Scorpio child by horoscope, features of upbringing, children’s horoscope

Scorpio child by horoscope, features of upbringing, children’s horoscope

Eight important rules for raising babies born under this zodiac sign.

The Age of Scorpio begins on October 24 and will continue until November 22. If you are expecting a replenishment in the family just at this time, then you probably will not hurt to know what features this water sign will reward your baby with. In any case, astrologers think so.

Oh, such a thing in itself, as a Scorpio child, is still to be looked for. They must have personal space and time to be alone with themselves. It is useless to hide something from the Scorpions. They are too intuitive to be guided by. Thanks to their discernment, they will always be aware of family secrets. So it’s best to be honest about how things are going.

He may look completely calm and collected, but inside at the same time, he is rushing on a roller coaster of emotions. If the Scorpio child seems too quiet, then something is probably bothering him. But if you don’t convince him to open up to you, he himself will never do it. In addition, Scorpio children can be prone to mood swings, from tears to laughter in a matter of minutes.

Scorpios are very brave and strong from birth. They will never admit that they are afraid. But this does not mean that they are really not afraid. The task of the parent of the Scorpio baby is to give them confidence that everything is in order, they are safe. While the child is very young, it is very simple to do this: they need a hug. When he wants you to pull away, he will let you know.

Scorpios are not afraid of darkness and what is hidden in it. The kid will surely love to play hide and seek, hide and seek, and other games that will allow him to “disappear”. He loves secrets, magic, fantasy. This has its advantages – the child will find your lost keys in a second. They just love to reveal secrets – discernment, remember?

And natural born leaders. From the first day, the Scorpio child will try to dominate both you and everyone else. He will probably try to impose his own rules on you, so introducing him to the discipline can be quite difficult. But you have to: be gentle, but firm. These kids have fantastic memories and are very vindictive. Therefore, you should always be sure that you are right – enough to convince Scorpio of her.

Little Scorpios can be magnetic personalities. But they are also terrific introverts. They love their loved ones very much, but they do not like to let people from outside the family circle to themselves. Scorpio can be indifferent to strangers and even cruel. And more often – just impolite. You will have to teach him to be more attentive to the feelings of other people.

Little Scorpios are very attentive to their body and what it can do. This can be a real challenge for you when you start potty training. He can easily do something disgusting in your opinion. Try not to instill in him feelings of unnecessary shame, the child should not be ashamed of himself. Show some patience and always respect his personal boundaries.

Oh yeah. Greedy children are normal for a Scorpio. They are reluctant to share anything with their peers. All because they value their property too much. Try to compliment the Scorpio’s generosity. By the way, he will also consider you his property and be jealous of other family members. Get ready to compete for your attention.

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