Scots pine: description, planting
Pine belongs to large trees. But do not give up growing it. On a personal plot, you can plant decorative pines, the size of which is much smaller.
The tree has a powerful straight trunk with branches. The hard bark is cracked. It is painted in brown-red tones. The leaves are needle-shaped, dark green in color. They have a long, elongated shape with a pointed end. The needles are grouped in pairs. Oval buds with a scaly surface are covered with resin. Cones are located at the tops of young shoots. They have a stiff structure and an elongated rounded shape.
Scots pine can be either tall or dwarf
The pine tree has a life span of about 400 years. Some specimens reach 600 years of age. Scots pine is used for:
- Landscaping of the site – the pliability of the tree allows you to give it any shape. This is used in landscaping. Pines are even grown as hedges.
- Air purification – the tree releases phytoncides that destroy harmful impurities and microorganisms.
- Preparation of medicines – the healing properties of the plant are used in traditional and folk medicine.
Pine can be made to any size and shape. A dwarf pine is grown on a small plot. To create an unusual decorative element, a tree is turned into a bonsai. You can get this result using cropping. The long branches of the plant are shortened and the shoots are removed. This allows you to slow down its growth and get an abundant dense crown.
A pine seedling must not be older than 5 years. When choosing it, attention is paid to the condition of the root. It must be strong enough and intact. The integrity of the earthen coma is important. The pine is transplanted only with the land on which it grew. The lump will protect the root from the drying effects of the air. Microorganisms that multiply in it will create conditions for the tree to take root in a new place. Landing is done according to some rules:
- planting a pine tree is better in early spring;
- planting pits must have a depth of at least 1 m and be located at a distance of 4 m from each other;
- in heavy soils, drainage is required;
- it is necessary to fill up the hole with turf soil with peat, sand and organic fertilizer;
- the neck of the barrel should be above the ground.
Pine care involves pinching and pruning. The seedlings need watering until they take root.
An adult tree is not required to be cared for. Growing pine is easy. It is undemanding to soil and weather conditions.