Scraping for pathogenic fungi of the skin is a microscopic analysis that is performed to detect a fungal infection of the epidermis (mycosis). Using this technique, it is possible to state the fact of infection with a fungus (preliminary analysis) and determine the type of pathogen (final analysis). The causative agents of mycoses can be pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic fungi. In order for the dermatologist to prescribe an effective course of therapy, the patient is sent for mycological examination.
Classification of pathogenic skin fungi
According to the classification, there are 5 main types of fungal diseases: erythrasma (pseudomycosis); mycoses are deep; candidiasis; dermatomycosis; keratomycosis. Erythrasma is a pathological fungal infection that is quite difficult to diagnose. It is possible to identify erythrasma only by the results of scraping for fungi located on the skin.
Mycoses deep affect the larynx, bronchi and lungs. The disease manifests itself in people with a weakened immune system and protracted ailments. Deep mycoses include: mucorosis, aspergillosis and penicilliosis. Fungi often infect the nasal cavity and cause diseases of the lungs, ears and the formation of abscesses.
Fungi of the genus Candida look like yeast under a microscope. They are present in small amounts on the body, but when the immune system is suppressed, fungi begin to multiply rapidly, as a result of which a person becomes ill with candidiasis. Candidiasis (thrush) can be not only the skin, but also the intestines, oral cavity, intimate organs. The reproduction of fungi and an increase in their number can be confirmed by passing a general blood test and scraping for pathogenic mycoses.
Microsporia, rubromycosis, trichophytosis, epidermomycosis, epidermophytosis are dermatomycosis, which cause inflammation of the skin, hair and nail plates. You can get the infection from pets or sick people. Heterotrophic microorganisms love moisture and begin to multiply in a damp environment, so you can “pick up” the infection in the shower, pool, sauna, and even in the gym – in the usual common areas.
Keratomycosis proceed as follows: the stratum corneum of the epidermis is damaged, but there are no inflammatory processes. Keratomycosis is fraught with the fact that because of them two serious ailments can develop – pityriasis versicolor and trichosporia nodosum. Lichen is diagnosed in 15-20% of the world’s population, but people diagnosed with AIDS and tuberculosis are more susceptible to the disease.
Symptoms of fungal skin diseases
It is difficult to determine the causative agent of infection in the early stages, since there are no external manifestations of the disease. With a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, the first symptoms appear: the skin becomes pale and looks unhealthy; peeling of the skin is observed; hair becomes brittle and begins to fall out; spots on the skin with an unpleasant odor are formed; the structure of the nails is destroyed; there is discomfort, itching and burning.
Pathogenic fungi reproduce in favorable conditions (humid environment) and can live outside the human body for a long period of time. It is possible to become infected during direct contact, when the pathogen comes into contact with healthy parts of the body. You can “get” the infection through someone else’s shoes or clothes, often this happens on the beach, in a bathhouse or pool.
The incubation period lasts from 2-3 days to 3-4 months. The first symptoms of the disease are cracks in the skin, itching, rashes, exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis.
Methods for diagnosing fungal diseases
Scraping is taken exclusively from smooth skin.
A dermatologist most often prescribes this study for patients with lichen that affects the shoulders, back, chest and neck. The doctor scrapes off the top layer of dead skin and obtains a sample with mycelium and fungus spores.
Tests for heterotrophic microorganisms include:
- scraping for pathogenic skin fungi;
- microscopic diagnostics;
- cultural research.
With the help of microscopic diagnostics, clear contours of the microorganism are revealed. To do this, the biomaterial is clarified in an alkaline medium, which dissolves organic matter and only fungi remain for further diagnosis.
A culture study will help identify the causative agent of the infection. The analysis is performed within 7-10 days, and the doctor can make the final diagnosis according to the results of cultural diagnostics on the 13th day, since the primary fungi grow for a long period of time. Other methods for diagnosing skin diseases caused by microorganisms include:
- enzyme immunoassay;
- PCR study;
- sowing.
Indications and contraindications for taking scrapings for pathogenic skin fungi
The procedure is indicated for the purpose of preventive diagnostics for visiting the pool, bath, sauna and other public places. The analysis begins with suspicion of mycoses, in particular because of the patient’s complaints about cracks, rashes, itching and peeling of the epidermis. With the help of the study, it is possible to detect microorganisms, determine their type and make an accurate diagnosis.
There are no contraindications to the manipulation, since it is painless and is performed within a few minutes. Taking a scraping does not cause discomfort or other unpleasant sensations.
Preparation and taking of biomaterial for analysis
The patient should prepare in advance for the upcoming manipulation: a few days before the date of the study, hygiene procedures should not be carried out; it is forbidden to use cosmetics and apply it to the places from which the biomaterial will be taken; for a sample near the nail plates, it is impossible to pre-apply coloring varnishes and cosmetics on them; you should stop using certain medicines (it is advisable to consult a dermatologist about the use of medicines).
Biomaterial from the affected area of the epidermis is taken with a sterile scalpel or special instruments. It is necessary to separate the damaged skin near the inflammatory and affected focus, since in this place the concentration of microorganisms will be maximum, for scraping from the area between the fingers, it is necessary to take the stratum corneum.
After taking a scraping, a special solution is added to the biomaterial to form an alkaline environment and destroy keratin. A day later, the sediment in a container or test tube is examined by various methods.
Deciphering the results of the analysis
If mycosis is not detected in the scraping, this indicates that the patient does not suffer from fungal diseases. To select a treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of microorganism and sow the biomaterial on a nutrient medium: a culture of the fungus is grown and its response to medications is determined.
The attending physician makes a diagnosis based on the patient’s complaints, anamnesis, and laboratory test results. After the diagnosis is made, the specialist prescribes a comprehensive course of therapy to the patient. According to statistics, only half of the people who are scraped for pathogenic skin fungi are confirmed to have an infection.
- Sources of
- Tishchenko L.D., Tishchenko A.L. Workshop on dermatovenereology. 4th edition. – M. RUDN University, 2009, 217 p.