Scorpio man – Capricorn woman: horoscope compatibility

Scorpio and Capricorn are two strong personalities with difficult and stubborn characters. An irreconcilable enmity could begin between these powerful signs, but what if, together with a bloody battle, they decided to go to the movies or a restaurant? Do these representatives of the water and earth elements have a future? The answer is positive! The union of a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman is that rare case when each is able to accept the complex nature of the other. The pragmatic and cold lady Capricorn will be grateful to Scorpio for bringing a sensual dimension into her life, while Scorpio will admire the emotional impregnability and independence of her passion with admiration. He will enthusiastically melt the ice palace of this Snow Queen.

Scorpio is used to conquering women, weaving a web of subtle psychological games around them, into which they will certainly fall. But something prevents this ladies’ man from starting a game proven over the years with a Capricorn woman. Perhaps Scorpio feels that his manipulations will be immediately noticed by the subtle psychologist Capricorn. Or maybe for the first time a desire arose in him not to play, but to act simply and directly.

Scorpio himself will be surprised when, instead of the usual masquerade, without creating any intrigue, he approaches the Capricorn woman and, embarrassed, offers her to dine in a cafe. Lady Capricorn appreciates directness and specificity and will definitely agree.

But with the seduction of Scorpio, the Capricorn woman will have to be a little smarter. This sign is very susceptible to female sexuality. But it is not vulgarity and vulgarity that attracts him, but hidden sensuality. If Scorpio sees a spark of passion even in a modest and conservative-looking woman, he will direct all his efforts to ignite a flame from a spark. The main thing for Capricorn is to let him feel the presence of this spark in her.

Love compatibility

The romance of Scorpio and Capricorn is often official. Both signs are ambitious careerists, disappearing day and night at work. It is in the career field that they show all their best qualities. Thanks to these qualities, they will pay attention to each other: first, as competitors, and then, as interesting and bright personalities who would be nice to go on a date together.

Their relationship will not develop rapidly: the Capricorn woman needs time to open up, feel comfortable next to a new partner and understand that his intentions are serious. But gradually does not mean boring. Scorpio and Capricorn are interesting together: both are subtle psychologists, have similar life priorities, are erudite and smart. They like to talk with each other, exchange opinions and experiences. The intellectual communication of these signs is especially fruitful if they met already in adulthood. Freed from the rampage of hormones, wise in life, the Scorpio man and the Capricorn woman will become wonderful companions for each other and will be able to build a strong and strong union for many years to come.

Scorpio, by nature a poisonous and vindictive person, almost does not bite Capricorn with his sting. Perhaps he is restrained by some natural shyness of this woman and he is afraid of harming her. Or Scorpio feels that, in response to his bite, Capricorn is able to hurt him with his horns.

Most likely, the Scorpio man himself does not understand why, next to Capricorn, he cannot use proven tactics for years. This woman for him is a mystery that he cannot solve, which means that he will puzzle over her and protect strangers from the curiosity of at least all his life. But man does not live by passion alone. In addition to love, a strong friendship is quite possible between a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman. Yes, Scorpio is unlikely to be able to trust the pragmatic and rational Capricorn with his subtle emotional experiences. But in the pursuit of a common hobby, talking about work or politics, they will definitely be interested in each other. Both signs carefully choose friends: both Scorpio and Capricorn have few of them, but they are all tested by fire, water and copper pipes. And Scorpio and Capricorn have every chance to become such reliable comrades for each other.

Marriage compatibility

Scorpio and Capricorn approach marriage with all possible seriousness. If they have already decided to enter into a family union, it means that both expect that this is done once and for all. And, more often than not, that’s what happens. This couple manages family life even better than the candy-bouquet period. In marriage, both open up, finally trust each other and set common goals. The Capricorn woman is not prone to petty nit-picking: if Scorpio does not scatter socks around the house and throws out the garbage a couple of times a week, this will suit her perfectly. But the representative of this sign is seriously concerned about the material wealth of her family, and if before the birth of children she earns no less, and possibly more than her husband, then after leaving on maternity leave, her anxiety about financial prosperity can increase many times over.

Fortunately, the Scorpio man is a born earner. But in order to move mountains, he needs the support of his beloved woman. It is important for Capricorn not to saw his man, but, on the contrary, to believe in Scorpio, inspire him with this confidence and support.

Sex is one of the most important areas of life for a Scorpio man. He is passionate, insatiable and views intimacy as a place of maximum frankness and depth. Looking at the Capricorn woman, doubts arise: can this cold girl withstand the pressure of Scorpio and become his equal partner in sexual life? Believe me, he can. The Capricorn woman reveals herself gradually, the sprouts of passion do not sprout in her immediately, but the more desirable for Scorpio will be her transformation from a constrained and serious lady into a sensual and temperamental woman. The main thing for a Scorpio man is not to rush Capricorn and give her a feeling of complete acceptance and respect.

In Scorpio and Capricorn, the family occupies the most important place in the hierarchy of values. To be realized in the parent field, they acquire offspring. But the appearance of children can slightly disrupt their family idyll. The fact is that Capricorn women make mothers with an exaggerated sense of responsibility. After the birth of a child, this woman throws all her strength into the care and upbringing of her child. In maternal fever, Capricorn is able to forget about the existence of her beloved husband, who is unlikely to like this state of affairs. A Capricorn woman should try not to choke her child with her care and pay attention to every member of her family. Otherwise, Capricorn and Scorpio make excellent parents. They take the education and development of their children seriously and strive to give them the very best. But, on the run from circle to circle, it is important not to forget that childhood is also a time of carelessness and fun. Sometimes you can relax and take the whole family to the water park or to nature: the children will be delighted, and the parents will have a good time together.

Scorpio and Capricorn are one of the most ambitious and purposeful signs of the horoscope. And it’s a sin for these two careerists, being in a marriage union, not to conclude another union – a business one. Their family business will be thought out to the smallest detail and doomed to success. Capricorn and Scorpio put a common goal above any disputes and disagreements. They make a superbly coordinated team: the Capricorn woman leads the process and thinks through strategies, the Scorpio man generates brilliant ideas, establishes connections and takes care of the company’s image. Both partners value and respect each other’s qualities. There is no rivalry in them, because they know for sure that everyone is equally important for their union.

Pros and cons of the union Scorpio man – Capricorn woman

The meeting of Water and Earth gives rise to unions of mutual complement, capable of achieving almost perfect harmony. The advantages of the relationship of water Scorpio and earthly Capricorn are as follows:

  • Scorpio and Capricorn know exactly what they want, they are wise and will not exchange for trifles.
  • Both signs are purposeful and ambitious, aimed at material enrichment.
  • Partners are at the same level of psychological maturity, both are self-sufficient, but they know how to work in a team.
  • Scorpio and Capricorn are loyal to each other, value stability and reliability.
  • Opportunity to build a successful family business.
  • With due diligence, they can become the best lovers for each other.
  • In their relationship there is mutual understanding and mutual support in difficult circumstances.

At the same time, the union of two opposite elements gives rise to many contradictions and reasons for confrontation, which can lead relations to decline. Here are the cons that take place in a pair of Scorpio men and Capricorn women:

  • Both are terrible stubborn, can stand their ground to the end.
  • Due to the monotonous flow, relationships are prone to the pernicious influence of routine and boredom.
  • They may not agree on the upbringing of children.
  • They are not always able to find a common language and hear each other.

The love of a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman can become the main love in life for both. These signs usually occur in adulthood, having already been burned more than once in past relationships. They find in each other ideal companions for a beautiful and strong married life.

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