Sea buckthorn is the most common type of plant. The taste of its berries is very specific – sour and tart, so they don’t eat it in its pure form, but use it to make oils, jams and other products. The fruits of the plant have many different medicinal properties, and are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the human body.
Sea buckthorn is a perennial plant. This is a dioecious tree that can grow up to 4-5 meters in height.
The main feature of this plant is the presence of thorns, which complicate the harvest. It is advisable to wear thick gloves so as not to prick your hands. Most fruit trees do not have such a defense mechanism. Many branches grow on the trunk, which are densely covered with hard and sharp spikes about 2 centimeters long.
The bark of sea buckthorn has a grayish-brown tint. Foliage – linear-lanceolate, entire marginal about 8 centimeters in length. They have a light green color with a silvery tinge, like that of an olive tree.
When the tree begins to bloom, the flowers have a different color. Male specimens are dark brown in color. Each flower can have 4 pistils, all inflorescences are collected in a “spikelet” of 10-15 pieces up to one centimeter long. Unlike husband. signs of flowers, females have stamens. They have a greenish color, and the inflorescences are collected in brushes of several things. Flowering begins in late April and early May.
The fruits of sea buckthorn buckthorn have a light green color before ripening. After maturation, a bright orange color. The drupes are usually oval, small. But they densely cover the branches, so that they may not be noticed under a large number of fruits. In one mature tree, you can collect several buckets of berries. Fruit ripening ends closer to mid-autumn.
Usually, sea buckthorn can be found in Europe and Asia, as well as in Transbaikalia, Altai, the Caucasus and even in the southern territories of Siberia.
Sea buckthorn grows very well even in the wild, therefore it is able to create entire impenetrable thickets in its natural environment. It grows well in sandy soil, in river valleys, near rivers. You can practically not take care of these trees, as they themselves quickly adapt to the climate, and they can take water from underground.
Sea buckthorn can be propagated by seeds, diversion of root pagons or seedlings.
Video “Description”
From the video you will learn many interesting facts about sea buckthorn.
Chemical composition
The description of the chemical composition of sea buckthorn fruits mainly depends on the plant variety, place of growth, time of harvest, etc., therefore it may differ.
Buckthorn sea buckthorn contains a lot of vegetable fats, which do not contain cholesterol. Thanks to carotene, the oil has an orange color. There are also many vitamins of groups B, C, E, K, R. All of them are needed by the human body for the normal functioning of important vital systems. The fruits contain folic acid, betaine, phosphorolipids, glucose, sterols and triterpene substances. There are different organic natural acids: malic, tartaric and citric.
The chemical composition includes tannins, which are useful for healing tissues in the body, as well as many micro and macro elements: iron, magnesium, silicon, aluminum, calcium and potassium, sodium, lead, nickel, molybdenum and even strontium. Heavy metals are contained in scanty amounts, so there will be no harm to health.
Medicinal properties
Given the description of the chemical composition, it should be concluded that sea buckthorn is very useful not only for the prevention of diseases, but also for their treatment.
Pharmacognosy involves a thorough study of various raw materials of animal or vegetable origin. After a series of studies on sea buckthorn products, many useful properties of the fruit have been established. Berries have an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, destroying the pathogens of typhus, salmonellosis, dysentery. Useful substances can improve digestion, activate the production of digestive enzymes, gastric juice and bile for the normal breakdown of complex compounds. Sea buckthorn stimulates the immune system, increases the body’s resistance to infections and viruses. Also, with the regular use of drugs based on sea buckthorn or folk remedies, the number of red blood cells in the blood increases, and the level of hemoglobin increases.
Sea buckthorn berries reduce the intensity of dystrophic processes in the human body, damage to liver cells.
The oil improves the regenerative abilities of the body. As a result, the layers of the epithelium heal faster, the tissues of the internal organs are more actively restored. Inflammation, ulcers, swelling pass faster.
Thanks to this characteristic, sea buckthorn can be used in the diagnosis of many diseases. If a person has no contraindications to its use, you can regularly take various remedies based on these berries in order to improve the functioning of the body.
Sea buckthorn juice with pulp is recommended as an adjuvant for low acidity of gastric juice, hypokinesia of the stomach and intestines, and atonic constipation. It is also used in the complex treatment of patients with toxic hepatitis and for the prevention of occupational diseases as a multivitamin remedy.
Sea buckthorn oil is used for radiation damage to the skin, thermal and chemical burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers, etc. Cleaned from necrotic tissues, the wound or ulcerative surface is washed with a solution of penicillin or other antibiotics. Sea buckthorn oil is abundantly applied to the damaged area and a bandage is applied. Bandages are changed every other day. The treatment is carried out until the appearance of granulations filling the wound surface.
Like any other natural products, there are a number of contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn and products based on it. You can not take it when diagnosing pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, high acidity, with acute cholecystitis, as well as with pathology of the biliary tract.
Special attention should be paid to the sensitivity of the human body to the components of sea buckthorn. If after its use there are signs of an allergic reaction, then you need to stop taking medicines based on these berries.
Video “Medicinal purpose”
From the video you will learn what the medicinal use of sea buckthorn is.