Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties

Rose scrubs – what is it? This question is asked by many beginner flower growers. Indeed, it is difficult to define this group of roses, since it is the most extensive in terms of the number of varieties and species. It includes roses of various selections, bred in different countries, which were not included in other garden and decorative groups. Despite the variety of forms, all shrubs are unpretentious and resistant to external factors, and their high decorative characteristics allow these roses to be used to decorate any landscape and residential spaces.

Description and distinguishing features

Shrubs are a class of garden roses recognized by the international classification. From English shrub means “shrub”, so we can say that this group includes shrub roses of various forms: high, low, semi-climbing. It should be noted that any rose is a shrub, so the name “shrubs” is very conditional. Shrabs were bred into a separate group relatively recently – in the second half of the XNUMXth century, but as for authorship, breeders from all over the world have contributed here.Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties

Today, the definition of “shrab” contains many groups and types of garden roses. This includes the famous Lambert roses, the legendary English roses of D. Austin’s selection, Nostalgic Shrubs (an officially distinguished group), some varieties of French selection, German Kordes roses (Marchenrosen series), frost-resistant Canadian roses. But also groundcover roses belong to scrubs, which, in turn, are divided into several conditional subgroups depending on the shape and growth of the shoots.

As you can see, the class of shrubs is very diverse, so it is impossible to single out any common external features, however, there are some characteristics that are inherent in all shrubs. This is an abundant and long flowering from early summer to mid-autumn – many varieties bloom in waves several times a season. Also, the general positive characteristics include good resistance to diseases and low temperatures. Although scrubs need winter shelter, this protection is not as thorough as other types of roses.Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties

In terms of decorativeness, scrubs occupy a leading position in the classification of roses. Outwardly, they are very spectacular: the bushes are powerful and spreading, the crown is voluminous, the foliage is thick, the flowering is lush, the color of the buds is bright and varied, the aroma is pronounced. Shrubs are unpretentious in care, not particularly demanding on conditions, and their application is the widest: single, group plantings, landscape compositions, vertical gardening, hedges and much more, for which there is enough imagination.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about this type of shrubs.

All about scars. Shrub roses

Rose varieties

Among the whole variety of varieties, the most popular scrubs can be distinguished, which are often found in the climate of our latitudes:

  1. Bonanza. Amazingly beautiful semi-climbing rose with large (up to 8 cm) buds of orange color with a red border around the edge. The flowers are densely double, arranged in inflorescences, very fragrant. The bush is compact, the shoots are long (up to two meters), it blooms repeatedly from early summer to the first frost.
  2. Snow ballet. A very beautiful variety with snow-white multiple buds collected in voluminous racemose inflorescences. The flowers are large (6-7 cm), terry, bloom for a long time, have a pleasant delicate aroma.Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties
  3. Abraham Derby. Amazing roses of the selection of D. Austin with very beautiful buds of a delicate peach shade along the edges and slightly pinkish inside. The flowers themselves are large (up to 10 cm), densely double, flowering is long – from June to mid-October. The variety is resistant to a number of diseases, tolerates frost well.
  4. Cute. Hybrid variety of climbing rose with high winter hardiness. It blooms in large racemes, consisting of 7-10 bright scarlet or crimson buds, outwardly resembling a tea rose. The bush is voluminous, the lashes are long, if they are directed, they perfectly wrap around arches, arbors and other architectural forms.Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties
  5. Flammentants. Another climbing hybrid with large semi-double flowers of scarlet color. Blooms very early, blooms once a month. The bush is very decorative, during the flowering period it is literally covered with multiple inflorescences, consisting of 4-7 flowers. The rose perfectly tolerates frosts, is not susceptible to disease.
  6. Morden Centennial. Hybrid of Canadian selection, characterized by continuous long flowering in several passes. The flowers are large (up to 10 cm), terry, in the shade of crimson, in the sun of an intense pink color, arranged in tassels of 5-7 pieces.Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties
  7. Gazebo. Frost, drought, weather and disease resistant variety. The flowers are very spectacular, densely double, large (up to 12 cm), of an amazing golden-pink hue. Flowering is long, the buds hold their shape well and do not lose color.

Landing in open ground

Most scrub varieties are propagated by grafted seedlings, for some varieties a vegetative method can be used. Planting roses can be carried out both in spring and autumn, it all depends on the climate of the region and the variety of roses. In the southern regions, planting in the fall is possible, but in temperate and northern latitudes, spring planting should be preferred. You also need to take into account the varietal characteristics of the scrub, since there are more or less winter-hardy varieties.

For planting, you can use seedlings with an open root system or closed (in pots), while transplanting roses from a pot can be carried out throughout the summer season. As for grafted seedlings with open roots, they are usually sold and purchased in autumn. If the climate of your region is such that planting in open ground can only be done in spring, then simply store the seedlings until spring in a cool place. They can be dug in or wrapped with moisture-absorbing material, for example, sphagnum moss, which will need to be moistened periodically.Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties

The place for planting roses should be open to the sun and protected from northern winds and drafts. It is best to plant bushes on the south or southwest side of the site. Wetlands with a high level of groundwater should be avoided – roses do not tolerate excessive moisture. The quality of the soil for scrubs is not important, the main thing is that the earth is not heavy and acidic. Loose loamy soil with good drainage properties and neutral acidity is considered the most suitable for roses in this group. Organic fertilizers will help improve the quality of the soil: compost, humus, wood ash, which are applied for digging.

