Hello, dear readers!
I think you have noticed that in modern society, hired labor is becoming less and less relevant, and creating your own business is gaining momentum.
And if the initial task of determining the direction and opening a case can be handled by following certain algorithms and logic. That successful project management requires the application of specialized methods.
The Scrum methodology is not only a direction for developing business applications, but also a management method. This technology is used in many business sectors, so further we will consider its features and ways of practical application.
What it is?
The basis for this methodology was the example of rugby, where several small teams of various profiles work to achieve the maximum result.
The approach itself is a set of values, rituals, principles, artifacts, the basis for which was scrapbooking.
As a result, it becomes possible to obtain a new finished product in short and rigidly fixed time periods (sprints). Usually these are new business opportunities or the identification of an additional direction for the development of the business, which is a priority.
The technology itself is presented as a framework, with clearly defined deadlines and goals. At the same time, its main direction is the solution of non-standard issues. A feature of Scrum is a fairly flexible system that allows you to set new goals and quickly adjust the process of their implementation. This is achieved due to the fact that the final results, goals, methods and priorities are discussed in advance.
In this methodology, everything is tied to time periods (1-4 weeks) for which it is necessary to solve the tasks. Flexibility is achieved by the duration of sprints. That is, the shorter the given interval, the more opportunities to adjust the general direction of development based on indicators such as:
- consumer reviews;
- releases;
- reduction of time to work in the wrong direction (in case of a mistake).
Longer sprints also have their benefits:
- saving time at meetings;
- no need to prepare frequent presentations;
- the possibility of uninterrupted work.
Thus, the use of Scrum technology allows you to successfully plan, organize and manage projects of any complexity.
In any case, this approach to building a business improves mutual understanding between the participants. It speeds up the process of implementing the plans and allows you to receive daily feedback within the team.
The main components of the methodology
To run a business, you need to know the main elements of this methodology:
- Project Wish Log. It lists the entire necessary list of company requirements (functionality, priority, ordering of cases for implementation). These records are open for editing by any member of the working group, depending on the needs of common goals and new emerging information.
- The sprint wish log is a list of functional tasks that the manager or owner directly chose.
- Target. It is necessary so that in case of unforeseen situations or a reduction in the time frame, each member of the group can make an independent decision. This minimizes the number of general meetings and gives a certain level of freedom in decision-making, without compromising the overall result.
- Stopping the sprint — can be done by the leader or any other participants in the process. It is used in situations where the activity becomes irrelevant or causes damage. After one sprint is closed, a new one always starts.
- Kanban board. It is necessary for the visual structuring of the process of moving towards the goal. Usually consists of 3 columns: «to do», «in progress», «done». Cards with the necessary task are attached to the corresponding column, where the company’s need is indicated. As you go through the stages of implementation, the card is moved along the columns. Such a board can be ordered or made independently.
The use of these elements helps not only to build a quality structure, but also to increase motivation. Elements of the game, such as the desire to quickly move the card to the «done» column, include the internal mechanisms of desire to achieve the goal. What is better than job duties or coercion.
The role of the team
The main thing in any business building strategy is always people, so the formation of a team and the distribution of roles in it are one of the important points in Scrum technology.
There are 2 types of roles in this technique
- Product Creators. This includes everyone who is directly related to the project and has a personal interest in its success.
- Interested in the product. A stakeholder who will not be greatly affected by success or failure. Everyone in this category can take part in the discussion, but they are not allowed to make decisions.
In addition to the development and implementation team, there is a company owner or customer, as well as a Scrum master who directly oversees all work. There are restrictions on the number of participants for the best functioning of the team — from 4 to 6 people. In extreme cases, up to 9 specialists are allowed.
The obligatory requirement is the observance of the following values:
- Devotion. Compliance with the goals set, without the desire to simultaneously implement additional or personal ones.
- Courage. Important in force majeure and risky situations. When you need to make a difficult decision or take responsibility for the actions of the entire group.
- Focusing. Full concentration on work is implied.
- Openness. The ability to immediately and directly state the difficulties that have arisen in one’s area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbwork or the shortcomings noticed in someone else’s field.
- Mutual respect for all employees, the ability to appreciate colleagues for their professionalism, independence, responsibility and the possibility of practical assistance.
When each team member adheres to these principles and operates within the framework designated by their role, the success of any enterprise increases.
Each project requires different issues to be addressed. But, nevertheless, business development mechanisms reduce them to a few basic goals. The application of this methodology shows excellent results.
For example:
- improving the efficiency of the team;
- transparency in the discussion of work plans;
- increasing cohesion among employees;
- better management of a large number of tasks within a limited time or increased importance;
- increasing the productivity of working time;
- structuring goals in relation to importance, the ability to focus on the most pressing issues;
- distribution of responsibility between the team;
- improving communication between different departments and providing missing information on common issues;
- reduction of stress levels, as well as emotional stress due to deadlines and force majeure.
The development of individual Scrum plans allows each participant to feel that things are moving forward. The visibility of tasks motivates to achieve goals as quickly as possible, and the visibility of progress helps everyone evaluate what exactly is happening with the company. Are deadlines met and results achieved?
Such transparency helps to find barriers to development and successfully eliminate them. In addition, the team unconsciously unites, there is a transfer of experience and a discussion of the situation from various professional positions.
The advantage of Scrum is not only that the application of the basic principles is well structured. But also in the fact that for successful activity the principles of improving the psychological climate, deepening the level of communication are used.
The introduction of such systems allows you to use the internal motivation of the individual and includes the prevention of professional burnout.
Finally, I want to recommend taking an online test that will help you find out how well your team is able to work.
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Until next time!
The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich