Scrub for dry skin: homemade or ready-made products?

Dry skin is far from problem-free: it is more prone to wrinkles, more often suffers from flaking and a feeling of tightness. I just want to polish it with a scrub to make it smooth and soft. The only question is, which scrub is better: homemade or store-bought?

Scrub benefits for dry skin

Dry skin is instantly recognizable. It looks thin, does not shine at all, quickly becomes covered with a network of wrinkles, and often peels off. If it is not moisturized and pampered with special care in the form of exfoliation and masks, it loses its fresh look and becomes dull. There are a lot of reasons for this, ranging from problems with the hormonal system and hereditary predisposition to improper care and the influence of negative environmental factors.

In fact, at least once in a lifetime, most people experience dry skin, either short-term or longer-term. And it is always associated with a violation of the epidermal barrier.

In order for the quality of the skin to please, one cleansing, toning and moisturizing is not enough. Exfoliation and masks are also needed, and ideally also salon treatments. But for now, let’s focus on exfoliation.

Take our quiz to find out which face scrub you need.

It is generally accepted that dry skin is better not to injure once again. On the one hand, it is. But, on the other hand, unexfoliated, it looks lifeless. The accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the epidermis leads to not the most pleasant consequences:

  • loss of skin tone;

  • dullness.

We propose to cast aside all doubts and make it a rule to carry out regular exfoliation. But not with rough abrasives, but with soft particles. If you choose the right product and use it at least once a week, your skin will thank you.

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Typically, exfoliants for dry skin include mild and gentle ingredients.
  • Synthetic microgranules. Unlike crushed seeds of fruits and berries, rounded granules do not injure the skin.

  • Oils with essential fatty acids (borage oil, red currant seeds) promote the synthesis of lipid barrier components.

  • Ceramides lipids that form and strengthen the skin barrier.

  • plant extracts (for example, ginger) improve complexion, soften and smooth the skin.

  • Oils rich in sterols (rosehip, soy, safflower), care for dry skin.

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Rules for choosing a scrub for dry skin

The more moisturizing and softening ingredients in the scrub, the better. It is better to refuse rough abrasives. One of the favorite ingredients of home cosmetics lovers, in particular for making scrubs, is salt.
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Scrub rules

  • Before using the scrub, wash your face with a gel or mousse.

  • Wipe the skin with a pad moistened with tonic or skin moisturizing lotion.

  • Apply the scrub to wet skin with massaging movements.

  • Gently massage your face along the massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes.

  • Wash off the scrub with warm water.

  • Blot your face with a tissue.

  • Apply toner.

  • Apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream.

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Homemade scrub or purchased: expert opinion

  • When choosing an exfoliating agent, it is worth remembering that it will affect dry skin – tender and vulnerable. This is what the manufacturer has in mind when creating exfoliants with a cream, mousse or gel texture.

  • Scrubs for dry skin are usually creamy, oil-based: the fat base allows the granules to gently glide over the skin without scratching or irritating it. In addition, oils additionally nourish the dry epidermis.

  • Apricot kernels, for example, cannot be technologically crushed so that there are no sharp corners, so soft microgranules or crushed sugar are used in products for dry and sensitive skin. It melts under the influence of water, and the “rigidity” of the scrub can be controlled.

  • Exfoliants for dry skin are always very gentle and never squeak or redden.

Now think about it – can you meet all the conditions for the safe use of a scrub prepared at home? If you are confident in your abilities, here are some recipes for you.

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Scrubs for dry skin: choosing recipes

Scrub with sugar, lemon, cranberries and honey to soften the skin

Result: cleansed and softened skin.


  1. 1 Art. liter. sugar;

  2. 1 Art. liter. lemon juice;

  3. 1 tbsp. l. cranberries;

  4. 1 tsp. honey;

  5. ¾ cup coconut oil;

  6. 1 sealed container.

How to prepare and use:

  • squeeze juice from cranberries;

  • in a small bowl, mix lemon and cranberry juices, honey and coconut oil;

  • add sugar and mix;

  • put the sugar scrub in an airtight container and store in a dry place or use immediately;

  • apply scrub on cleansed skin;

  • massage your face with soft circular motions;

  • rinse with warm water.

For homemade recipes, choose only fresh products.

Nourishing scrub for dry skin

Result: moisturized cleansed skin, lightening pigmentation.


  1. 2 ripe figs;

  2. ½ cup milk;

  3. 1 st. l. hercules.

How to prepare and use:

  • grate the figs on a fine grater;

  • boil milk;

  • pour grated figs with milk;

  • add hercules;

  • cool the mass and apply on cleansed face for 20-30 minutes;

  • rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing scrub for dry skin

Result: increase in elasticity and firmness of the skin, softness and hydration.


  1. 1 Art. l oatmeal;

  2. 1 tsp Sahara;

  3. ½ tsp olive oil.

How to prepare and use:

  • grind the hercules in a coffee grinder;

  • warm up the oil;

  • mix flour, sugar and warm olive oil;

  • cleanse the skin and wipe the skin with tonic;

  • apply the resulting mixture on wet skin;

  • Gently work each part of the face with massaging movements, avoiding the area around the eyes;

  • wash off the mixture with warm water;

  • Wipe your face with tonic and apply a moisturizer.

Scrub for dry skin with banana, sour cream and honey

Result: more even relief of the skin, nourished with vitamins and minerals.


  1. ½ banana;

  2. 1 tsp sour cream 20% fat;

  3. 1 tsp. warm honey

How to prepare and use:

  • mash the banana to a puree state;

  • soften the honey in a water bath so that it is warm;

  • in a plastic or glass bowl, mix banana, sour cream and warm honey;

  • wash your face with a soft mousse or foam;

  • apply the resulting mixture on wet skin;

  • thoroughly work the entire face with massage movements;

  • rinse with warm water;

  • Apply a moisturizing/nourishing cream or balm.

Editorial opinion. If there is a desire to create and come up with various recipes, we cannot forbid you to do this. In addition, a homemade scrub or mask is beneficial, if only because the cooking process itself is a pleasure. And yet we strongly recommend that you pay attention to ready-made cosmetics. For their effectiveness, and most importantly safety, you can not worry.
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Scrubs for dry skin

Facial Sugar Scrub, Radiance, Exfoliating, “3 Natural Sugars & Grapeseed Oil”, L’Oréal Paris

Sugar scrub with a melting texture is suitable for the skin of the face and lips. Contains three natural sugars (brown, yellow and white) and monoi oil, which not only moisturizes, but also maintains the natural radiance of the skin. Acai powder is also responsible for exfoliation.

Soft scrub, La Roche-Posay

The scrub gently and delicately acts on the skin thanks to microparticles and the Hepes component.

Gommage-exfoliant for the face with sugar particles and rose water Rose Sugar Scrub, Lancôme

Formulated with sugar particles and rose water, it gently exfoliates the skin for a visibly more velvety, smoother appearance, visibly evens out skin tone, and provides unparalleled comfort.

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Safety measures

  1. Only fresh products are suitable for cooking.

  2. Do not use a scrub if the skin on the face is irritated, there is inflammation in the acute stage.

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