The union of a Scorpio man and a Taurus woman is the case when opposites attract. Taurus is calm and conservative, appreciates family values and comfort, Scorpio is power-hungry, quick-tempered and adventurous. The Taurus woman is kind and easily forgives insults, while Scorpio is not inclined to forget her offenders. The strengths of Taurus are wisdom and prudence, the strong point of Scorpio is intelligence and prudence. However, these signs are often attracted to each other. The fact is that behind all the external differences, these people have a lot in common.
Scorpio and Taurus have a unique sensuality, prefer deep connections to superficial contacts and are faithful to their partner.
Representatives of these signs have an almost mystical attraction. It is not uncommon for Scorpio and Taurus, having met in childhood or in youth, to randomly meet again after many years. The mystery of the nature of Scorpio can provoke even the phlegmatic woman of Taurus. Scorpio attracts her with her mystery and inner core. She intuitively feels in him a strong and self-confident man who can be relied upon. In order to finally conquer the representative of this sign, Scorpio has to prove to her the seriousness of his intentions. No matter how much the Taurus woman likes you, she will not be sprayed into light intrigues. Only by feeling confident in you, Taurus will allow himself to immerse himself in a relationship. For Scorpio, a Taurus woman can become the embodiment of a dream of a feminine and domestic life partner. But Scorpio is not able to immediately discern the ideal in Taurus. To begin with, the lady should attract his attention. It is very simple to do this – you just need to be the brightest and most interesting woman within a radius of 100 meters from Scorpio. Be original and obstinate, turn the fight for your heart into an adventure – and Scorpio will be yours.
Love compatibility
Thanks to Scorpio, who knows how to surprise and surprise, the relationship in this couple begins with a beautiful romantic period. The men of this sign have a keenly developed sense of beauty, so they will definitely succeed in guessing with a gift for the aesthetic Taurus. In relationships, the Taurus woman prefers to give the initiative to the man. Scorpio will appreciate the freedom of action provided and will definitely make a number of beautiful gestures towards his chosen one. This union has two development paths: either Scorpio draws Taurus into adventures, or Taurus pulls Scorpio out of these adventures. Both ways are win-win and promise both signs interesting personal transformations on the way to harmony and balance in relationships. In the first case, Taurus can learn from Scorpio to maintain external calm in any situation, and then both, wearing impenetrable masks, will set off to conquer the world together. In the second case, Scorpio will be under the influence of Taurus, moderate ambitions and relax in a secure rear. Taurus will warm Scorpio with his warmth and cordiality, put his life in order and bring Scorpio down “from heaven to earth”.
If a flame does not flare up between Scorpio and Taurus, they can become great friends. Perhaps, due to natural silence, representatives of these signs will not hang on the phone or correspond around the clock, but in difficult times they will always come to each other’s aid and be able to give valuable advice. But if passion nevertheless began between Scorpio and Taurus, then jealousy is the main curse of this couple. Both signs are possessive. Any, even the shortest, separation will give rise to doubts about the fidelity of the partner. Taurus women especially suffer from jealousy. The natural impenetrability and isolation of Scorpio leads Taurus to thoughts of cheating on a partner. This can lead to scandals and showdowns on empty ground.
Taurus needs to understand that the external coldness of their chosen one is just a mask, behind which lies a vulnerable and faithful nature.
In any union where there is a Taurus woman, life will always be perfectly arranged. Alas, not all Scorpios will be able to appreciate the warm hearth at its true worth. They stay in their thoughts, and can pretty much offend Taurus without noticing his efforts and troubles. It is important for Taurus to remember that Scorpios are complex natures with a difficult karmic past, who most of the time hover somewhere between the spiritual and material worlds. The Taurus woman is able to “ground” the chosen one, but this must be done gradually and delicately.
Marriage compatibility
Scorpio is not just limited to family ties, but in the case of marriage with a Taurus woman, the prognosis is quite favorable. Homely by nature, Taurus will equip the family nest, and Scorpio will provide the material side of life. In this pair, there is rarely a struggle for leadership, most often Taurus concedes to Scorpio the last word in making important decisions. However, the family union of these signs is based on the ability to hear and understand each other. Problems in marriage can arise due to a mismatch in the rhythms of life. The phlegmatic Taurus needs much more time to think about both everyday problems and important issues.
Scorpio needs to adapt to some slowness of Taurus, the Taurus woman needs to accept the impulsiveness of Scorpio.
In sex, the compatibility of these partners is almost perfect. They sensitively guess each other’s desires. The Taurus woman, calm and conservative in ordinary life, liberates herself in bed and allows the passionate Scorpio to embody her most cherished fantasies. She allows herself to be conquered anew every night, giving Scorpio a delightful feeling of victory and possession over the woman she loves. Their intimate union is the union of an ideal complement on a sensual level, allowing each partner to open up and realize themselves in their sexual life.
If children are born in a couple, Scorpio and Taurus will do everything so that they grow up as promising and prepared people for life. Sometimes father Scorpio can be cruel in his educational methods. He teaches his children from an early age to be independent and overcome difficulties without outside help. On the other hand, Scorpio will always find something to please his kids: trips to an amusement park or a skating rink, spontaneous picnics in the woods – he does not hold fantasies. Mom Taurus is a conservative parent, in motherhood she implements the same methods by which she was brought up. But the ability to create an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort Taurus does not hold. Her children will always be fed, neatly combed and treated kindly. This couple often grow up very talented and successful kids. In the family of Scorpio and Taurus there will be no place for loud scandals, and this is again the merit of a harmonious combination of two opposite temperaments. Feeling the approach of a storm, the Taurus woman will be able to slow down the quick-tempered Scorpio. In a minute, she will turn a flaring conflict into a calm discussion of the issue. Scorpio and Taurus are quite capable of being realized together not only in the family, but also in the family business. The generator of ideas in this case, of course, will be Scorpio, and the spouse will be his faithful assistant. Taurus will direct the indefatigable energy of the husband in the right direction and help to correctly allocate expenses.
Pros and cons of the union Scorpio man – Taurus woman
Scorpio and Taurus have every chance of a long and happy existence together. In mutual complementation, the following advantages of these relations are born:
- The sensuality of both signs, the ability to establish close spiritual contact.
- A harmonious distribution of roles according to the principle: a man is a breadwinner, a woman is a keeper of the hearth.
- Compatibility in bed, an intuitive understanding of each other’s desires.
- Joint development both in the family and in business
- Taurus will never get tired of unraveling the controversial nature of Scorpio.
- Taurus will be able to “ground” Scorpio, and Scorpio will give the Taurus woman food for spiritual development.
But in the meeting of opposites, annoying inconsistencies are also possible. The downsides of this relationship are:
- Both signs are jealous and suspicious, which can lead to scandals.
- different rhythms of life. It is difficult for the slow Taurus to keep up with the swift Scorpio.
- Both signs are silent, which can make communication difficult.
- Scorpio can not resist the manipulation of the ingenuous and open Taurus.
- Scorpio may lack mystery and depth in Taurus.
- The Taurus woman can feel insecure next to the unpredictable and closed Scorpio.
- Scorpio feels all the weaknesses of Taurus and can purposefully press on them, as if testing Taurus for strength.
In order for there to be more pluses in a relationship than minuses, Scorpio and Taurus need to learn how to find common values. Then they will be able to build an alliance based on a subtle understanding of a partner and strong spiritual closeness. The union of earth and water is the union of the complement. If the Scorpio man and the Taurus woman can find common ground, nothing will prevent their relationship from becoming an indestructible union of two different, but perfectly complementary people.