Scorpio horoscope for 2020 – love, career of the zodiac sign, finances, family, Scorpio and year of birth

No one will argue with the fact that Scorpios have an extremely complex and difficult character. The White Metal Rat, who will become the mistress of 2020, also does not have a light disposition. Therefore, the horoscope is sure that 2020 will become unexpectedly rich for Scorpio, rich in events and emotions. At the same time, not everything that the stars will send you this year will please you. However, the Rat will not tolerate if you show discontent. So get ready to face all the trials that she will bring down on you with a smile.

Впрочем, начало года будет довольно размеренным. Ни на работе, ни в ваших собственных делах проволочек не возникнет. А вот риск получить сердечные раны, напротив, весьма велик. В силу излишней доверчивости вы можете пострадать от вероломства и предательства со стороны новых знакомых.

Spring is a time of conflict. Misunderstandings and disputes will arise literally out of the blue. Both at home and at work. The horoscope is sure that in April-May Scorpio will manage to grapple even with those people with whom he has never had a disagreement. Apparently, the nerves and the complexity of your character will affect. Those closest to you will also suffer from your nervousness. Be prepared for family showdowns, but do not rush to share property in the heat of the moment, things will still get better.

К лету страсти поутихнут, и Скорпион получит возможность примириться со всеми, с кем он успел рассориться весной. Возможно, полностью отношения вы и не восстановите, но хотя бы сможете поддерживать спокойную обстановку. Иначе вы не сможете нормально работать. Позаботьтесь о том, чтобы у близких не осталось обид на вас. Никто кроме них не поддерживает вас так хорошо в трудных ситуациях, поэтому эти люди, точно, достойны ваших извинений.

Alas, in the fall, the White Beauty will give Scorpio worries. By this point, you will be covered with fatigue, but the problems pouring in from all sides will not allow you to rest. At times, you will begin to fall into despair and feel sorry for yourself. Gather your will into a fist and accept the challenge of the stars with dignity. Otherwise, you will enter the new year 2021 with a lot of unfinished tasks.

Love horoscope for Scorpio for 2020

The difficulties that we described above will certainly affect the personal life of Scorpio. The horoscope says that in 2020 Scorpio will be surrounded by many deceitful and unprincipled personalities. The highest chances of becoming deceived and abandoned are at the beginning of the year. The end of winter and spring are not very suitable for finding a soul mate and marriage. Even if you decide that you have already met the same person, it may very soon become clear that he is not at all what he tried to seem.

In the summer, Scorpio will no longer be so sloppy and will begin to show more discretion in dealing with the opposite sex. Now is the time to start a serious relationship and think about the wedding. Family representatives of the sign will get closer to their spouses and will be able to enjoy a complete idyll for a couple of months.

The end of 2020 will be saddled with heavy employment, and Scorpio will no longer have goodbye by the moon. This is where it will turn out whether you have chosen the right person for yourself as a life partner. A worthy chosen one will go through all the difficulties with you. If the relationship does not withstand this load, then they were not worth your attention.

Horoscope for 2020 for Scorpio: health

The horoscope says that the vitality of Scorpio is directly dependent on his state of mind. That is, if you are nervous a lot, then you immediately begin to feel overwhelmed and unhealthy. The main task of Scorpio is to learn to anticipate a breakdown and find time to rest in time. If you can control it, your health will not fail you.

Never overdo yourself, do not work at night and find time for normal food. If you have insomnia or if you feel chronic fatigue, you urgently need a vacation. It is better to drop everything now and replenish your strength somewhere on the sea coast than to get sick later due to overwork and go to bed for several weeks.

Financial horoscope for Scorpio for 2020

Everyone can get rich or at least achieve a salary increase in 2020. The Metal Rat has nothing against its subjects living in abundance. However, the competition will be fierce.

Scorpio will take the first steps towards improving the financial situation in the spring, however, there will be a risk of sliding back to the previous positions. Especially if you are a businessman and have to constantly fight with competing companies. Do not give up and do your best to move forward. The main thing is to survive the autumn, and then things will go uphill.

Work and business of Scorpio in 2020

According to the horoscope, Scorpio’s career growth in 2020 is impossible without sacrifice. The White Rat will require you to show all your best qualities, to give up your own interests and principles in order to complete difficult tasks. You have to work better than others, take on uninteresting projects, accept those tasks that your colleagues are afraid of. Sdyuzhite – get a promotion. If the authorities do not appreciate your efforts, you have nothing more to do here. Start looking for a job where your talents will be treated with more respect.

Немного иначе пойдут дела у Скорпиона-бизнесмена. Его ждет неожиданная удача, которая привлечет нежелательное внимание конкурентов. Чтобы вас не сбросили с занимаемой позиции, вам придется до самого конца года соблюдать осторожность и все держать под личным неустанным контролем.

