Sea buckthorn jam: useful properties of sea buckthorn dessert and simple recipes from frozen, fresh berries for the winter

Orange, delicate sunny color sea buckthorn jam with a barely noticeable pineapple tinge in taste will appeal to many. Cooking it is not difficult at all, and in winter it will be possible not only to feast on it, but also to improve your health.


Sea buckthorn jam: useful properties of sea buckthorn dessert and simple recipes from frozen, fresh berries for the winter

It is very useful to eat fresh berries, but jams, jams, juices are usually prepared for the winter. Sea buckthorn jam has a lot of medicinal properties that will certainly come in handy in the cold season: they heal blood vessels and the stomach, speed up metabolism, and save you from seasonal colds. But this amazing berry not only brings benefits, harm can be done to those who have cholelithiasis or peptic ulcers, as well as allergies to it.

You can make jam from freshly harvested, as well as frozen berries. The fruits must be carefully sorted out, freed from leaves, twigs, stalks, and all damaged specimens should be discarded. Before cooking, the berries are washed with running water, and then slightly dried. Some housewives scatter them on a clean cloth, but delicate berries can be damaged. It is easier to leave them for half an hour in a colander until the water drains. This is important if sea buckthorn is harvested without heat treatment.

Video “Recipe for sea buckthorn jam”

In this video you will learn how to make delicious sea buckthorn jam.

Sea buckthorn jam. How to cook sea buckthorn jam.

Time-tested recipes

Some prefer to grind or sprinkle sea buckthorn with sugar in order to retain as many nutrients as possible, but the berries will not last long. Today we will focus on traditional, time-tested recipes, and there each housewife will decide for herself how to cook delicious sea buckthorn jam.

If you are not afraid to experiment, then there can be a lot of options. The classic one involves only sea buckthorn and sugar, but this berry goes well with other berries or vegetables, spices change the flavor, add a piquant touch.


Sea buckthorn jam: useful properties of sea buckthorn dessert and simple recipes from frozen, fresh berries for the winter

This is the easiest way. For him, take 1 kg of prepared berries and about the same amount of sugar. The exact amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the sea buckthorn. There are many varieties that differ in the degree of sweetness of their fruits. In addition, you need to take into account the tastes of the owners: someone loves sugary sweetness, and someone is worried about being overweight.

So, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The berries are sprinkled with sugar, left for 4-6 hours to release the juice.
  2. After that, the dishes are put on fire. If the juice does not stand out or there is too little of it, then you can add a little water.
  3. On low heat, stirring gently, bring the mass first until the sugar is completely dissolved, then to a boil.
  4. The jam should boil for no more than 10 minutes, many prefer to limit it to 5 minutes, after which it is quickly laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.
  5. It is advisable to turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket, wait until it is completely cooled, only then clean it up.

Some prefer not to boil, but spread the mass with dissolved sugar into jars and pasteurize in boiling water (25 minutes a liter jar), placing the jars in a large saucepan.

Without pasteurization

Sea buckthorn jam: useful properties of sea buckthorn dessert and simple recipes from frozen, fresh berries for the winter

1 kg of berries are crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder, mixed with 1 kg of sugar, left for several hours to soak. The mass must be periodically stirred with a wooden spoon.

After 2–3 hours, the dishes are put on fire, brought to a boil, and then boiled over low heat, stirring for 20–30 minutes.

After that, hot jam is poured into jars, rolled up. It will last a year without pasteurization.

With honey and nuts

Sea buckthorn jam: useful properties of sea buckthorn dessert and simple recipes from frozen, fresh berries for the winter

It is difficult to make sea buckthorn even more useful, but it will succeed if you boil it with honey and walnuts. This dish will be incredibly healthy, tasty, tonic, but very high in calories. When starting cooking, you need to remember that honey cannot be boiled, it is better not to heat it over +60 ° C.


  • 1 kg of sea buckthorn;
  • 1 cup walnut kernels;
  • 1 kg of honey.

It is better to rub the berries through a sieve (before that, lightly crush with a wooden crush), but you can simply squeeze out the juice, put chopped nuts into the resulting mass (you can cut, crush, pass through a meat grinder), boil for 10–15 minutes, then cool slightly (up to +60 °C).

Honey is melted in a water bath or simply kneaded in a berry-nut mixture – one way or another, the combined products are put on a slow fire, simmered, not brought to a boil for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Until the mixture thickens, which will certainly happen after cooling, it is laid out in jars.

In the multivariate

Sea buckthorn jam: useful properties of sea buckthorn dessert and simple recipes from frozen, fresh berries for the winter

The bowl is filled with prepared berries (1 kg), sugar (1–1,2 kg), water (1/2 cup), left for 1 hour. You can add spices (cinnamon, citrus zest, nutmeg), apples, raisins or nuts. The berry can be whole or chopped, if you rub it through a sieve, then it is quite possible to cook jam.

For cooking, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour, but sometimes, nevertheless, you need to mix. After an hour, they change the mode to “Frying”, wait for the foam to appear, remove it, lay out the jam in containers.


Sea buckthorn jam: useful properties of sea buckthorn dessert and simple recipes from frozen, fresh berries for the winter

To get rid of the seeds, the easiest way is to squeeze the juice, but it is better to rub the berries through a sieve. This can be done with fresh, slightly mashed fruits, or you can first boil them a little for softness in a small amount of water. For 1 kg of the resulting mass, take 1–1,3 kg of sugar, mix, put on fire, cook while stirring.

You need to cook on low heat, and make sure that it does not burn, remove the foam. The finished jam no longer forms foam, does not spread on the saucer, it has darkened somewhat, which means it’s time to fill the prepared jars with it.

The pitted sea buckthorn mass can be mixed with sugar and stored in the refrigerator without boiling. But for this you will have to take twice as much sugar as sea buckthorn, combine the ingredients, let them stand, mix until completely dissolved. Store such a mixture even in the cold will not work for longer than six months.

With Pumpkin

Sea buckthorn jam: useful properties of sea buckthorn dessert and simple recipes from frozen, fresh berries for the winter

Sea buckthorn and pumpkin ripen almost simultaneously, their fruits are very useful – these are already two reasons to combine them to prepare a delicious dessert for the winter. For him you will need:

  • 1,5 kg of sea buckthorn;
  • 1 kg of peeled pumpkin pulp;
  • 800–900 g of sugar, zest of one orange.

Using a juicer, you need to prepare sea buckthorn juice, and cut the pumpkin pulp into small squares or petals so that it is convenient to eat:

  1. The juice is combined with sugar, put on fire, waiting for the complete dissolution of all crystals.
  2. After the mixture begins to boil, pieces of pumpkin and zest are added to it.
  3. Cook over low heat while stirring.
  4. Readiness is determined by the state of the pumpkin – the pieces should become soft, translucent, acquire the taste of sea buckthorn with a delicate citrus aroma.
  5. The finished jam is preserved in the usual way.

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