Water and fire – the union of the eternal paradox. Why do these incompatible elements attract each other over and over again, despite the warnings of astrologers? Charismatic and conceited Leo and militant, self-confident Scorpio: what can the two strongest representatives of the zodiac circle have, besides enmity? A passionate romance, of course! These bright personalities excite a lot of emotions in each other. The beginning of their relationship really looks like a military company: both are intensely thinking over strategies to win a passion.
To win the heart of a Lioness woman, one desire will not be enough. These ladies are used to choosing their partners on their own, according to their own clear criteria. Fortunately, to match these parameters, Scorpio will not have to work too hard. It is important for a lioness that the chosen one has an elegant taste – Scorpio always looks perfect. She is looking for a strong and courageous man – a more brutal and self-confident gentleman than Scorpio, she cannot be found. The Leo woman wants to be looked after with bright and broad gestures – the Scorpio man knows how to give generous gifts and present stunning surprises.
In turn, in order to conquer Scorpio, a Leo woman should simply remain herself. Scorpios are fascinated by the directness and sincerity that Leos possess in full. He is looking for a bright, spectacular woman and, at the same time, a strong and developed personality. The Leo woman is just like that: from birth, she has a discouraging directness, charisma, she attracts attention and there is always something to talk about with her.
In a Scorpio man, the Leo girl is of great curiosity. What lies behind the bright shell of this woman? What are her real desires? Does she know how to be soft and give herself to love entirely? A Scorpio in love will not be able to sleep until he finds the answer to each of these questions.
In fact, what does a Leo woman need, with her many fans and friends? She is surrounded by admiration from all sides, however, what she lacks is the deep intimacy and emotional involvement with one person. The Scorpio man is overwhelmed with emotions, and it is he who can satisfy the Leo’s need for intimacy.
Love compatibility
Both see in each other, first of all, beautiful and equal partners to be proud of. Alas, they are often seen as worthy partners not only by themselves. Both Leo and Scorpio are terrible jealous people, surrounded by endless attention from the opposite sex. On this basis, in their pair, one scandal can replace another. These signs do not represent, and do not want to represent, how to become less attractive to others. And both, especially Leo, need endless injections of admiration and praise, not only from their partner, but also from other people.
There is only one way out – to build an alliance on total trust in each other and understand that if a partner likes to receive attention from another person, this does not mean that he likes this person himself. Scorpio and Leo, who managed to deal with jealousy, turn into the king and queen of any ball: they are not ashamed of their own irresistibility, proudly accept compliments and enjoy public attention together.
Both signs are creepy egocentric. The lioness is convinced that the whole world was created for her alone. Scorpio’s opinion about his place in the world is also not particularly modest.
Lions feel themselves to be carriers of the halo of eternal glory and chosenness. Scorpio, on the other hand, secretly considers himself the only keeper of true knowledge about the world order. Therefore, the narcissism of Leo causes a hidden mockery in him. He can watch the triumphant sitting of the Lioness on the throne for a long time, but sooner or later his patience will come to an end.
It is important for a Leo woman to remember that if in her career and social life she can even be the queen of the sea, menacingly distributing sentences and commands, then at home it is better to put the crown on a shelf in the hallway, and turn herself into an affectionate and loving girlfriend for her man. Of course, they cannot avoid scandals, but by following these simple rules, you can minimize them.
But Scorpio and Leo will never be bored together. Both signs are intellectually developed, have the talent of polemicists and can argue with inexhaustible passion from night to morning. Their life together is filled with events: going to the theater, opera, trips to a ski resort, fashion shows – the Leo woman strives to show off her presence everywhere and at once, and the curious Scorpio does not mind keeping her company.
But these signs are unlikely to become good friends. If not lovers, then competitors – such an astrological ultimatum determines the form of their relationship. Indeed, if Scorpio and Leo do not succumb to each other’s charms, all their forces are directed to trying to find out “who is stronger, who is more important?” The struggle for leadership is definitely not conducive to establishing warm ties, so friendship between these signs is rather an exception to the rule.
Marriage compatibility
What melts brightly and burns well in love relationships without serious obligations, in marriage can become a reason either to disperse or seek compromises. In a family union, it is important for these signs to understand and respect the characteristics of each other’s characters. A Scorpio man should not bend his wife under him. She will wither if imprisoned in an apartment and not allowed to develop and win on an open battlefield.
Intimacy nullifies disagreements in this couple. In bed, any struggle turns into a passionate game that both Scorpio and Leo are ready to play to the point of exhaustion. In a Leo woman, Scorpio finally finds a passionate partner, a match for himself. And the Lioness can finally stop being embarrassed by her excessive sensuality and emotionality: with a Scorpio partner, the higher the degree, the better.
This couple needs to remember that sex can replace any long verbal reconciliation. So, even offended, you should not deny each other physical intimacy.
Scorpio and Leo responsibly approach both marriage and the decision to have children. First, they will arrange a life, get a couple of bank accounts, and there they will already spawn at least a whole brood of little beasts. These signs succeed in being parents well. The Leo woman easily finds a common language with a child of any age. She adores children and would certainly spoil her beloved children to their complete unbearability, if not for Father Scorpio, who adheres to strict but fair methods of education. Confidence in themselves and their abilities is transmitted from parents to children: from an early age they take first prizes at competitions, do not hesitate to speak in public, and can seriously get involved in sports or the arts.
The ambition and focus on success of the Scorpio man and Leo woman makes them excellent business partners. Their small family business has every chance to grow into a large, successful company and take a leading position in the market. Opening their own business will again put the age-old question before this couple: “Who is in charge?”. And here it is better for the Leo woman to give up the role of the boss to Scorpio:
- For a Scorpio man, being subordinate to his wife will be a painful test of pride, which he is unlikely to be able to endure.
- It is worth paying tribute to the insight of Scorpios: they are better at building strategies and business plans than Lions.
- If Scorpio still gets the role of a subordinate, this subtlest manipulator will turn everything so that the last decision will still remain with him.
Otherwise, this couple in business will find a common language without any problems: both think on a large scale and do not agree on anything less than absolute success.
Pros and cons of the union Scorpio man – Leo woman
The union of the imperious and hot Sun and the militant impulsive Mars, in fact, can lead to anything. Peace or war awaits the Leo woman and the Scorpio man? This question is up to them to answer. Here is what their union will be like, in case of favorable development:
- The breathtaking intensity of passions and the emotional charge of the relationship will inspire both partners to even greater feats.
- Any conflict will come to naught after sex, which this couple has is really amazing.
- The ambition of both signs leads to the continuous material enrichment of their family. Together they have every chance to achieve power and luxury.
- Similar ideas about a beautiful life. Leo and Scorpio make great vacation companions.
- Unanimity in matters of raising children, the desire to raise successful and self-sufficient individuals.
- They are not threatened by routine and boredom: even a shadow of despondency bypasses this couple, they are both so energetic and cheerful.
But the Scorpio man and the Leo woman, even in love relationships, often enter the warpath. In this case, they cannot avoid the following problems:
- Both are overly demanding and have high expectations for each other.
- Conflicts motivated by jealousy, it is not easy for them to come to a compromise.
- Too much passion will drain Leo and Scorpio and bring the relationship to naught ahead of time.
- The union of this couple can easily turn into a division of the crown and develop into enmity.
Entering into a love tandem, both signs take risks. But Scorpio and Leo should not be cowardly before the challenges of fate. Their relationship may be like a volcano, but who said that you can’t live a long happy life sitting on a cozy powder keg? A Scorpio man and a Leo woman can do just that.