Scrub for problem skin

This tool can be attributed to quick response cosmetics: scrubs instantly transform the skin of the face, removing all unnecessary. The editors of Healthy-Food have prepared a review of the best exfoliating products that owners of problem skin simply cannot do without.

Benefits of a scrub for problem skin

Calling the skin problematic, experts most often mean oily skin with enlarged pores, prone to the appearance of blackheads and acne. Caring for her is not easy, you need to carefully select the funds and do not forget to use them regularly.

And you should start with a thorough cleansing, because no one needs oily sheen and clogged pores.


Scrub for problem skin performs several functions at once.

  1. Intensively cleanses the skin. Various types of clay, activated charcoal literally attract impurities and excess sebum, get rid of blackheads.

  2. Corrects relief. Exfoliating particles (natural in the form of crushed seeds of berries and fruits or silicone) remove dead cells and polish the surface of the skin to make it smooth.

  3. Improves the appearance of the skin. Thanks to the oils (apricot, rose, etc.) that the scrub contains, the skin looks refreshed and rested after the procedure.

  4. Effectively fights imperfections. In the composition of exfoliating products, you can often find ingredients such as tea tree extract, calendula or chamomile, fruit acids.

  5. Absorbs sebum and mattifies the skin. To do this, the composition includes ingredients such as zinc, salicylic and pyruvic acids, kaolin, perlite.

  6. Thanks to moisturizing ingredients (hyaluronic acid, glycerin, oils, vitamin E, panthenol and others) saturates the skin with moisture.

Vichy medical expert Ekaterina Turubara advises to use scrubs 1-2 times a week. If the skin is sensitive – no more than once a week. And it reminds: if you have dry skin, you should not get carried away with intensive cleansing, since sebum is barely enough to meet the primary needs of the epidermis: “As a “spring cleaning”, you can use soft gommages or detoxifying masks with antioxidants.”

Take our quiz to find out which face scrub you need.

Scrubs can and should be used if:

  • the skin suffers from excess sebum;

  • black dots are visible on the face;

  • acne is present.

Refrain from using the scrub if:

  • dermatitis;

  • inflamed or irritated skin;

  • exacerbation of acne.

Problem skin care starts with cleansing.

How to choose a scrub for problem skin

What should I look for when buying an exfoliator?

  • Composition. It must contain not only cleansing, but also softening, as well as moisturizing components.

  • Consistency. Give preference to light textures.

  • abrasive particles. The smaller they are, the softer the scrub acts. For example, in some products, the function of abrasives is performed by ground fruit pits, in others, powder from these pits and seeds.

  • level of aggressiveness. Choose a product based on the needs of your skin. And never apply a body scrub to your face: the abrasive particles in it are larger, and the components may not suit the skin of the face.

Homemade scrub or purchased: expert opinion

Despite the fact that the store has a large selection of exfoliating products, someone prefers to mix them at home.


  • “they are cheaper”;

  • “I know what I put in there”;

  • “I use only natural ingredients, and in store – one chemistry.”

What do the experts think about this? “If you don’t have a ready-made product on hand, then, of course, you can make a scrub based on coffee, salt or sugar,” says L’Oréal’s expert dermatologist. Marina Kamanina. – But it is important to remember that these substances can cause burning or severe irritation. In addition, there are no caring components in the composition of the home remedy, it does not take into account the characteristics of your skin, unlike the purchased one.

Homemade scrubs are popular. But are they effective?

The richness of the composition

There are more ingredients in ready-made products – moreover, all components get along well with each other. It is very difficult to create a scrub at home that would exfoliate well, perfectly moisturize and care for the skin.

“When composing homemade scrubs, it’s easy to break the proportions,” notes Vichy medical expert Ekaterina Turubara, “and all efforts will go down the drain. The mixture will either not bring results at all, or cause unwanted reactions – for example, allergic ones. The pre-made beauty scrubs have been lab tested and if you match them to your skin type you will see the effect.”


Speaking about the effectiveness of the product, the manufacturer relies on laboratory tests. And what can you count on when using a scrub prepared on your own according to a folk recipe? Only on subjective sensations.

Easy application

And here the purchased funds win: they are easy to apply, easily absorbed and easily washed off. Which, unfortunately, can not be said about home.

Scrubs for home use

As you can see, the advantage is on the side of purchased funds. But if you really want to experiment, choose sparing recipes.

Scrubs for oily problematic skin

Such skin needs especially thorough cleansing.

Coffee Scrub

Act: cleans, activates the update processes.


