up drinking alcohol, avoid strong coffee and tea, spicy spices, preserves with vinegar and smoking.

The diet of a person treating PsA should be rich in selenium, zinc and B vitamins. However, it is best to avoid simple sugars, sweets, white bread and fried dishes. The diet should contain large amounts of vegetables, which are a natural source of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. It is also worth reaching for herbal infusions prepared, for example, from pansy, horsetail or nettle.

Check it out: Shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis. How to choose an effective one?

Seborrheic dermatitis – similar diseases

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that is quite difficult to diagnose. It can often be confused with other skin conditions that include peeling of the epidermis. It could be:

  1. psoriasis;
  2. eczema;
  3. Allergic reaction.

These diseases have completely different causes and methods of treatment. This is why correct diagnosis of seborrheic dermatitis is so important.

Seborrheic dermatitis – places of occurrence

The most common seborrheic dermatitis occurs:

  1. on the hairy scalp;
  2. around the eyebrows, eyelids and in the middle of the face;
  3. around the ears;
  4. in the upper part of the chest and between the shoulder blades;
  5. in the armpit area;
  6. in joint bends and in skin folds;
  7. in intimate surroundings.

If you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, order Bioherba refreshing and moisturizing hair spray with aloe vera available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Seborrheic dermatitis – diagnosis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a fairly common skin condition. PsA diagnosis should begin with a visit to a dermatologistwho will assess the condition of the skin and order the necessary tests. As part of diagnostics, tests are also often ordered to determine the level of micronutrients such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron or others depending on the accompanying symptoms. It is also worth performing mycological tests to find out the presence of yeasts.

The collected interview will also include information about past and existing illnesses, medications taken and general health. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to perform a biopsy and specialist histopathological examinations. Only on the basis of the performed tests and the collected medical history, the doctor can initiate appropriate treatment.

Seborrheic dermatitis – prevention

It is already known that seborrheic dermatitis is caused by certain external and internal factors. The overall health of the patient also influences the development of the disease. Therefore, it is easy to eliminate the factors that both contribute to the appearance of PsA and those that aggravate the inflammation. We should remember, among other things, that seborrheic dermatitis is favored by wearing tight and not very airy clothes, as well as by inadequate care. In this case, it is important to remove the lipid layer of the epidermis to an appropriate degree, and not to use too much cosmetics on it.

It is also necessary to choose cosmetics suitable for flaky skin. Currently, in drugstores you can get special preparations and cosmetics intended for skin care with seborrheic inflammation. Remember that these are not cosmetics for oily skin, because such care can only aggravate the problem.

Excess sebum is absorbed by, for example, Red Montmorillonite clay for skin care, which you can buy from Medonet Market in a safe and convenient way.

In the case of seborrheic dermatitis, it is recommended to wash the skin every day with soap with zinc pyrithione, apply nourishing ointments with vitamins A and D3, or moisturizing ointments. It is worth choosing the right bath lotions and anti-dandruff shampoo, which contains salicylic acid, selenium sulfide, tar, sulfur or ketoconazole. It is worth remembering to look for a cosmetic that is right for you, which contains the active ingredient that is right for you.

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