Scorpio man – Pisces woman: horoscope compatibility

Two elements of water, two mystical planets – Pluto and Neptune – unite at the meeting of the Scorpio man and the Pisces woman. These are kindred souls belonging to the subtle world of feelings, intuition and subconscious images. No wonder that Scorpio and Pisces easily find mutual understanding, and give each other the most tender and deepest feelings. They do not need words – they understand each other from a half-look.

Scorpio may not immediately notice a Pisces woman in a crowd of bright and defiant ladies. Pisces is modest, dresses neatly and simply, rarely uses evening makeup. But from this girl one can feel the attractive energy of femininity and naturalness. Scorpio just needs to smell this energy, and he will not be able to look at anyone except Pisces.

To conquer this girl, Scorpio will have to take all the initiative into their own hands. First of all, Pisces will appreciate the courteous attitude, gentlemanly qualities in a man. Also, the man’s erudition and his deep inner world will make a strong impression on her. Pisces will appreciate perseverance, but unobtrusiveness, she will be delighted with a small surprise made by her own hands. But, in addition to romance, this girl appreciates practicality in a man. Offer her help in some difficult task for a woman: fix the wiring, move things, rearrange the closet – she will immediately begin to look at you with more attention and interest, as a potential partner. Sometimes a Pisces woman is the first to realize that Scorpio is exactly the one she needs. In this case, she will have to take the first initiative on her own. You need to make it clear to Scorpio that you are interested in him, but do it not directly, but with the help of a certain game, the rules of which will be prompted by your natural femininity. Noticing the signals of a lovely lady, Scorpio will be filled with curiosity and will do everything on his own.

Love compatibility

The love between Scorpio and Pisces is born so touchingly and beautifully that you can look at it. Each meeting gives them many new points of contact. Both are passionate about creativity, read similar books, love romantic movies. They will understand each other in the experience of some kind of alienation from the world, from their peers, often experienced by these signs in childhood. Everyone will have the feeling that he has finally found his soul mate.

The Pisces woman is a dreamer to the core. Even in childhood, representatives of these signs go into their imaginary worlds. As adults, they are also in no hurry to return to the realities of life. They feel good and comfortable in their quiet fantasies, filled with charming images and high ideals. Scorpio understands Pisces’ escapism like no other. But he also understands how important it is not to lose touch with reality, so Scorpio will not let Pisces get lost in their dreams and lose their way to the earthly world. The Pisces woman is the most vulnerable being in the horoscope. She constantly finds herself in the role of a wounded victim. And Scorpio, as you know, has a great talent for stinging and hurting. It is difficult to imagine whom he can prick more than the representative of this water sign. Having received a portion of scorpion venom, the Pisces woman will feel defenseless and wounded to the core. So Scorpio, before taking out his sting, should think about whether he wants to hurt his girlfriend, or is it better to keep the barbs to himself.

In addition to love, representatives of these signs can develop a wonderful spiritual friendship. Even with a difference in interests and hobbies, the element of Water gives them excellent emotional contact and mutual understanding.

Pisces gives Scorpio moral support and shows genuine participation and care. She sincerely worries about her friend in all his affairs. Her anxiety is especially great when he gets involved in another adventure or plunges into depression characteristic of this sign. Scorpio appreciates her loyalty and support. It is not uncommon for a woman with whom he is in a relationship to become jealous of him for too close communication with Pisces. But Scorpio will never refuse such friendship and, perhaps, even prefer it to his love relationships.

Marriage compatibility

Pisces embodies the ideal of a legal wife for Scorpio. He feels that this woman is able to give him rear, comfort and blissful family peace. Therefore, the man of this sign initially looks seriously at relations with Pisces and invites the girl to go to the altar. And she agrees, because she feels that Scorpio will protect her and give her reliable support. Their marriage is considered one of the most successful in the horoscope. They easily and harmoniously distribute roles in family life: Scorpio takes on the traditional role of a breadwinner, Pisces takes care of the household and is responsible for the atmosphere of quiet and creative comfort that reigns in their home. This woman has an innate gift of character flexibility: she knows how to adapt to a man, but she does it naturally, without losing her own personality.

Only one thing can be advised to this family: do not isolate yourself in your anxieties and affairs, share experiences with each other and often get out somewhere together.

Their sexual relationship is one of teacher and student. A Pisces woman often begins sexual activity late and even in adulthood retains girlish shyness and modesty. An experienced Scorpio man knows how to liberate this Turgenev girl: he is tactful, gentle and, first of all, cares about the comfort of his partner, and only then about his own pleasure. Their intimate life will become brighter and more interesting every year, while remaining filled with touching depth and tenderness for each other.

Children in this couple are born not from the pressure of relatives or social principles, but simply from love. They will raise them in warmth and care. The Pisces mother treats the inner world of her child with almost religious awe. She will notice the slightest creative inclinations in her child and do everything so that they develop into a full-fledged talent. Pisces will give children an excellent humanitarian education, will read books to them every evening, teach them to understand their emotions and the emotions of other people. Papa Scorpio, in turn, will supplement the spiritual development of children with specific knowledge, teach them pragmatism and worldly dexterity. In this family, children grow up as versatile and interesting personalities, they are grateful to their parents for a wonderful childhood and will definitely take care of them in their old age. The appearance of children in a pair of Scorpio and Pisces harmonizes their relationship even more: both seem to wake up from their inner worlds and begin to actively fuss about children. They strive to give them the best, to give unforgettable impressions for a lifetime. From the family loves long walks in the woods, watching a good Soviet movie and fun dinners at a common table.

Thanks to the support of his wife, Scorpio is able to decide to create his own business and even call his beloved as a partner. The Pisces woman is devoid of a business streak, but she is quite responsible, can offer interesting ideas, and most importantly, she will always help Scorpio survive difficulties and make a difficult decision. In work, the Scorpio man takes on the role of an unconditional leader and strategist, and the Pisces woman gives him reliable support, performing the routine part of the business and dealing with organizational issues. In their business union there will be no place for conflicts and a showdown: they perfectly complement each other and put their whole soul into work, which means that the family business will give both a charge of inspiration and bring success.

The pros and cons of the union Scorpio man – Pisces woman

Meeting and falling in love with a person of your element is a great success. The element of water gives the relationship of Scorpio and Pisces many advantages:

  • One element – water, creates a unique spiritual closeness of these signs.
  • The Pisces woman is one of the few who can adapt to the complex nature of the Scorpio man.
  • Sexual harmony. Intimacy improves with age.
  • The familial nature of both signs, similar views on the upbringing of children.
  • They serve each other as a reliable support and support, make each other stronger.
  • Intellectually compatible, they will have enough topics for conversation for this life and the next.
  • They fit each other emotionally, they prefer feelings to logic. The partner will not be able to blame the other for dryness and coldness.

But even in such a favorable alliance, not a small percentage of success depends on the desire of people to work together on relationships. Otherwise, the following disadvantages may appear in the relationship between Pisces and Scorpio:

  • Too comfortable family life can lock Pisces and Scorpio on each other and lead to the loss of external ties with the world and other people.
  • Both can plunge into dreams and forget about real goals and objectives.
  • In the absence of full trust, they can begin to manipulate each other.
  • They are able not to see suitable partners in each other, go looking for happiness further and, probably, later regret their choice.

The union of a Scorpio man and a Pisces woman is a union of genuine understanding, deep sensuality and quiet precious happiness. So, if you are in such a relationship, appreciate it, thank your partner and be happy.

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