  • 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds;

  • 1 st. l. unrefined olive oil;

  • 2 drops of lemon balm essential oil.

How to prepare and use:

  1. mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency;

  2. clean and steam the skin well;

  3. apply the scrub along the massage lines;

  4. leave for 3 minutes;

  5. rinse with warm water.

Important: Before using essential oil in home cosmetics, make sure that you are not allergic to it. This is a very active substance.

orange scrub

Act: cleanses the skin, fills it with energy.


  • 2 tsp dried orange peel;

  • 2 tbsp. l. unrefined olive oil.

How to prepare and use:

  1. mix the ingredients;

  2. clean and steam the skin;

  3. apply the gruel with light circular motions;

  4. leave for 10 minutes;

  5. rinse with warm water.

The ready-made version will significantly save your time.

Facial Cleanser 3-in-1, Garnier

Effectively combats oily sheen and blackheads. Contains eucalyptus extract, salicylic acid and zinc, perfectly cleanses, mattifies the skin and evens out complexion.

Scrubs for sensitive problematic skin

She is the most tender and unprotected, and the means for her should be especially delicate.

strawberry scrub

Act: cleanses the skin, softens and nourishes it.


  • ½ cup strawberries;

  • 2 tsp honey

How to prepare and use:

  1. mix ingredients;

  2. cleanse the skin and steam it;

  3. apply the product with a cotton pad, massage lightly;

  4. leave for 2 minutes;

  5. rinse with warm water.

milk scrub

Act: cleanses and softens the skin, making it velvety.


  • ½ cup full fat milk;

  • 2 tbsp. l. corn grits.

How to prepare and use:

  1. mix the ingredients and leave for 5-10 minutes to swell the cereal;

  2. clean and steam your face;

  3. apply the mixture on the skin;

  4. massage lightly;

  5. leave for 5 minutes;

  6. rinse with cool water.

It is safer and easier to use a special formula for sensitive skin.

Soft facial scrub, La Roche-Posay

Gently exfoliates and cleanses the skin, visibly smoothing it.

Scrubs for combination problem skin

With mixed skin, you need to take care of both exfoliation and active moisturizing so as not to overdry the U-zone.

Sugar Banana Scrub

Act: cleanses and moisturizes the skin.


  • 1 a glass of sugar;

  • ¼ cup shea butter mixed with coconut oil;

  • 1 ripe banana.

How to prepare and use:

  1. mix all the ingredients, you should get the consistency of whipped cream;

  2. cleanse the face and steam the skin;

  3. spread the mixture over your face;

  4. Gently massage into skin and rinse off.

Honey scrub

Act: cleanses, evens out skin tone, refreshes.


  • 1 a glass of sugar;

  • 1 st. l. honey;

  • ½ cup crushed tea rose petals

  • 1 tbsp. l. jojoba oils;

  • 2 drops of rose oil.

How to prepare and use:

  1. mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained;

  2. apply the mixture on a cleansed face;

  3. massage in circular motions;

  4. hold the composition for 5 minutes;

  5. rinse with warm water.

All the ingredients must first be obtained, and then thoroughly mixed, isn’t it easier to use the ready-made version with a delicate texture and pleasant aroma?

Gommage exfoliant with sugar particles and rose water Rose Sugar Scrub, Lancome

Gently cleanses and exfoliates the skin, making it soft and velvety, visibly evens out the tone.

Scrub rules

  1. Scrubbing is best done in the evening. The new cells that replace the keratinized ones are very vulnerable, and it takes time for them to “get used to it”. It is definitely not worth going outside immediately after the procedure.

  2. The procedure will be more effective if you first steam the skin (for this, you can simply spend 10-15 minutes in the bath or shower).

  3. You need to cleanse your skin. There is an opinion that a scrub is the same cleansing, so you should not use a gel or foam before it. Vice versa! Choose the right product (micellar water, cleansing milk, gel, etc.) and go!

  4. Apply the scrub to damp skin with gentle circular movements along the massage lines. Move from the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the ears, from the nose to the cheekbones.

  5. Massage your face for 2-5 minutes according to the instructions, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

  6. After scrubbing, use a mask, nourishing or moisturizing cream: right now they will bring maximum benefit.

Safety measures

  1. Do not use scrubs on sensitive areas around the lips and eyes.

  2. Don’t use exfoliators if your skin is dry. In extreme cases, it is permissible to use them every 10-14 days.

  3. To avoid allergic reactions, first test the product on a small area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin.

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