Scoliosis – symptoms, treatment, surgery. Exercises for scoliosis [WE EXPLAIN]

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Scoliosis of the spine is a lateral curvature of the spine, which is a three-dimensional deformation of the spine consisting in lateral bending in the frontal plane, deviation in the sagittal plane and segmental axial rotation. Treatment of scoliosis involves systematic rehabilitation and wearing a special corset, the most important thing is that it always takes place under the supervision of a doctor.

Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine and torso that affects millions of people around the world. While 20% of scoliosis cases can be attributed to neuromuscular, syndromal or congenital disorders, as many as 80% of all scoliosis are defined as “idiopathic” or of unknown etiology.

Scoliosis is a condition quite often confused with lateral curvature of the spine. In fact, it is a three-dimensional curve:

  1. in the frontal plane,
  2. in the sagittal plane,
  3. in the horizontal plane.

The patient’s spine takes the form of the letter S. Scoliosis usually affects the thoracic spine or the area between the thoracic and lumbar spines (rarely the lumbar spine itself). The most common causes of scoliosis are incorrect sitting posture and lack of physical activity. Children who develop the disease most often suffer from the disease. Scoliosis should not be ignored as, if left untreated, it can lead to various complications. Taking into account the age of the child, we can distinguish scoliosis:

  1. early childhood (occurs up to the age of three),
  2. childhood (occurs between the age of three and ten),
  3. adolescent (applies to people in the period of adolescence, in the phase of intensive growth).

Types of scoliosis

There are two types of scoliosis, i.e. lateral curvatures of the spine: functional and structural.

Functional scoliosis

Functional scoliosis accompanies shortening of one lower limb, abduction or abduction contractures of the hip. They never reach large sizes, usually affect the lumbar spine, and are reversible after the cause has resolved, if the scoliosis has not persisted over many years of neglect.

Structural scoliosis

Structural scoliosis can be significant, showing permanent changes in the structure of individual vertebrae, the entire spine and torso. Changes in the spine cause distortions of the chest with impaired breathing and circulation.

In the case of curvature of the lumbar spine, the changes may also affect the pelvis.

There are three main groups of structural scoliosis:

  1. idiopathic (of unknown cause) – accounting for 80-90% of all scoliosis,
  2. congenital,
  3. paralytic.

The curvature may be located in the cervico-thoracic, thoracic, thoracic-lumbar and lumbar spine.

Idiopathic curvatures they can occur in infancy, when they appear before the age of 3. They are characterized by the greatest tendency to develop and, in the event of neglect, can reach considerable dimensions. In childhood, scoliosis appears between 3 and 10 years of age. The prognosis is then worse than in the case of juvenile scoliosis due to the long period of development. During adolescence, they occur between the ages of 10 and 14 and are more common; they do not reach the same size as the previous ones.

Spinal scoliosis worsens as the child grows and is more easily noticed beyond 30 degrees. There are visible uneven shoulder positions, asymmetrical waist triangles, and an apparent shortening of the limb when the pelvis is pulled into the curvature due to its one-sided elevation. In addition, there is also a costal hump or an intensified unilaterally muscular lumbar shaft.

There is also degenerative scoliosis – unlike other forms of scoliosis that occur in children and adolescents, Degenerative scoliosis occurs in older adults. It is caused by changes in the spine due to arthritis called spondylosis. The weakening of the normal ligaments and other soft tissues of the spine, combined with bone abnormalities, can lead to curvature of the spine. This type of scoliosis can also aggravate osteoporosis, vertebral fractures, and joint degeneration.

Also read: What can chest pain mean?

Spine scoliosis causes

The etiopathogenesis of scoliosis has not been fully elucidated. The causes of scoliosis are sought in congenital or acquired disorders of the structure of the spine. It is noted that people with this type of deformity suffer from concomitant abnormalities such as the asymmetric structure of the brainstem, impaired sensation and balance, disorders of platelets and collagen production. The role of genetic factors in the development of axial disorders of the spine was also emphasized, which is confirmed by the tendency of scoliosis among people who practice running. Researchers suggest that hereditary disorders of the structure and function of the estrogen receptor may contribute to the development of this disease. Many authors indicate that the causes of scoliosis are also systemic disorders, incl. mucopolysaccharide and lipoprotein synthesis.

Spinal scoliosis can be congenital or acquired. In the first case, it constitutes a large proportion of spine congenital malformations and appears together with other malformations. such as, for example, a heart defect or a defect of the genitourinary system. On the other hand, acquired scoliosis of the spine may be caused by bone tumors, herniated discs or limbs of different lengths. People with cerebral palsy are also at risk of scoliosis of the spine (it is related to insufficient muscle development due to neurological disorders).

Illnesses of the spine are favored by unlawful habits while walking and sitting. That is why it is worth taking care of the correct posture during everyday activities. Curble corrective seats can help you maintain the correct posture while sitting. You can buy them now at

Other factors that increase the risk of developing spinal scoliosis:

  1. degeneration of the intervertebral joints (in adults) – it is associated with the deteriorating condition of the spine,
  2. operations on the chest during the growing period,
  3. lung disease.

See also: Hernia of the spine – how to treat it?

