Seals who love autumn: 45 cozy photos

Gold foliage, clear air, slowly cooling sun and … seals.

Do you love autumn? It seems to be the most romantic time of the year. French philosopher Albert Camus believed that “autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.” And it is impossible not to agree with him, because in fine weather it is so. Do you know who loves autumn no less than romantic girls? That’s right, cats.

Playing with leaves is just as good as playing with sunbeams. Especially if you know for sure that after the game you will have a warm house, a full bowl and a caring owner. Then you can enjoy the fresh air without the slightest alarm about night frosts.

Just like humans, cats love to rustle with fallen leaves. There is something meditative, bewitching in this sound. In addition, a cat can bury itself in a heap of foliage entirely – people rarely succeed. I would like to, right?

By the way, artists often compare autumn with a ginger cat. Even October is affectionately named after the cats – kittyabr. And after all, cat skins are really in perfect harmony with the bright autumn palette. Bad weather, of course, will hardly be to their liking – after all, cats are people too, they love warmth and comfort. But sunny days, when you can soak up the last setting sun, are simply priceless.

Together with the cats, these moments are captured by their owners: cameras on phones are always ready, because missing a shot is just a crime. We have collected a whole collection of cats that enjoy the fall. We hope that these photos will warm you up a little too.

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