When planting shrubs, keep in mind that many of them have a fairly powerful crown and root system, so if a transplant becomes necessary, it will be very difficult to do so. To avoid a transplant, you must initially clearly understand the purpose of the roses and immediately think over the layout of the bushes:

  • undersized roses are used as borders, as the foreground of the composition – they can be planted at a distance of 30-40 cm;
  • tall roses can decorate the center of the composition or become a bright accent of the landscape in a single planting – tall shrubs are planted one at a time or no more than three in a group, but then the distance between the bushes should be 1-2 m;Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties
  • the distance when planting bushes of medium height depends on the size of the crown, but on average per 1 sq. m. area can be placed no more than 3 bushes.

Among the scrubs there are also climbing varieties and the so-called roses – fountains. Their planting depends on the size of the bush. “Fountains” have a beautiful spherical crown and look very impressive when planted in groups of 3 bushes. Creeping or ground cover varieties can be planted almost everywhere: along walls, fences, near verandas, arbors, decorative arches. They look great on the slopes, cascading flower beds. In a word, among the scrubs you can always choose a variety to your taste and plant any area. 

Landing technology

On the technical side, the planting of any rose is carried out in approximately the same way. Minor differences can be observed in planting seedlings with open and closed root systems. Plants from a pot are planted together with a clod of earth, and with open roots they are placed in water for several hours so that the roots are saturated with moisture. Otherwise, there is no difference, and planting roses-shrubs in open ground occurs in the following order:

  • a plot intended for a rose is dug up 2 weeks before planting along with fertilizers: compost, humus, peat, ash – the amount of fertilizer depends on the composition of the soil;
  • two weeks later, a hole 50×50 cm in size and 60 cm deep is dug on the site – these are average sizes, and the exact depth and width of the hole is determined by the size of the root system of the seedling;
  • excavated earth is poured into the hole a third of the depth, so that a small mound is formed;
  • there you need to pour 0,5 buckets of water and a solution of fertilizers for roses;
  • when the water is absorbed, the seedling is placed vertically in the center of the pit, the roots are leveled – the plants from the pot are planted together with a clod of earth;
  • they fall asleep the seedling with their hands, periodically compacting the soil, it is necessary to ensure that the grafting site is deepened into the soil by 5-6 cm;
  • after planting, the ground around the bush is rammed, and the bush itself is spudded – if desired, the soil can be mulched.

For the first time, the bushes should be shaded with spruce branches or other material. Further care for roses consists of periodic watering, top dressing, shaping pruning.

How to grow on a windowsill

The class of scrubs is so diverse that there was a place in it for varieties of decorative roses that can be grown indoors on window sills and balconies. In principle, any rose can grow indoors (pot, container), so it is not necessary to select special indoor roses, you can plant any variety you like. Despite the fact that such roses are quite miniature, they also have a beautiful bush shape and are famous for their abundant flowering, and the bushes can bloom all year round.Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties

Among the scrubs there are also miniature climbing roses: Red Cascade (bright red inflorescences), Hi-Ho (coral-red buds), Green Ice (terry buds, white with a greenish tinge), which look great in pots, hanging planters.

They quickly braid balconies, verandas, creating a pleasant coolness and shade. For the winter, they can be brought indoors, cut off, and in the spring they will quickly unravel again. In a word, growing roses at home in pots is a simple and very exciting activity.

The easiest way is to buy an indoor rose in a flower shop, and then just take care of it and enjoy abundant flowering. But if you are at least a little interested in floriculture, then you will definitely want to plant and grow a beautiful flower with your own hands. If you decide to take this step and purchase a seedling, then you should not immediately transplant it into a new pot. First, let the plant get used to the microclimate of the room. You should also deal with a seedling with open horses bought at the market. Moisten the roots, wrap them, for example, in sphagnum moss (it holds moisture very well), and let the seedling stay in the room for two days.Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties

A rose should be planted in a special substrate, which is sold in the same flower shop. You can independently prepare the substrate from peat, coarse sand, humus and garden soil in equal parts. The rose does not tolerate stagnant water, so drainage should be laid at the bottom of the pot. A plant bought in a store, as a rule, is in a peat substrate, which, when transplanted, must be cleaned from the roots, trying not to damage them. By planting a flower along with a peat substrate, you doom its roots to dry out quickly, which can adversely affect the development of the plant.

Like all roses, indoor varieties love the sun, so the pot is best placed on the windowsill on the south side of the room. In winter, the flower needs to be highlighted. A lot of sun does not mean that the plants can be hot – the optimum temperature for roses is + 15-20 ° C. You need to water the flower as the soil dries. To keep the roots moist, pour water into the pot tray. For irrigation, use settled or filtered water at room temperature. In the summer, as well as when the heating is on, the bushes should be sprayed daily with water.Scrub roses: what is it, distinctive features and varieties

In general, caring for a room rose is no different from a garden one. It also needs to be fed periodically. The rose loves organic matter, so pamper it more often with special complex fertilizers for roses with humates. During flowering, you need to feed at intervals of 2 weeks. Remember that the home rose also needs rest. In autumn, when the buds fade, cut the shoots to a few centimeters, stop feeding, water very rarely, only so that the shoots do not dry out. With the advent of spring, resume watering and fertilizing, and the rose will immediately grow, and in a month it will give many buds.

Video “Care and cropping”

From the video you will learn how to properly cut and care for this type of roses.

Rose Rose !!! Rose Pruning Scrub

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