Scoliosis – symptoms

The most common symptom of scoliosis is the unnatural curve of the spine. The change in the curvature of the spine is usually very slow, so it may not be noticed for a long time until it becomes a more severe physical deformity. Most often, scoliosis is diagnosed during a routine medical examination or screening tests among children and adolescents. The first changes can be noticed by yourself, when the clothes start to do not fit strangely – the blouse at the waist begins to be uneven, and the trouser legs on one leg are longer than the other.

As a result of scoliosis, the head may not be centered, but tilted one way or the other. Moreover, the shoulder or hip may be slightly higher than on the opposite side. If scoliosis becomes very severe, it can affect the proper functioning of the heart and lungs, causing shortness of breath and chest pain. In most cases, scoliosis is not painful, but there are certain types that can cause back pain, rib pain, neck pain, muscle spasms, and stomach pain.

Read if your back hurts: Exercise for Back Pain

Scoliosis – diagnosis

If you suspect you have scoliosis, or someone close to you, see your GP (family doctor). The doctor will first conduct an interview, thanks to which he will obtain information about whether the scoliosis has occurred in the immediate family and whether there are other complaints, including pain and weakness..

Your doctor will perform a physical examination by observing the curvature of the spine at the front, back and side. You will be asked to undress from the waist up so that the doctor can accurately assess any unnatural curves in the spine, uneven waist, and other deformities. The doctor will also ask you to bend over, trying to touch your toes with your toes. This position can make the curves more visible. The doctor will also look at the symmetry of the body to see if the hips and shoulders are at the same height. It will also check the range of movements and strength of your muscles.

After a family doctor or pediatrician has diagnosed scoliosis, a referral is made to an orthopedist or surgeon specializing in spine surgery.

In addition, it may be necessary to consult a rehabilitation physician and a physical therapist / physiotherapist. Some patients may need a neurologist, orthopedist, and physical therapist as part of their care team.

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If you want to know more, read: Orthopedist or neurologist – which one to go to?

Treatment of spinal scoliosis

Scoliosis is one of the most difficult problems in orthopedics. Treatment is lengthy, burdensome and not always satisfactory. It must be conducted in a planned and continuous manner. The choice of treatment method depends on the patient’s age and the stage of the disease.

The method of treating scoliosis depends on the patient’s age and the severity of the posture defect.

The goal of treatment is:

  1. removal or reduction of deformities,
  2. consolidation of the obtained correction,
  3. stopping the progress of the distortion.

Treatment of scoliosis consists of unloading, lifts, therapeutic gymnastics, correctional cots, corsets or surgery. Early detection is of paramount importance because treatment of developed scoliosis is difficult and time-consuming. When even slight deviations are detected, the child should be referred to a specialized orthopedic center for proper treatment.

Exercises in scoliosis of the spine

For the spine, it is good to do stretching exercises, which can be obtained by, for example, dancing, practicing karate or ballet. In addition to the fact that this type of activity has a good effect on the spine, the child also makes new friends and gains greater self-confidence, which later helps in becoming independent.

1. Exercises to help overcome contracture of the abductors in the hip joint:

  1. you should lie down on your stomach with the knees fully bent and buttocks, with a load of e.g. 5 kg; then the front surface of the thighs and hips should be warmed up – perform the exercise for several minutes at intervals (up to two hours a day);
  2. you should position yourself as if you were splitting – one limb moved forward and the other moved back; bend the knee joint of the forward limb several times, and then change the leg (repeat about 50-100 times a day).

For the safety of exercise, it is worth getting the AIREX Fitline rehabilitation mat, which does not absorb sweat and is non-slip.

2. Exercises to prevent stiffening of the thoracic spine:

  1. lie on your side on the concave side of the scoliosis and pull your knees up to your chin (the so-called embryonic position); then you need to heat your back with a hot water bottle or paraffin;
  2. you should lie down on your back and repeat “half-rolls” backwards with your knees straightened 50-100 times a day.

3. Exercises to prevent contracture of soft tissues on the concave side of the curvature of the spine:

  1. curvature of the thoracic spine: perform bends turning the torso as far as possible towards the concave curve; the exercise should be repeated up to 100 times a day, keeping the bend for about 5-10 seconds;
  2. curvature of the lumbar spine: perform bends turning the torso as far as possible towards the convex curvature; the exercise can be performed even 100-200 times a day, also by maintaining the above position for about 5-10 seconds.

Examples of exercises that can be performed while sitting:

sit astride with your knees stretched out and your arms raised up, then:

  1. bend the torso towards the limb on the side of the lumbar curvature, then come back to straightening.
  2. bend your torso forward and straighten back,
  3. bend your torso toward the side of the thoracic curve, then straighten again.

The Vitolog posture corrector, available at a promotional price on Medonet Market, will help you maintain the correct body posture. For exercises for posture defects, you can use the Dynapad sensorimotor pillow, which strengthens the muscles of the spine.

Read also: Lateral curvature of the spine

There is currently no cure that can completely overcome scoliosis. There are, of course, very effective treatments, but they do not completely eliminate the problem. Scientists are trying to find the causes of different types of idiopathic scoliosis. This would lead to a better treatment or complete recovery.

Since the cause of idiopathic scoliosis is unknown, there is no known way to prevent it either. Doctors, however, suggest that performing certain exercises (for example, yoga, with movements that twist the spine) may contribute to the development of scoliosis. Gymnastic exercises (such as doing back bends), carrying a weight on one side of your body (like a backpack on one shoulder), and exercises on a trampoline are examples of ways to potentially worsen scoliosis.

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