Scorpio horoscope by year of birth for 2020

Horoscope Scorpio-Rat 2020

Maybe most of the Scorpio-Rats get married, maybe they get divorced or go through the year alone. In any case, personal life will be subject to change. In the winter months, a lot of information will fall on the Scorpio-Rat. Besides, his siblings will demand attention. Scorpio-Rat does not feel high self-worth, so any changes can lead him to a personal crisis. There is a constant struggle between stability and impulsiveness.

The year 2020 for the Scorpio-Rat is a year of destruction, and he will act on his own, but on the advice of friends. Relationships will not work out with Taurus, because he is capable of especially harmful tips.

January-February is well suited for 40-50-year-olds to assimilate information, take online trainings, travel by car, and set new goals. However, 20-30-year-olds in January-April will be inspired to do what they love. It is better to work in the home atmosphere, receiving the care of a permanent partner, and during breaks you can enjoy computer games.

Horoscope Scorpio-Ox 2020

This type has increased independence. Perhaps he has several houses and moves frequently. This trend will bring complete confusion to his life, especially for those who are older. Perhaps 40-year-olds will get a divorce or they will “put an end to” any relationship. To avoid this, it is necessary to lead an interesting life together with a partner. So that a loved one is not for statistics, but for interesting events.

If Scorpio-Ox is not against love stories, then the most likely is an office romance from April to July with signs of the elements of fire and air. Even flirting in this way helps to raise energy through the chakras. But you should not pin your hopes on online dating, they will not lead to any long-term relationship.

Horoscope Scorpio-Tiger 2020

An older Scorpio-Tiger will feel uncomfortable in a homely atmosphere and will be drawn to adventure. And those who are younger can expect pleasant changes and surprises in their personal lives. However, usually this type craves freedom. That even building free relationships will be successful. Suitable candidates are Taurus and Aquarius.

Employees can become good comrades if the Tiger improves relations in the team. Also, career growth through personal relationships can occur for those over 50 years old – in January, July and November. Therefore, the role of the leader will be very liked by the especially elderly Tiger, where he will be able to show the innate power, dexterity and flexibility given to the wild animal.

It is good for women to develop their aesthetic abilities, go to study fashion and art in Western Europe.

Horoscope Scorpio-Rabbit 2020

Quiet, sometimes undemonstrative Scorpio with Jupiter in Aries, often carefully hides his talents. He is very wealthy and knows how to get rich. He is only really interested in income growth.

However, 50-year-olds in 2020 will struggle between the desire for risky operations and adherence to old methods. Forty-year-olds can make progress, but it is important to wait for the moment. In April, the work will be connected with traveling. And in August, career growth depends on the support of an older business partner.

The 30-year-olds will have a difficult period, it looks like cosmic energies will cause chaos in the head. The confusion of information flows will cause misunderstanding in the social circle of Scorpio-Rabbit. Rest from the extra public is a necessary condition. It is worth surrounding yourself in a homely atmosphere with pleasant people; it is not recommended to go out into society often.

Horoscope Scorpio-Dragon 2020

The eldest of the Dragons of the Scorpio sign has the power of Mars and Pluto, which allows him to be a warrior in society. However, from March to December, it is better to refuse to conduct Internet business and promotions. The most successful months when you can lay down positive programs are January, February and December. Perhaps you should think about a new field of activity, for example, a business based on creativity in a homely atmosphere.

Despite the formidable appearance, Dragons see their happiness in the family, 40-year-olds will be able to surround themselves with useful people and best friends, especially the signs of Capricorn and Libra.

For young Dragons of the Scorpio sign, the year is not remarkable for outstanding events, in January there is a high probability of a romantic adventure with Pisces.

Dragons over 50 years old can go on a well-deserved rest. The struggle for new achievements is something that can exhaust and give nothing in return. It is worth considering how you can live for yourself on a pension or passive income.

Horoscope Scorpio-Snake 2020

This type is a collectivist by nature. He loves family holidays. Those who are stable in life will not seek change, and those who have the desire to change something will face inertia.

A Snake over 50 years old will have an interest in music and psychology. It is worth protecting yourself from quarrels with loved ones. A favorable microclimate in close surroundings will help you to relax and gain strength for new achievements.

Personal life is not replete with changes, stability is the key to happiness.

It is worth taking care of your regular partners and not spoiling the relationship. Scorpio-Snake is under the control of the elements of Water and Venus, which means that any favorite vacation that will energize them is suitable for them. Taking a bath, as well as trips to a lake or river, can turn into an exciting event.

