Scolding is useless: how to wean a dog from gnawing furniture
“Behavioral problems are solvable if you deal with them. It is quite easy to disaccustom a dog to gnaw furniture; you will need to be patient and have enough time to spend with your pet. “
Reasons why a dog chews on furniture
1. She is lonely. How to entertain yourself if there is no owner or toys nearby? Just try how the table legs taste different from the chair legs, and how the wires crunch on the teeth.
2. She moves a little. Due to the lack of movement, the pet may well go to extreme measures and start spreading the apartment. Try to walk the dog longer, so that it runs around to its fullest.
3. There is no daily routine. It is needed not only by children, but also by animals. If there is no walking and feeding schedule, the dog will start to misbehave.
4. Stress. From discomfort and people sometimes gnaw pencils. What can we say about dogs.
5. Health problems. For example, parasites or gastrointestinal diseases. In summer, dogs chew grass to help themselves, and in winter they chew on your furniture.
6. Lack of vitamins. Just like children pick plaster off the walls when they lack calcium, dogs chew everything if their body lacks minerals or vitamins.
How to wean a dog from a bad habit
Scolding a pet for a misdemeanor is completely pointless. You can only do this if you catch him red-handed. In this case, strictly tell her “no!” and ignore all attempts to make peace – the dog must understand that he is guilty. But beating is not worth it in any case. You can disaccustom a dog to gnaw furniture like this.
Walk more often and more.
After the walk, feed the dog properly to relieve the dog’s anxiety.
Change dog toys in time so she is not tempted to grab onto the couch.
Establish a daily routine.
If all else fails, it is worth contacting your veterinarian to check if your dog has a micronutrient deficiency.