Horoscope Scorpio-Horse 2020

This type tends to crisis situations. There may be an unhealthy interest in crime films or political programs, as well as participating in street rallies and trying to break up fights. Those who take a social position are energetically active. In February, you can find a new source of income related to real estate, construction, and repairs. In April, too, the job will require showing off to the outside world. Perhaps you should think about a new image.

Jupiter in Gemini makes the Horse inquisitive and sociable, friends will help her in everything.

Scorpio-Horse is extremely sociable, his mobility will increase from January to May. However, problems and their solution will not allow older Scorpios to travel. Young Horses can only go abroad with the help of Gemini or Aquarius friends.

Horoscope Scorpio-Sheep 2020

Being under the auspices of two such quiet and secretive animals as Scorpio and Sheep will provide an opportunity to hide abroad or in a university. Girls of this type can become incredible nerds. In 2020, this is facilitated by the vibrations of Neptune, which focuses on the inner world.

However, studying is not the only way to go into a trance. Some Sheep Scorpios will choose meditation and spiritual practice, while others will listen to music all day long. Different ways of relaxation can be chosen, depending on the possibilities – someone will have enough to watch a movie, and someone will go to a fashionable seaside resort. It is possible to find zen peace on a yoga mat or in the spa area of ​​a fitness club. The best friends of the Scorpio-Sheep can be Pisces, because they have so much in common. The key months for spiritual transformation are August-October.

Horoscope Scorpio-Monkey 2020

Обезьяна с качествами Скорпиона – хитрая, но дружелюбная. Мужчины старше 40 лет в 2020 году будут строить свою карьеру на творческой самореализации, а женщины – заниматься семьей и детьми. В 2020 году ничто не помешает реализовать задуманное. Год будет безоблачным и откроет потенциал к переменам. Однако наиболее вероятно изменение образа жизни у семейных.

  • Forty-year-olds in winter-spring, and especially in summer, it is better to pay attention to the sphere of the near abroad.
  • Most likely, 50-year-olds will live as before. Their most active months are February, September and December, they have energy for any projects.
  • Scorpio-Monkeys 30 years old, internally pedantic, but secretly love to take risks.

Any changes are possible for this type, if you enlist the support of friends, especially Taurus. It is not recommended to act alone.

Horoscope Scorpio-Rooster 2020

Probably, the Scorpio-Rooster will have a huge vitality and craving for unusual actions. He is a pedant by nature and oscillates between order and spontaneity. In 2020, the craving for stability will outweigh.

His circle of friends will have a balancing effect on the Scorpio-Rooster, you may need help from brothers and sisters, relatives or cousins. They will see a parental figure in a charismatic relative.

Thirty-year-olds will try to avoid any responsibility, and they will probably succeed, their actions will be spontaneous and inexplicable even to themselves. On an unconscious level, there is a desire for a relationship with a lover. The topic of personal life will become relevant in April, opening up opportunities for living together.

A crisis in love is possible in July-August, this will completely absorb the Scorpio-Rooster. But the element of Scorpio is destruction and creation, so he will rise in September with a new project.

Horoscope Scorpio-Dog 2020

Few people know that this is doubly Scorpio, so this type conducts the energy of the constellation more powerfully than others. The consequence of this in 2020 will be an unusual charisma. But his main task is to find a balance between impulsiveness and stability. Perhaps some will leave regular partners and break off relations with acquaintances. There are likely attempts to escape from society into the wilderness, to a desert island, to a monastery and deleting accounts on social networks.

All this the Scorpio-Dog does unconsciously in order to obtain energy from space, which he will spend on his business projects. Activity is more precious to him than any relationship.

Successful months await 40-50-year-old Scorpio-Dogs in various areas:

  • January – romance;
  • Февраль – фриланс;
  • July-August – trips.

Scorpio-Dog 30 years old will be lucky in working with information, in advertising creative topics, but in the summer it is better to take a vacation.

Horoscope Scorpio-Pig 2020

This business type will be in 2020 doing what they used to do if they are over 50 years old. A crisis is likely only in June, when the lifestyle becomes more active and you want to go somewhere.

40-year-olds may have problems in the family if they are married to Taurus or Aquarius. Singles, on the other hand, protect their freedom at all costs and will run away from any attempts to create a couple with them.

  • In January and February, acquaintance with creative personalities is likely.
  • In July-August – with foreigners.

Good luck will bring relationships with friends of the signs Pisces and Cancer.

For the thirty-year-old Scorpio-Pig, transit flows do not promise exceptional luck, but they will not give problems either. However, creativity may slow down due to the weakening of the subtle energies of Neptune. In addition, excessive activity in moving is not needed in the summer and Scorpios of the year. Older pigs will prefer a relaxing holiday on the seashore or at their dacha in May and June.

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